If there is no place for grazing, it is simply an indirect declaration of the death penalty of the animal husbandry group.

Once the animal husbandry group with a strong capital chain fails, Wanjiang group will certainly be no better.

"Brother Jiang, we can't do without pasture!"

"Brother Jiang, you can't just promise Chen Jianzhou!"

"Don't worry, when did I hurt you?

Now the animal husbandry group controls the fresh milk market in the whole Saha region and most of China.

If there is not enough grassland as support, let alone marching into Pakistan and other countries.

You can't supply milk from China alone.

Your milk powder enterprise should face the world unless you fake milk powder.

Otherwise, your ranch will not be enough. "

After Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi looked at Jiang Chen angrily and said, "brother Chen, you know our market is big, and you gave our grassland to Chen Jianzhou.

Aren't you pushing us to death? "

"Fat Wang, what you said, I don't want to help you at all.

Do you know that Sahara has cooperated with China on the grassland project in the new province? "

Speaking of the grassland project in the new province, as a company focusing on the animal husbandry industry, who doesn't know?

"So what? Is that project yellow?"

"I'm your uncle!

Do you know how much money I invested there?

Well, I won't give you any more nonsense.

I'm going to give you all that grassland. What do you think? "

When Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi fell on his knees with a thump.

"Brother Chen, don't tease me!

I'll kneel down for you. As long as you give me that grassland, I'll promise you whatever you want me to do! "

Being able to make people like Wang pangzi kneel down is absolutely proof of the uniqueness of this grassland.

Indeed, this is indeed an unusual grassland.

Jiang Chen signed a new green province agreement with China.

The content of this agreement is that Jiang Chen will build hundreds of millions of mu of grassland in the desert West of new province to block the desert for China.

The plan will last 30 to 100 years.

At the beginning, Jiang Chen prepared to set up a special management company to build the grassland in the new province.

But setting up a company will be a very expensive thing.

Moreover, the grassland area of the new province is large enough to catch up with the whole Saha region.

How many people should be invited to manage such a large grassland to every corner?

This cost alone is definitely not affordable in the Saha region.

So when it comes to grassland, Jiang Chen suddenly comes up with an idea.

Why didn't he let Wang pangzi's animal husbandry group manage the grassland?

Because of the need of grazing, the animal husbandry group can turn all the grasslands in new province into pastures.

At that time, each pasture will manage a certain area, and he will no longer have to pay for someone to patrol the grassland.

And Wang pangzi can also use this super invincible grassland to push his fresh milk and milk powder business to another climax.

However, a large number of cattle and sheep raised on the grassland can also be sold all over the world through various channels.

At that time, fat Wang won't have to worry about the shortage of cattle and sheep.

"The grassland is granted to you, but I can say it in advance.

You only have the right to graze the grassland. You can't really control it.

Because of the particularity of grassland, you can only build animal husbandry groups and slaughterhouses here.

But you can't travel here, not even a scenic spot.

Also, after the grass seeds mature in autumn, all these seeds belong to the new provincial grass garden administration.

The main task of the grassland Greening Administration of the new province is to collect the seeds on the grassland, and then create more grasslands in the new province. "

"Does the grassland created belong to the grassland Administration Bureau or me?"

Wang pangzi said with a serious face, and Jiang Chen shook his head.

"All the grasslands in the new province, you only have the right to graze.

Of course, you also have the obligation to take care of the grassland.

Fat Wang, don't say I won't help you.

In less than 20 years, the grassland in the new province is larger than all the cities in the whole Saha Federation combined.

It's just the green lung of the desert, so whoever owns it will really have the future. "

"OK, then I'll give them back the grassland in the North!

Brother Chen, you suddenly treated me so well today. Did you suddenly find your conscience? "

"I found your sister! Fat Wang, I'm going to the depths of the desert.

I hope you can go to the depths of the desert like I did at the beginning. "

As soon as he said he would give up his glory and wealth and run to the depths of the desert, Wang pangzi shook his head in a hurry.

"No, no, no, brother Jiang, I still won't go."

"You were willing to go before. Why not now?"

"I have nothing. I go everywhere.

But now it's different. Brother Jiang, look, I have so many employees and so much money.

Why should I die in the depths of the desert? "

This is the world. We can be poor together.

But when everyone has money, it's impossible to live the poor life with you.

"Fat Wang, the desert needs us.

Look at me, you just have two groups.

How much do you think I have?

I am willing to go to the depths of the desert for the common people.

Why don't you fight with me for two bad money? "

Jiang Chen reasoned with fat Wang.

Jiang Chen must take Wang pangzi away.

Because if he dies in the desert, fat Wang will become the only privileged person in the Saha region.

Then fat king will become the king of the Saha desert.

Especially Wang pangzi, there are so many followers now.

"Brother Jiang, we are all doing so well now. Why go to the desert?

Shall we just guard the edge of the desert? "

No one wants to die if he can live.

"Fat Wang, I think you're smart.

Have you thought about it?

Will the Saha region remain so stable?

We can only eat food for two years. If we don't have new food after two years.

At that time, once China has cut off our food, what shall we do if we take in 200 million people?

Also, if we don't deal with the whole desert, we won't open the road to Europa.

Why can't we get through the food channel of Europe? Without the food of Europe, we will finish the Saha area sooner or later!

Wang pangzi, for the sake of our people and our next generation, we must also find a way to live in the desert! "

After Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi thought carefully. It seems that this is also the case.

On the surface, the current Saha area does look very strong.

But Wang Pang knows that the economic sanctions of the United States and the threat of Rosa have always been.

They must constantly expand their territory to attract population in order to make the Saha area truly safe.

In addition, the Sahara desert is the best proof of its strength.

If Saha can get through the desert of death, with this strength, several other countries will dare not provoke themselves.