Now Lao Jin is very rich, so he can't get 500 billion yuan alone, but the cold wave behind him will raise so much money.

Speaking of taking the money, Jiang Chen shook his head.

It is not a matter of money that the cold wave country can reach today.

Up to now, they have not realized the reason why Jiang Chen dealt with them.

Only when a person is truly aware of his mistakes can they be truly saved.

"Brother Jiang, I didn't ask to save the people of the whole country, which is unrealistic. Besides, I don't have such a good relationship with them.

I just want to save the people of Qi state. "

Lao Jin said that Jiang Chen knew that his troops were on their way to Qizhou.

"Tell me your reason."

"Brother Jiang, to be honest, Qizhou is my hometown.

The people there are very kind. It is an isolated island. They are different from the people in the cold wave mainland.

And the mayor of Qizhou is my classmate. I have been a classmate from childhood to university.

I know him very well. The people under his rule have absolutely no malice.

Today, my old classmate called me from afar. He wanted to ask me to intercede for him.

He is willing to surrender with the people of the whole Qi State, hoping that for the sake of these innocent people, how can Qi State be incorporated? "

After Lao Jin pleaded, Jiang Chen sighed.

His long cherished wish to the cold wave country is very deep, and the people of the cold wave country also hate him.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen to do such a thing as a farmer and a snake.

"You don't agree with me on this one.

I will accept their surrender. Do you know how much impact they will have on our Saha region if they turn back one day? "

Editing is never as simple as it literally looks.

Once incorporated, you must treat him like your compatriots.

You will allow him to come to Saha because you belong to the same country.

You will allow them to go to universities in the Saha region and work in the Saha region.

At the same time, people from the Saha region can also come to you.

After these exchanges, what if some ethnic elements, carrying explosives, mix into the Saha area and cause riots?

Therefore, in the matter of recruiting, Jiang Chen is more willing to recruit those ethnic minorities who have no home in the desert.

"Brother Jiang, I can guarantee that there will be no rioters in this place.

I am willing to guarantee Qi state with my life!

Also, we will drive all the militants to land.

We don't ask for anything, just to keep the kind people in our hometown.

Bad people will die wherever they like! "

Hearing that Lao Jin was willing to guarantee his hometown, Jiang Chen suddenly felt that he was a man.

Now that I am rich, I forget where I come from too many people.

And when their life is rich to a certain stage, many people will become selfish.

They can't delay their future or their future for other things.

Lao Jin raised his hand and swore. Jiang Chen thought of his hometown.

Even now he has built more than a dozen cities with more than ten million people, he often dreams of his hometown Wanjiang village in his dreams.

The most difficult thing to give up in one's life is the feeling of hometown.

"OK, Lao Jin, today I'll take Qizhou island in your face.

Now I can let the troops stationed outside Qizhou, and you can fly to Qizhou to talk to your old classmates.

I have only one request. You must ensure that the people who stay do not have any malice to our Saha area.

Of course, I will also ensure that they enjoy all equal treatment in the Saha region. "

When Jiang Chen finished, Lao Jin flopped and knelt on the ground.

"Thank you, brother Jiang. I thank brother Jiang for the folks in my hometown!"

"Don't thank me, go and do it quickly!"

After Lao Jin left, Jiang Chen began to think about his layout in the world.

As the saying goes, people without foresight must have immediate worries.

Jiang Chen also felt that it was time for him to develop overseas bases and territories.

"I'll talk to Langyi later!"

As we all know, all the land of Jiangchen is on land.

But now Jiang Chen has so many military bases overseas, and his business has been all over the world.

So he must have his own port.

It is impossible to have your own port.

As night fell, Jiang Chen made a phone call with Guan Jian.

After the phone was connected, Jiang Chen asked Guan to help him meet Langyi's president.

The old one is a country rich in oil. Langyi is no longer rich at the moment.

Because of the ravage of the Sahara desert, Langyi bears the brunt.

Today, nearly two-thirds of Langyi's land has become a desert.

Therefore, when Langyi received the invitation of the management promotion, the president of Langyi did not dare to neglect it.

In their eyes, Jiang Chen is the one who beats the super giants like Rosa and the United States at his feet.

In the early morning of the second day, President Lange arrived at the wooden house town by special plane.

In the meeting room of wooden house town, Jiang Chenzheng is thinking about the huge world map on the desktop.

"Dear Mr. Jiang, what can I do for you?"

It was not until Langyi's president Amiri walked into Jiang Chen's study that Jiang Chen reacted.

"Amiri, I'm sorry. I was thinking about something just now and didn't notice your arrival."

Jiang Chen helps Amiri sit down.

When Amiri sat down, he secretly glanced at the map on Jiang Chen's table.

The map is full of various symbols, especially near them. Jiang Chen also specially made a question mark.

"Brother Jiang, what can I do for you?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen drew a question mark in his own country, Amy was very afraid.

So his tone of voice changed.

"There is something. You are the first batch of countries to join the United Nations. We are all old brothers.

So I don't want to waste your time. Let's go straight to the topic! "

Jiang Chen said that and went to the map. He looked at Jiang Chen and picked up the pen. Amiri's legs were shaking.

"Brother Jiang, we always support you!

Our people have always regarded the Saha region as their best partner.

Even we have issued a law. Saha is our best friend. Anyone who dares to insult Saha will be sentenced! "

After Amiri finished, Jiang Chen scratched his head. It seems that this guy has misunderstood something.

"Amiri, don't you know who I am?

I'd rather lose myself than let my brother lose!

Today, I came to you because of the land. You know, the main problem perplexing the development of our desert oasis kingdom is the traffic problem.

We don't have our own harbor in the sea, so I called you today to discuss with you and exchange territory. "

As Jiang Chen spoke, he went to the map, and then drew a straight line directly south along Luz province of ahan, extending to the sea.