Leaving the meeting room, Jiang Chen felt ridiculous.

He also thinks he is too kind. He is a person deeply influenced by Chinese culture.

His philosophy is that people don't offend me and I don't offend.

If someone offends me, I will kill you when you really hit me.

"You can't do this in the future. People who are too kind will always be bullied by others."

Jiang Chen then drove straight to the north base.

According to Jiang Chen's calculation, it is still a problem for the Silver Bay fleet to attack southern cities directly.

He needs to solve many problems. First of all, if the carrier plane wants to ride through the desert, it must be refitted.

Because in the desert, ordinary fighters have no signal.

In addition, the endurance of their fighters does not support them to fight directly to the Saha region.

Therefore, they must have a fuel dispenser, and the fuel dispenser must also be modified.

After the Silver Bay fleet refits all its fighters, they will also face the problem of solving the right of flight over Pakistan.

Although Pakistan's air force is very poor, the modified fluorescent warship aircraft is absolutely incomparable with Pakistan's modern fighters.

Therefore, the main threat facing Jiang Chen now comes from the north.

After arriving at the northern air force base, the air force base has long been busy with ants on the hot pot.

"There are 20 fighters and 15 bombers flying from nuerdan military base. Stop it, stop it!"

Soon after the command room of the northern air force base issued the order, a fighter plane from the air force base flew into the blue sky.

"Inform Salman City, inform Salman City, Salman city is all raising the alarm!"

Soon after the notice from the northern air force base, Salman City raised the alarm.

When the alarm sounded over the vast grassland, the Rosa fighter from the northern desert had appeared in the radar in front of Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, this is their most advanced Su 39 fighter. Its endurance and speed are far above our SA 66 fighter!"

Looking at the fighter plane flying opposite, Luo Tiankui couldn't help but frown.

He never expected that the nurtan military base should have such advanced fighters. According to Luo Tiankui, such fighters have not been fully equipped with the air force of Rosa.

"Air defense missiles are ready to intercept!"

Jiang Chen finished saying that a missile on the northern plain aimed at the fighters flying in the sky.


Several missiles flew out of the ground covered by yellow sand. After the missiles flew towards the aircraft in the sky, a row of jamming bombs were fired by the fighters of Rosa soon.

A jamming bomb hit a missile in the Saha area. After a roar, the missile was scrapped.

"Continue to launch missiles!"

At Jiang Chen's command, several more missiles soon flew out.

The fighter in the sky soon crossed the area covered by the missile. The missile kept chasing behind. After a roar, a fighter was hit by the missile.

Fireworks exploded in the sky. The good time is not long. Several bombers have locked Jiang Chen's missile base under the desert.

Whoosh, the bomber threw out an armor piercing bullet.

After the armor piercing bullet landed, the earth seemed to be opened.

The missile hidden underground was destroyed in an instant.

The fighters of Rosa are very advanced, and because they are far away from the Saha region and there are grasslands in the north of the Saha region, their fighters have advanced electronic warfare systems.

Compared with the United States, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

"Anti aircraft gun preparation, anti aircraft gun preparation, launch!"

As soon as the order was given, an anti-aircraft gun was erected in the north of the grassland.

Antiaircraft guns hit shells in the sky like dense rain. When antiaircraft guns were fired underground, the planes in the sky were also very smart.

As soon as they pulled up, they soon pulled the fighter plane to a high altitude that could not be hit by high vehicle artillery.

Beyond the attack of anti-aircraft guns, the fighters protected the bombers towards Salman city.

Saman is the largest city in the north. It is a gathering place for heavy machinery and various high-end luxury goods.

If there is an attack here, the losses in the Saha area will be great.

"Fighter, why hasn't the fighter taken off yet?"

After Jiang Chen shouted anxiously, Luo Tiankui issued an order to the air force base.

"The fighter plane quickly takes off, and the fighter plane quickly takes off!"

The order was given here, and there was a reply from the air force base soon.

"Command center, command center, we have now assembled in Fanggang town.

We will intercept enemy fighters in Fanggang town! "

Luo Tiankui brought the map. The Fanggang town on the map is in the north of Salman city.

This is a small animal husbandry town. This is a grassland specially built by Wang pangzi. It supplies meat and fresh milk for the whole Salman city.

"Brother Jiang, this is the only way for nurdan to Saman. Our air force has practiced here countless times."

Luo Tiankui said, and Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Chen hopes to have a good result.

"Well, save Salman today anyway!"

Twenty minutes later, nurtan's air force had flown over the port town.

After a fighter plane roared in, a dozen planes soon roared in the other side of the grassland.

The air battle broke out over the town, and the residents of the town were scared and hurried into their houses.

The mayor of the town had to hurry and shouted with a loud horn that all residents should hide in the basement, not in the house.

The town is busy, as is Salman in this class.

Salman mayor Lao Jin has organized tens of millions of people to hide in the open area.

In addition, he organized everyone to hide in the basement and underground parking lot.

In the war room, Jiang Chen kept pacing.

Half an hour later, news came from the air force base.

"Command room, command room, the enemy has broken through the defense line and bombed the port town!"

"Have all the planes been killed?"

"It is still in battle. There are too many enemy planes. Bombers have carried out the first round of bombing of Fanggang town.

The command room requests to send medical personnel to Fanggang town for rescue! "

The houses in Fanggang town were not planted by Jiang Chen himself, so he couldn't help being bombed by air bombs.

"Brother Jiang, what shall we do now?"

Luo Tiankui looks at Jiang Chen, who is also hesitant.

Now send a rescue team to Fanggang town. Although it can save people, the enemy's plane hasn't left yet. The loss will be very heavy.

"Save people!"

After Jiang Chen said that, he drove to Fanggang town in person.

The bounden duty of soldiers is to protect the people. If soldiers in Saha can become the three most respected occupations in Saha, they have long been ready to sacrifice.

So soon after Luo Tiankui ordered, the Military Medical College sent soldiers to Fanggang town.

When Jiang Chen drove to Fanggang Town, tens of thousands of cars had poured out of Fanggang town.

They all ran out in cars for their lives, but as soon as they ran out, a plane chased them and shot them.

Jiang Chen knows that at the moment, he can only look at the enemy powerlessly, but Jiang Chen is not ready to sit idly by.

He took out his mobile phone and recorded the video of the fighters shooting ordinary innocent people in Rosa.

After recording the video, Jiang Chen * * uploaded it.

In just 10 minutes, the video entitled "fighters of the kingdom of Rosa shooting innocent people" had nearly 700 million * *.

Moreover, this news is still read by a large number of people from all over the world under the forwarding of several media in the world.