Money. When Jiang Chen had enough money, he never worried about money.

But now he felt that he was really short of money.

However, no matter how short of money, some things must be spent.

"Start building the airport. It's valid in two days. If you can't build the airport in two days, it's all invalid!"

Money is very important, but you can earn it when you spend it.

If the super seed given by the system is gone, it's really gone.

When it comes to building an airport, Jiang Chen has planned two airports in the Saha region.

But now that we can plant airports, Jiang Chen will certainly not build just two airports.

At least 3 airports in Saha area!

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen drove straight to the southern global financial town.

Rushed to the financial town and looked at the huge airport reserved outside the town, Jiang Chen couldn't help nodding.

Sure enough, he is still very far sighted.

"Start planting!

The southern airport will be built in the morning, the northern airport will be met in the afternoon, and the Western Airport will be built on the last day of tomorrow. The schedule is so busy! "

Jiang Chen then clicked on the desert heavy land system, and then clicked on one button planting.

After selecting the position from the system, a light flashes out, which will soon become a large area of land in front of us, and it begins to rumble in an instant.

With the rumble of the earth, soon buildings began to rise in front of Jiang Chen.

The airport is very big. Half an hour later, a super airport covering an area of nearly 50 square kilometers was completed.

Looking at the huge super airport in front of him, Jiang Chen was silly.

In the past, he thought that Shangjing airport was big enough. He never thought that his southern airport was two bigger than the funeral airport.

Entering the airport, although it is an ordinary airport of the interstellar Federation, his poetry and advanced are far more than all expectations of Jiang Chen.

All roads are made of super cement, including houses, electric poles and so on, all of which are interstellar materials.

You can't bomb him with these materials.

Its security is higher than that of the central bank's vault.

In addition, the tall airport building is divided into 17 floors, and there are nearly 20 airport buildings alone.

Where there is an airport here, it is a small city.

The high airport is like an octopus distributed over more than 60 square kilometers.

Each of its tentacles is an exit, and the airport Lou is extremely advanced.

Walking into the airport building, you will be surprised to find that subways extend in different directions.

In addition, there are bus exits, taxi exits and helicopter platforms on the roof.

Everything you can think of is here.

Jiang Chengang walked into the airport. Suddenly, there was a Ding Dong sound, and a dialog box popped up.

[system prompt]: it is detected that there is no subway system in the player's city. The airport can provide subway items for the host free of charge. Please buy them at your discretion.

The supporting measure of star airport is that its subway can lead to every city.

Jiang Chen was excited as soon as he saw that the subway could be built.

It can be said that cities in the south are not as good as those in the north. The main reason for cities in the north is that there are subways in urban agglomerations in the north, while there are no subways in urban agglomerations in the south.

Now if we can connect all the cities in the South with subways, and then build several subways from the oil city to the future city.

Then the cities in the South will definitely develop better!

"Buy it! No matter how much it costs!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen directly opened the subway purchase mileage and subway planning system.

A three-dimensional subway map appeared in front of Jiang Chen, who began to draw it by hand.

First of all, the global airport town needs a subway to every city in the south.

This is a necessity. In addition, Nanfang airport has to build another subway to the border between China and the United States.

Jiang Chen needs money now. There is only one way to quickly return the funds.

That is to build a city, build enough houses and sell them as quickly as possible

The money brought to her by a city is enough for him to build an airport, plus all the accessories and facilities of the airport.

"Well, we'll build another city at the border with China.

Now build a subway directly from Nanfang airport to the future city.

After all, the future city is the financial center in the north. It's very convenient for the people to connect the two political and financial centers. "

Jiang Chen then pulled another subway line from the airport town to the future city in the north.

There is also one reason why Jiang Chen built this subway line. He plans to build another city between the airport town and the future city.

At that time, the city will really become the central city in the north and south.

Not only that, after careful consideration, Jiang Chen has another subway line, which is nearly 100 miles south from Budo city.

This subway line will lead directly to the city controlled by the Afghan youth army.

After two years of development, Budo and malaka have become stronger and bigger.

This made the ahan youth army, who was disheartened by Rosa, more and more envious, so they said several times that they would join the Saha Federation as the ahan Federation.

Today, there are nearly 700000 Afghan youth army and the people they control.

Jiang Chen didn't want to accept them, but Jiang Chen rented a port in Pakistan.

The nearest route from Saha to the port is through the whole ahan state, and then to the boundary of baki state.

Now, nominally, all the land in the south of Pakistan is owned by the youth army.

Only by accepting them can he build roads on the land of the youth army.

Then transport their goods to the port area.

Therefore, when he has built the subway, he will accept the youth army in the name of the desert God.

At that time, with this road and the resources in all parts of Afghanistan, there will be enough to support 700000 people.

After planning the subway to the Youth City, Jiang Chen is planning the subway of every city in the south.

When all subway projects are planned, the system indicates that Jiangchen's consumption has reached 95 billion.

This is an astronomical figure.

But fortunately, this is only Hua Yuan, not Mi Yuan, otherwise Jiang Chen will really cry.

"Forget it, it's 95 billion yuan, not less than 5 billion yuan.

System, give me another discount and build me a subway to Pakistan! "

Now Jiangcheng is vigorously developing and investing in the construction of Pakistan, because Pakistan's geographical location is particularly good.

He is the nearest passage to the sea.

Therefore, Jiang Chen felt it necessary to build a subway on the border of Pakistan.

So he built another city at the border with Pakistan.

With this city, he can earn a good sum of money from investors in Pakistan, India, reading and other Southeast Asian countries.

Anyway, Jiang Chen is short of money now. As long as he can make money and better let the city of SAHA go to a higher level, Jiang Chen really doesn't mind building several more cities to sell.