Chapter 598

"Hey, hey, what's my method like?" Put this group of people to clean up the clothes, Chu Han trot to Nangong Rui, proud of the invitation.

"Disgusting Nangongrui couldn't bear to look directly at him and urged: "ask the whereabouts of the car quickly, I'm going to vomit!"

Well! Chu Han awkwardly scratched his head. He was too excited to recover his internal power. He just seemed to play a little too well. He quickly put away the cheap smile on his face and asked these little gangsters seriously: "did you steal my black rain T1?"

The fat on pork's face shakes. In the face of Chu Han's powerful monster, he has no idea of resisting. He has to honestly answer: "yes, the car is at the door of my office, but, but!"

"But what?" Chu Han is angry. Heiyu T1 is his precious car. It can't be ruined by these people.

"Well, I don't like black, let people spray some color painting on it, ha ha!" Pork strong a bite, tell the truth.

"Painted?" Chu Han didn't know, so as long as the car wasn't broken, he said impatiently, "OK, I understand. Take me to see the car first!"

A few minutes later, pork Ninja stands up with pain and difficulty, takes Chu Han and Nangong Rui into the factory and comes to his office.

"Black rain T1, my baby!" Looking at the changed car, Chu Han was almost ready to cry. The original black car body was painted red, and there was a pig's head on both sides of the door, which looked like pork's face. This guy's hobby is really unique.

With can kill people's eyes ruthlessly stare pork strong one eye, Chu Han quietly asked Nangong Rui: "how much does it cost to change the color back?"

"It's nano paint, plus the cost of manual work, at least 100000 yuan!" Nangong Rui turned her eyes and quickly reported a number.

"One hundred thousand, one hundred thousand?" Pork strong face became extremely ugly: "is not a layer of car paint, in the town's four s shop at most a few hundred dollars to get it done!"

"What a mouth Chu Han coldly glanced at the other side, and was so scared that the fat on his body trembled, and some part of his body began to ache again. He said with a painful face: "don't be angry, great Xia. I'll take it all. In addition, if I give you another 100000 yuan for spiritual loss, you will forget the life of villains. Don't make it difficult for us again. If it's a big deal, I've been working for nothing in the past few months. Ah, what's my plan? I knew I would never steal a car! "

Since pork is so sincere, Chu Han is too lazy to scare him any more. He says directly, "well, I'll get the money on my card, and the car will fill me up with oil!" Said, reported the bank card number.

Pork strong immediately recruit, half an hour later everything is done, Chu Han and Nangong Rui leave the factory in black rain T1, pork strong and others are standing at the door of the collective line up to send off, the smile on the face than death.

After driving for another two hours, he comes to a four s shop. Chu Han first asks people to paint the car body black with the best paint. While waiting, he and Nangong Rui go to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

"You just let them go?" Nangong Rui seems to be surprised by Chu Han's generosity. After eating a few pieces of steak, she asks curiously.

"What else can we do? They've already made an apology. We can't kill them!" Chu Han gulped red wine, no explanation.

"Well, it seems that you still have some advantages. At least you won't lose yourself after gaining great wealth or ability like some people!" Nangong Rui takes a satisfied look at Chu Han and begins to praise him.

Chu Han was flattered and asked curiously, "how, are there many people like me?"

Nangong Rui nodded: "of course, for example, those who win the lottery or get some supernatural ability by accident will often lose themselves because of excessive expansion. Some will soon go bankrupt and return to poverty. Some will expose their secrets and be taken away by others!" When it comes to secret, she smiles at Chu Han with deep meaning.

Chu Han's scalp is numb. He quickly lowers his head and pretends to eat meat. His most secret is the taoyun watch, which disappears in the underground space of Pangu base. He must not hide Nangong Rui's sight. I don't know when they will ask.

"Nangongrui and I have been traveling to Africa these days. There is no signal there. I'm really sorry!" After dinner, Chu Han took out his mobile phone and sent a group text message to the people he knew.

Soon, Jiang Yuli's reply arrived: "didn't I remind you that the woman is very dangerous, how can you still run so far away from her? You didn't lose yourself, did you?"

Chu Han looked at Nangong Rui with an open mind, hid his mobile phone under the table and replied, "don't worry, I haven't reached the level of hunger and hunger!"

"Smelly boy, don't call me to travel abroad. I'll deal with you when I come back!" Master's message came back with a dynamic expression of anger. I don't know who taught him to send MMS when he was so old.

"Woof, woof!" Wheezing dog's news: "brother Chu, have you brought back African game? By the way, there are African hyenas. I heard they are very powerful. I want to compete with them!" A grinning expression.Chu Han: "come on, you are also an immortal. People are just wild animals. You can't fight well. Besides, it's a civilized society now. Don't fight and kill all day long. I'll help you to have a good taste of a female hyena some other day! "

Xiaotiangou: "Wangwang, thank you brother Chu, you are the best to me!" Color expression.

Nie Xiaoqian: "hooligan!"

Originally they were together, Chu Han asked: "Xiaoqian, how are you at home these days when I'm not here?"

Nie Xiaoqian: "everything is normal, that is, people eat instant noodles every day, they are a bit nauseous!"

"I've wronged you. I'll make you a full meal after I go back. By the way, why don't I go out to eat?" Chu Han feels a little strange. Isn't Nie Xiaoqian not afraid of sunshine!

"Don't mention it. There are a group of aunts outside. They dance square dance every day. I feel flustered as soon as I go out!"

"Square dance? You're not kidding. It's Longxiang garden. Don't other owners complain? "

"It doesn't work if you complain. It's the Secretary for Industry and commerce who takes the lead. Some owners take the initiative to deliver drinks!"

Chu Han: "well, if you insist on it for a few days, we can't move."

"What are you mumbling about?" Chu Han accidentally made a sound when typing. Nangong Rui was full, and she immediately asked.

Chu Han in front of a bright, Nangong Rui but "relevant departments" people, if you ask her to come out, things should be very easy to solve it?