Chapter 174

"What's your name? It's not you who got kicked! "

Du Zitong turned his head, raised his hand and slapped him on the forehead. The next second, the man swung his left hand over. His wrist was bent, which was more like being twisted by force. As for the knife in his hand, it fell to the ground and nobody cared about it.

"How did you do that?"

"I feel twisted!" The man said while crying, don't mention him, even Chu Han looked at all pain.

"I'm more ruthless than myself!"

Chu Han helplessly looks at Nie Xiaoqian beside him, but Nie Xiaoqian has no time to manage him, and directly helps Liu Qingqing to untie him. Du Zitong's eyes are widened, and it seems that he has seen something extraordinary.

Seeing the rope around Liu Qingqing's body, Chu Han felt helpless when he touched his forehead. Nie Xiaoqian was also too impatient. No matter whether someone was there, she started directly? You know, what people see now is that the rope flies up and loosens itself, not that she is holding it.



The man who twisted his hand yelled, and immediately ran to Chu Han. Chu Han's body tilted away from him, and the others didn't recover. They saw that the sealing glue was torn from Liu Qingqing's mouth.

"There's a ghost!"

No matter whether Chu Han is here or not, other people run to this side directly. Chu Han doesn't have the heart to deal with these people now, because being scared by Nie Xiaoqian is miserable enough. It's estimated that he won't be able to sleep for several days. As for Du Zitong, he feels obliged to talk to him alone.

"You are too timid to be a ghost."

Du Zitong said and walked to those who ran away. His feet even trembled. Chu Han had a good view of this little action.

"Wait, where do you want to go?"

Raise hand to stop Du Zitong, Chu Han looks at him with a smile: "it's a bit impolite to call me to leave so soon, isn't it?"

"Chu Han, don't stop me!"

Stopped by Chu Han, Du Zitong seems to be a little calm, but he turns to look at Liu Qingqing's direction from time to time.

"Don't stop you? Do you think it's possible? "

Suddenly, Du Zitong took out a pistol from his back. It looked like a real gun. Chu Han was stunned on the spot. Did Du Zitong carry a gun?

On second thought, with his life experience and so much money, it's not difficult for people to get money. It's just that he has a gun. Why didn't he take it out earlier?

"Get out of the way!"

Du Zitong seems very excited, looking back at Liu Qingqing's hanging rope.

Suddenly, the rope immediately fell on the ground, Nie Xiaoqian slowly came over, but Du Zitong did not see it, but continued to point a gun at Chu Han: "get out of the way

"Click ~ ~"

as Du Zitong's words came out, Chu Han saw Nie Xiaoqian point to Du Zitong's gun with her finger. The next second, the pistol broke up into a pile of small parts. So far, Chu Han found out that it was a simulation gun, not a real gun. But even so, if he was shot at close range, something would happen.

"Ah, brother Han, please let me go!" Up

Du Zitong suddenly kneels down. He knows that it's useless for him to fight against Chu Han, because Chu Han's strength he has seen with his own eyes. He thought that this simulated gun could deter him, but somehow it broke down. Doesn't it prove that there is a ghost in the factory? And this ghost seems to be helping Chu Han?

The style of painting changes very quickly. The last second, Chu Han orders him to get out of the way. The next second, he kneels on the ground and calls for brother. The change is so big that Chu Han is unprepared.

"I can let you go, but I have to give you a long memory!"

Chu Han grabbed Du Zitong's collar and lifted him up. Then he asked Liu Qingqing, "Qingqing, did he do anything to you?"

"No, I was directly captured here and didn't move me!" Although Liu Qingqing's face was angry, he told Chu Han truthfully.

"You still have some leeway to do things. If you move her, it won't be so easy!"

Nie Xiaoqian squats down curiously, picks up the simulation gun parts on the ground and looks at them. The curtain falls in Du Zitong's eyes, which is even more amazing.

"Brother Han, please, let me out, let me out!"

"What do you call me?" Chu Han side ear asked a sentence, and Nie Xiaoqian took small parts to Chu Han's side, asked Chu Han: "what is this?"

Originally also hesitant Du Zitong, immediately happy mouth: "Dad, Dad, please let me out!"

"Ha ha, go away!"

Chu Han throws him out. This kind of person doesn't have a long memory if he doesn't teach him a lesson. He didn't have a long memory when he was beaten like that last time. This time, he dares to find his own trouble. If he dares, he can think about the future.

"Is it sister Xiaoqian?"

Now, because Nie Xiaoqian didn't let others see her, Liu Qingqing couldn't see her as much as Du Zitong, but she probably guessed that it was Nie Xiaoqian."Well, you worried Xiaoqian to death!" Chu Han looked at the curious Nie Xiaoqian and said to Liu Qingqing, "how did you get caught?"

"I took a shower first and asked Xiaoqian to do it. Then I was playing with my mobile phone in my bedroom. I heard a stereo in the living room and thought it was someone knocking at the door. I went to open the door. But when I got to the door, the door suddenly opened and a group of people rushed in and grabbed me directly!"

At that time, Liu Qingxian was surprised by his technique.

"Come on, let's go back first."

Chu Han embraces Liu Qingqing's shoulder, and they walk in front, while Nie Xiaoqian curiously looks at the machines around. When he comes out of the factory, Chu Han just sees Du Zitong's yellow Ferrari and drives by his own magic speed 305.

"I guess I was really scared!"

Chu Han shakes his head and takes someone to get on the bus. However, because he can only sit two people, Chu Han is embarrassed. Fortunately, Nie Xiaoqian can fly. Then Chu Han lets Nie Xiaoqian fly on the top of the car.

From time to time, Chu Han sticks his head out of the window to see how Nie Xiaoqian flies. It's almost the same as those movies he watched. She can't help but fly at will. It's very free, but her painting style is different. If she wears her ancient costume or Xu Fei gets up, she thinks she's shooting, but now she's dressed up in a modern way. If she's seen, she'll make headlines.

"Where are the monsters?"

All of a sudden, Chu Han seems to hear something. He looks into the mirror and finds a blue light in the air. When he reaches out to see it, he finds that the blue light actually binds Nie Xiaoqian.

"I wipe it?"

See this situation, Chu Han rushed to open the door, saw next to a garbage can, a ragged clothes, disheveled man in a posture, right index finger and middle finger close together, the blue light is from his hand, at this time he two hands tightly grasp the rope, the other hand is flustered from the pocket to take out some yellow paper.