Speaking of grain prices, Jiang Chen sighed.

"What's the matter? Why is the food price rising again?"

After Jiang Chen finished, the manager at the other end of the phone hurriedly reported the reasons for the rise in grain prices.

"Brother Chen, corn has been seriously affected this autumn.

Our main importers of corn are China, the United States and Canada.

Because of the severe disaster and the large population, the amount of food we import from China is less and less.

So our main importing countries have become the United States and Canada.

Now the population of the United States has decreased sharply, because the young labor force has been brought to our Saha area, so they harbor resentment.

So the United States and the United Nations began a crazy price rise. The original import price of rice was only 10 yuan, but now a kilogram has grown to 30.

If we want to sell at cost, our price must rise to 35.

This invisible time is 25 yuan a kilogram of rice. The price of rice, corn, wheat and all other grain crops has increased greatly. "

Regardless of the consequences of rising grain prices, Jiang Chen knows.

"What can you do now?"

When Jiang Chen finished, Guan hurried shook his head.

"I don't have any way now. Now, food prices in other parts of the world are going crazy, not just here.

In Africa and countries around the desert, now they have sold more than 50 and more than 60 kilograms of rice, which the common people can't bear. "

The price rise has spread all over the world. Because everyone's salary is relatively high, although it seems to be very high, many ordinary people can barely accept it.

Other countries and regions are different. Their wages were low, but now the rising prices are high. They really earn enough money to eat.

Moreover, the storm of grain price rise is a price hiker in the whole industry. Affected by grain prices, many food factories have closed down.

The closure of food factories has guaranteed a lot of quality, and the prices of bread and other products have risen rapidly.

This is a butterfly effect.

"Have you talked to the United States and Canada?"

The current population of the United States is less than half of the original, but because they have a good foundation, the remaining population perfectly controls the country's agriculture.

Coupled with the reduction of population, demand decreases.

Moreover, because many of their areas were less affected, the United States began its own crazy price increase to retaliate against Saha.

"Yes, they said that those grain traders are private enterprises. They set prices according to the market and they have no jurisdiction.

Brother Jiang, to put it bluntly, in fact, the United States is retaliating against us.

Now we seem to have become the leader of the world. All we do is really want the peaceful and stable development of all regions.

So they are unwilling. They raise prices and restrict the export of technology and copyright, which leads to price increases or targeted in many industries. "

Guan Jian is right. This is indeed the case in recent years.

Now the United States is not willing to be sanctioned by Jiang Chen, especially because there is no army and no military expenditure, which gives the United States a lot of breathing space.

So they concentrated all their efforts on the recovery and development of agriculture and economy.

Because they are originally an elite immigrant country, they have sufficient talents in all walks of life.

In addition, they have their own scientific and technological and agricultural foundation, and they are in a good situation, so the United States is speeding to complete the anti overtaking of the economy.

When the economy reached a certain level, the United States began to win over many countries with many of its scientific and technological monopolies.

So now they have a resurgence, and now the United States has the possibility of competing for hegemony.

Especially after the new president came to power, he proposed a rapid population development plan, which forced men and women of marriage age to marry.

If you start to raise taxes after you are over the legal age for marriage, they also encourage more children.

Many families with many children will get tax cuts and even don't have to pay taxes.

You know, the implementation of this policy is very difficult, because tax cuts will reduce their annual income by tens of billions.

They still owe hundreds of billions of compensation to the Saha region. After this tax is reduced, they have to add it back from other places.

The new president, Anders, used measures such as raising tariffs and food prices to pay off his debts.

Now ADEs wants to create chaos by constantly raising food prices, forcing the United Nations to pass his plan for the revitalization of the United States.

"I've talked to them. It's useless. Now the new president of the United States, Anders, has only one principle."

"What principle?"

"He asked us to pass the U.S. revitalization plan. As long as we pass the U.S. revitalization plan, he will reduce food prices."

Now the United States is not only in its own hands. Food prices, several of his loyal fans also control the world's food prices like him.

Although those countries have joined the United Nations, they are not united with the United Nations.

Just last year, they formed a new alliance with ADEs, which is called the Alliance for human rejuvenation.

Now its member countries of the Alliance for human renewal have grown to more than 30 countries.

All of these more than 30 countries are currently the most developed countries in the world.

"What is the revitalization plan for? Have they put forward any requirements?"

After Jiang Chen finished, Guan urged to sigh. If the plan is reasonable, the United Nations will pass it.

"They put forward a lot of requirements. It is impossible to pass the plan. Once we approve the plan, in less than 10 years, the United States will become our enemy again."

After Guan hurried finished, Jiang Chen became curious. What the hell does this adz want?

"Tell me about the plan."

After Jiang Chen finished, Guan urged Jiang Chen to read the revitalization plan handed over by the United States.

"OK, I'll tell brother Chen.

The first request they made was to allow the United States to restore military jurisdiction.

They asked to form their own troops and develop their own weapons.

It also calls for the withdrawal of all our soldiers and those of the United Nations stationed in various military bases in the United States and the return of these bases to them. "

Speaking of the first request, Jiang Chen shook his head.

"It certainly can't. They are a group of ambitious people.

If they return their military bases and allow them to develop their own armaments, then he will threaten world peace again! "

The scientific research strength of the United States can not be underestimated.

In order to completely cut off the US plan for hegemony, Jiang Chen deliberately evacuated their scientific research institutions, relocated their universities and destroyed many of their weapons research centers.

But as long as you give them a chance, they will definitely develop again.