Chapter 587

"Why is your job number so, er, 38?" Chu Han didn't answer the little boy's question directly. Instead, he was curious about his job number. He didn't believe it if it wasn't for the leader's intention.

A moment of silence, little boy: "want you to manage, hum!"

Chu Han: "well, your voice sounds less than five years old. Is it true that the company that produces taoyun watches is a black workshop and illegally employs child labor?"

"Well, I'm 800 years old, but I've just changed my eighth body recently and need to develop again!" The little boy was obviously not happy. He roared angrily.

"Eight, eight hundred years old?" Chu Han is shocked. The legendary Peng Zu has not lived for 800 years. A child laborer of the other party can live for so long. He is worthy of the civilization that can invent taoyun watch. He has subconsciously regarded the child as an alien.

"Well, yes, little friend, I don't have much energy. I'll ask you again if I want to go back to the factory for maintenance. If I don't answer for more than 30 seconds, I'll be off duty, gaga!" The little boy threatened with a smile.

"Don't, don't you, as a customer service, have never heard of the famous saying that customers are God! It took me a month to buy this watch. I'm a loyal customer of your factory. Can you ask me a question first Chu Han was afraid that the other party would hang up, so he quickly played the emotional card.

"Ah, young people now, ask quickly, I'm in a hurry!" The little boy sighed and urged impatiently.

"Cough, my question is, do you need to pay the maintenance fee?" Chu Han cleared his throat and asked the question he was most concerned about. He said that the after-sales service of this kind of adverse product must not be cheap. Maybe it is necessary to use the appearance currency. Where can he find it.

"That's the question?" The little boy became more and more impatient, and even a little despised.

"Mm-hmm!" Chu Han didn't dare to make the other party angry. He said with a smile: "ha ha, compared with you, I'm a poor silk hanger with backward civilization. If the maintenance fee is too expensive, I can't even bring it out. Please forgive me!"

After a moment's silence, the voice of the little boy rang out again: "well, I'll help you put it on first, and then give me 10 points of electricity every day. All in all, I'll calculate it later."

According to the sound of the calculator, it lasted for half a minute before the little boy snapped his fingers. "The result came out. It's 36584 years in total. I've transformed it into your time and space, and I've taken special care of you. Ruinian is calculated according to 365 days, which saves you a lot of money."

I'll go! Chu Han was about to curse the street. Did the old man press a few zeros more? I just went back to the factory to repair it once. I didn't want to buy a new watch. I asked him to pay back the 30000 year loan. Can I live that long?

Forget it, leave him alone! Chu Han has no other way to repair his watch. Even if he is likely to be blackmailed, he can only admit it. Who can make people's civilization level ahead of the earth? I don't know how many billion years. This is the gap of scientific and technological strength.

"Well, I agree. Let's fix it." At the time of saying this, Chu Han's face had become more ugly than his dead mother.

"Hey, hey!" After a burst of smirk, the little boy was serious: "well, Dear customer, please take down the watch and throw it in the air. I will start the back door of the system and take it back to the factory!"

Chu Han does as he says. He takes off his watch and throws it out. After flying half a meter away, taoyun's watch suddenly disappears with a bang. At the same time, there is no sound of a child in his mind. It seems that the time and space signal is completely broken.

Lying back on the bed, Chu Han suddenly changed his face, looked at the medical robot beside him, and asked warily, "didn't you see my action just now?"

After a while, the animated face on the mask showed up: "excuse me, what were you talking about?"

Chu Han's eyes turned, and he didn't understand where this thing was advanced. The intelligent system was so rigid, but it just saved him a lot of effort. Otherwise, in order to keep the secret of taoyun watch, he had to find a way to remove it.

"Cough, I'm thirsty. Can I have another fruit?" Now that they are all awakened, I'd better ask for something. The provincial strange old man and Nangong Rui think more.

"Yes, just a moment, please!" The animated face on the mask of the medical robot turns into a smiling face. After a response, it turns into a dark mask, which seems to pay attention to saving energy.

Soon, a fruit was handed over. Chu Han was lying on the bed eating it. Unexpectedly, after taking two mouthfuls, he felt a burst of dry mouth. It seemed that he was even worse than before.

felt as like as two peas in the body, and he was almost burned out. Chu Han was so painfully stripped off his jacket that he stopped the action of the robot feeding the robot. He stared at the fruit on the table for a long time, and it was exactly the same as the original one. After eating it, he did not counteract the fire, but it became hotter and hotter.

"Quick, quick contact strange old man and Nangong Rui, I can't do it!" In a few seconds, Chu Han was sweating and felt that every cell in his body was burning. He was worried that if he went on like this, he would explode spontaneously. He grabbed the hand of the medical robot and cried out.Zizizi! A sound of electricity, strange old man online, Chu Han reluctantly blinked his eyes, didn't see Nangong Rui, feel a little disappointed, don't know if he can survive until tomorrow, if before dying even a beautiful woman can't see, think still quite wronged.

The strange old man manipulated the hand of the medical robot, stretched out a finger, a needle came out of the fingertip, and stuck it into Chu Han's wrist. After a stab, a drop of blood was pumped out.

Whoo! All of a sudden, the tip of the finger burned, and in the blink of an eye, it became a mass of scorch. Chu Han was stunned. The strange old man also changed his face: "what's the matter, your fire poison has become so powerful?"

Chu Han struggled to take off his trousers, leaving only a pair of underpants all over him. He was still hot and sweating: "don't talk nonsense, find a way quickly, and I'll be dead if it goes on like this!"

The strange old man pondered for a moment, and finally clenched his teeth: "well, I'll help you open the secret door. You go out to get some air first. Be careful not to leave the base too far!"

Chu Han didn't know why. The medical robot had already come to a corner and didn't see any action. A small gap opened in the front wall. It was dark outside and a cool wind came in.