At present, most of Budo's finance is borrowed from other cities or donated from other places.

It's really impossible for Budo to pay the travel and accommodation expenses of millions of people.

"You can borrow it from the Bank of SAHA first!

I'll allow you a gerbil to pay a management fee of one dollar later.

The management fee of this one dollar is definitely enough for you to stay and eat back and forth. "

When Jiang Chen finished, Williams agreed without thinking.

Don't underestimate the Commission of this one dollar. Now a child can catch hundreds of gerbils a day.

An adult can catch thousands of gerbils a day. That day, Chengdu is a thousand yuan.

"OK, when will brother Jiang want someone?"

"Wait for my news."

Jiang Chen hung up the phone after saying that. The problem of gerbil acquisition and human problem were solved perfectly. The next step is to talk about the price to Rosa.

Back in the conference room, a group of heads of state waited in a hurry.

"Come, come! How's it going? When can we send a rat catcher?"

"Send someone to us first. We'll pay a high price! We can't stand it!"

"If you can't hold it, can we hold it? So many gerbils are better than locusts, you know?"

After a group of leaders quarreled, Jiang Chen sighed.

It's rare that people almost fight to give themselves money these days!

"I'm really sorry!

I just said hello to the workers in Budo. None of them are willing to leave their hometown for other countries or cities.

In addition, I contacted the company that bought gerbils.

They said that because of limited funds, they only built factories in Budo city.

They can't go to your city to build factories and buy land. "

Jiang Chen said with some disappointment, and several gerbil battlefield leaders became anxious.

"Without money, we can provide free land for the factory, and we can build a factory for him free!"

"We also set up factories for free. As long as the workers who catch gerbils come to us, we provide them with subsidies for the minimum wage every day!"

When the rich Rosa state finished, the other two countries immediately frowned.

There are not many people willing to catch gerbils in Rosa because of its large land and few people.

But China is different from Pakistan.

China has a large population and a large number of poor people. Many of them even live the same life as the refugees in Budo.

"Come to our new province, and we can pick up all the workers for free.

In addition, we subsidize accommodation and meals. Once the problem of rats is really solved, we will award them a Hero Medal! "

When the person in charge of the new province said that, Jiang Chen shook his head. It was obvious that he was not interested in certificates and medals like China.

"I think our workers prefer to go to Rosa."

When Jiang Chen finished, the person in charge of Rosa became excited.

"Come on, we'll give them hero medals, too."

"Wait, we will carry out tax-free activities for your gerbil company, which is our biggest profit!"

After the Shangjing leader in charge of following up the desert problem said that, Jiang Chen pretended to hesitate.

If Wang pangzi were here at the moment, he would pinch Jiang Chen's neck and ask him to promise quickly.

Because tax exemption is so important, his gerbil Food Co., Ltd. has to pay taxes in millions a year.

Because his main customers are China and Southeast Asia.

In addition, his gerbil fur belongs to high-end luxury goods, and the tariffs on high-end luxury goods in various countries are the heaviest.

If the countries where these luxury goods are mainly sold can give him tax-free activities, it will be difficult for his gerbil fur to make money with the brand effect of xiangnai and the price of wages!

"President of Pakistan, what do you think?"

When Jiang Chen finished, the president of Pakistan shrugged his shoulders. Pakistan is not as rich as China and Rosa.

Most of the people in their country are middle-class families, and their country is also a developing country.

So they want to make all kinds of promises to Jiang Chen, but they can't do it!

"I can only do tax-free activities for you. In addition, if your factory is built in Pakistan, we will provide you with cheap labor and provide you with space free of charge."

The president of Pakistan said that Jiang Chen understood.

In Pakistan, he certainly doesn't want to use his own workers. He also wants to let his workers work for him and earn his own money.

"Forget it, just think I didn't say anything."

When it comes to cheap labor, there are tens of millions of people in Budo and millions of people in malaka.

How could he give these jobs to Pakistanis?

"Pudadi, if you also exempt our gerbil enterprise from tax, we can sign a cloud contract now."

Jiang Chen said, Pu Dadi nodded.

"No problem, we can sign the contract now!"

There is also a reason why Jiang Chen wants to cooperate with Rosa. Rosa is in the north, and their winter is quite cold.

All kinds of cold proof gerbils produced by Jiang Chen can be sold to Rosa. Therefore, this is the largest sales place of gerbil fur company.

"Let's start signing the contract. Like Rosa in new province, you didn't provide us with travel expenses and accommodation subsidies.

I'll provide you with a gerbil catcher.

You provide us with duty-free activities and provide us with gerbil factories free of charge. We distribute gerbil production companies to you.

We will always undertake the prevention and capture of gerbils in both places until all gerbils are caught! "

After Jiang Chensheng finished, the heads of the two places nodded, so a cloud contract signing activity began soon.

After the chairman of the sand Committee drafted the contract, Jiang Chen signed the cloud contract with the two countries in the presence of the member states of the sand Committee.

In addition, taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Chen signed a locust control activity with Abra.

After all the contracts were signed, Jiang Chen promised that they would immediately send workers and people from the gerbil company to take over the gerbil battlefield in new province and Rosa.

After the meeting, Jiang Chen also specially called Wang pangzi and Williams.

When calling Wang pangzi, Jiang Chen also deliberately blackmailed Wang pangzi for a sum of money on the tariff issue.

Of course, when calling Williams, Jiang Chen agreed to give Williams all the round-trip travel expenses and living subsidies of all workers.

The money will be used to build hospitals and schools in Budo.

At the same time, the money withdrawn from the workers will also be used for the treatment of all injured people in Budo.

As night falls, the future city lights up.

Jiang Chen is not in a hurry to go to Buduo city. He wants to enjoy the night without shell threat for a while.

It has been seven years since I came here. These seven years have turned a hairy boy into a calm and capable young man who is not afraid of everything.