Chapter 226

With Chu Han, the beginning of the 50 million sky high price, the auction atmosphere of the venue was instantly ignited. Compared with the night pearl, some of the next things seemed too insignificant. They were just small things, bottles and cans, and most of the prices fluctuated between one million and five million.

Thirty minutes later, and the strange thing is that the first thing in the opening has been the fifth one. No one has ever bid for the VIP seats. The crazy ones are those who bid for the ordinary seats.

"The next one is a little special!"

With Mr. Wang's words, many people's eyes were attracted to the stage, because there were two staff members of Longbao Pavilion moving a stone up there. Looking at the volume, the stone was not too big, but it was worth mentioning that the stone was different from ordinary stone, and it looked a little special.

"It's a piece of rough stone. The base price is 200000 yuan. The price increase should not be less than 100000 yuan each time. The auction starts!"


On this stone, Mr. Wang didn't spend too much time explaining it. Instead, he was speaking at a very fast speed. No one cared about it. Mr. Wang was so dismissive. What good thing could it be? Hundreds of thousands to buy a garbage rubble? Take it back, even if you can get green, it's just a loss business, because you know it's not so good just by looking at the quality.

Many of the guests who came to the auction today are experts in this field, so we can see the real situation of this stone at a glance.

"Two hundred thousand!"

After Mr. Wang's words, someone called the reserve price. Surprisingly, there was no one to increase the price, because they either didn't understand it or could understand it, so no one meant to do it.


Chu Han in the VIP banquet stares at this stone for a long time. He knows something about the so-called rough stone, which is similar to the original stone. It's used to mine jadeite and other things. If he's lucky, he can get rich overnight. If he's not lucky, he can lose his fortune overnight. This kind of thing typically depends on his eyesight and luck.

"Uncle Dong! What do you think of this thing? "

For Chu Han, Dong Wensheng is always an old hand. It's no harm to consult more.

"Whoever buys will cry!"

Dong Wensheng pointed to the stone on the stage and explained, "look at the quality of the original stone. It's a piece of waste rock. I don't know how to auction it."

"Is the jade in the stone?"

Chu Han stared at the stone and murmured, "well, if you're lucky, you'll be able to open a little bit, but you'll have to go!"

At this point, Chu Han is a little excited. In this case, why don't you try the thousand mile eye of Hulu King Kong? It seems to have the function of perspective. Maybe you can see the situation inside directly?

Thinking, Chu Han rushed into the discussion group.

Chu Han: is Hulu King Kong there?

Jason: what? I didn't get enough trouble last time. Why do you want to call me?

Chu Han: it's none of your business. If anyone sees him, please let him know.

Hulu Little King Kong: what's the matter?

Chu Han: lend me your Qianli eye!

Hulu Little King Kong, good!

Seeing that little Vajra is so cheerful, Chu Han feels a little square. It's not like little Vajra's temper. Last time, he was full of violent temper. How can he talk so well today?

Hulu Little King Kong: I can give it to you, but also like last time, buy me milk powder!


Seeing the news, Chu Han found that everyone seems to be addicted to it. No matter they drink or use something, as long as they use it for the first time, they will still want it for the next few times. The gourd King Kong in front of them is probably tasting the taste of milk powder.

Chu Han: no problem. Get it for me quickly. I'll get two barrels for you after I'm busy!

"Ding Dong ~ ~ Hulu Little King Kong, authorize Chu han to use Er Wa's ability for half an hour!"

Feeling the slight vibration of his watch, Chu Han, like the last time, found that his eyes became abnormal. He closed his eyes tightly and opened them immediately. With the experience of the last time, he was much more skilled this time, and the whole process was shortened to about three seconds.

Fortunately, the next Jiang Yu Li did not see him at this time, otherwise it may make Jiang Yu Li curious about his watch playing.

"Mr. 50 asked for 200000. Is there anything higher for 200000?"

At this time, Mr. Wang looked around and found that there was no one under the stage to bid any more, so he quickly went on: "twenty thousand times! Two hundred thousand times! Two hundred and three times! "

"Three hundred thousand!"

All of a sudden, Chu Han, who didn't speak all the time, raised his hand to bid. Fortunately, this thousand mile eye was used in time, otherwise he would have missed a hundred million. At this time, in his eyes, this piece of rubble was full of pearly white light, and the place of development accounted for two-thirds of this piece of rubble.

"Uncle Dong, if you want to produce jade inside, how much do you need to be able to avoid losing money?"

"As far as I know, it should be at least half the size of a fist, and the quality should be a little better."“……”

Chu Han is speechless, half fist returns this, that he sees of this must have how many fists?

At the moment when Qianliyan was used, the essence of the rough stone was exposed to Chu Han's eyes, including the size of the jade inside. However, Chu Han didn't know the variety of the jade, so he couldn't be sure about the quality of the jade inside. He was able to be sure about the anti Zhengda.

"The guests in VIP seat No.5 ask for 300000. Is there a higher price for 300000?"

Hearing Wang Lao's words, many people look at Chu Han with the same look as sb. This is typical cannon fodder. No one wants anything. He even pours on it. It's fair to say that the former night pearl has collection value, but now it's just a waste stone, which he can follow. He really doesn't want to be admired.

"What for?"

Chu Han looked at Dong Wensheng and found that Dong Wensheng put his hand on his forehead and kept touching: "strange, you don't have a fever, how can it be like this?"

"You have a fever!"

Chu Han says something to Dong Wensheng, but he doesn't say it. After the auction, he asks Wang Tianxiang to take him to open the stone. By then, Dong Wensheng regrets that it's too late.

"Thirty times! Three hundred thousand twice! Three hundred and thirty-three times! "


Congratulations, the guest of No.5 VIP seat, with the price of 300000, successfully took this piece of rubble!

Chu Han stood up and nodded to some people. He only heard a burst of applause. He didn't need to know that they were clapping for their courage. It was stupid of them to dare to clap this rock.

"Brother, it's amazing. Three hundred thousand to buy a piece of waste stone!" Zhang Yifan also teases Chu Han, but he is stared back by Jiang Yuli: "you don't speak, no one thinks you are dumb!"