Chapter 196

"I didn't!"

The girl said aloud, Chu Han frowned, when others blind? Your waist is bulging. Even if you didn't steal it, people already think you stole it.

"What's that around your waist?"

"You're in charge of this?"

The girl's hand pressed down on her waist, as if to guard against Chu Han's hands on her!

"Do you hear me, do you hear me?"

Hearing the girl's words, the security guard immediately pointed at her: "if you steal something, you dare to sophistry. If you don't open your clothes and take out the stolen goods, she won't admit it!"

"You don't talk, no one treats you as dumb!"

Chu Han takes a vicious look at the security guard. There are many people. When he yells at him, even other customers of the camp station gather around to see what happened. It has a great influence on the girl next to him.

"I said," what's the matter? Why steal? "

See Chu Han so protect this female student, the security guard immediately is not happy to rise to rely on: "you and she can't be for a while?"

"Who's with her?"

"Then why are you protecting her like that?"

"You care about me?"

Chu Han replied to the security guard. The girl beside him looked like she was curious about Chu Han. They didn't know each other at all. How could he help himself?

"Well, look at your poor clothes, you must be one of them!"

The security guard yelled and immediately took the walkie talkie and yelled: "the third camp reception station caught a thief and found a suspicious person who was similar to his accomplice. Come here quickly!"

In less than a minute, more than ten security guards rushed over and completely blocked the surrounding area.

"Is it possible to make such a big noise?"

Seeing the supermarket security guard with an electric baton in his hand, Chu Han can't help feeling that these people are too strong. He just defines them without asking clearly, which is just immoral.

"You care about me?"

The security guard also returned Chu Han's original words, and then said, "neither of you want to leave, just wait for the police to come!"

"Didn't you steal it?"

At this time, Chu Han looks at the girl again and asks her in a low voice. She shakes her head, but her eyes are full of panic. This makes Chu Han a little confused. Did she really steal it?

"Whether she steals it or not, even if she steals it, I'll pay for it. Is that ok?"

After weighing it over and over again, Chu Han decides to help her. Although he doesn't know why he stole it, he is still pitiful.

"You pay for her?"

When they heard Chu Han's words, the security guard and others were surprised. Many people looked at Chu Han with admiration in their eyes, but at the same time, some people let out a look of disdain, because in their eyes, Chu Han and the woman were together. They had to pay when they saw that the police were coming.


Chu Han said, turned to the girl and stretched out his hand: "give me something, I'll buy it for you!"

For a moment, Chu Han was a little embarrassed, just because the girl was not moved, her eyes were a little dull, because she never thought that someone would help her, and once she handed it over in front of so many people, she would be finished, because it was really stolen.

"Don't worry, give it to me!"

Chu Han tried his best to persuade the girls. They were in a standoff for about two or three minutes. The onlookers were worried, and the security guards were also worried. They immediately came up to the two security guards and reached out to pull the girls.

"If you don't want to, just follow us to the public security bureau!"


Girl exclaimed, actively ran behind Chu Han, in Chu Han's left shoulder after the head, look flustered looking at these security.

"Kuang Dang ~ ~"

a sudden sound attracted many people's attention!

Looking in the direction of the sound, you can just see a bucket of instant noodles rolling on the ground, and the place where the instant noodles fall is just inside the girl's windbreaker.

"It's over!"

Lei Qing'er stares at the instant noodles on the ground, and his eyes are full of panic. He didn't expect that when he ran over just now, he accidentally dropped the instant noodles hidden in the windbreaker.

Instinctively, Lei Qing'er bent over to pick up the instant noodles, but one hand took the lead and picked them up in front of her.

"Look, it's really a thief!"

Seeing this scene, the security guards immediately cried out. Even the girls at the camp station staring at Lei Qing'er's eyes changed from sympathy to contempt. Unexpectedly, the girl of the same age was really a thief!

Hearing that, Lei Qing'er blushes and lowers her head. The nearest security guard also enlarges her courage. Now that the authentication material evidence is there, it's reasonable to catch her!

"What do you want?"

Chu Han takes the lead to protect the girl. Since he decides to help, it's impossible for them to move the girl. After all, who hasn't been in trouble? Judging from the things stolen, the girl should not be the kind of professional thief. Which professional thief would steal a bucket of instant noodles in such a crowded place in the supermarket?"Get out of the way!"

Security impolitely pointed to Chu Han: "if you continue to stop us, we will catch you together!"

"I tell you, this is an insult to God!"

"An insult to God?"

Many people look at Chu Han with the same look as a fool. How can this good thing be related to God?

"As the saying goes, the customer is God, and when she comes to buy things in your shop, you treat people like that!"

"Shopping?" The security guard pointed to Lei Qing'er beside Chu Han and said, "do you think I'm blind? Do you buy things like that? Hiding things in one's own clothes, you can't even close the camp. You just want to run out? "

"You're stupid to say you're stupid!"

All of a sudden, Chu Han looked at the security guard and said, "we are just testing the security ability of your supermarket. Otherwise, if you want to steal something, you will steal something expensive. Who will steal it?"

Yang Yang hands this pass of instant noodles, immediately dropped to the camp platform: "the end of the matter, check out!"

The camper of No.3 camp Station didn't respond for a long time. Not only she didn't respond, but also other people didn't respond. According to this person, is this woman right?

"You're trying to be reasonable!"

"Well, let's call the police. Anyway, I want to pay for things. If you are in a hurry, I can cooperate with you!"

Chu Han takes out the money from his wallet to pay, and then looks at the security guard with a face of provocation. Suddenly, no one talks. Now it seems that a bucket of instant noodles is really not worth much money, and people don't give money. Even if they really call the police, they will be taken away at most to criticize their behavior. On the contrary, they seem stingy.

"If it's all right, that's it!"

See a group of security silent, Chu Han took the initiative to pull the girl's hand, straight out of the supermarket, leaving the whole silly audience, this person's eloquence is also too good?