There are many plans for Jiangchen in Nancheng district. The first is the scenic spot of Kani mountain.

Jiang Chen has planned three scenic spots relying on Kani mountain, and the first scenic spot is Nanshan scenic spot.

Nanshan scenic area is a high mountain scenic area centered on Nanshan, the second peak of Kani mountain.

The second scenic spot is the Xicheng forest Sea Scenic Spot built on the forest sea of Kani mountain near Xicheng.

Linhai scenic spot is characterized by a wide variety of forest trees. There are nearly 500 kinds of trees, including more than 1000 trees in a hundred years, which is definitely the most abundant forest area in the whole Kani mountains.

The third scenic spot is the junction of Kani mountain and sand sea. Jiang Chen plans to turn it into Xicheng Sand Mountain scenic spot.

Here, tourists can lie on the hillside and watch the sunrise and sunset in the desert, as well as the endless magnificent desert.

In addition to these three tourism bases in Nancheng District, Jiang Chen also planned Saha Academy of fine arts here.

Jiang Chen pays special attention to the cultivation and education of art.

A year ago, Jiang Chen planned the Saha Conservatory of music in the Saha cactus forest world scenic spot where the desert eye concert hall is located.

Relying on the desert eye Music Festival, spring and autumn Music Festival and various music festivals, Saha Conservatory of music has successfully become one of the most famous emerging conservatories in Southeast Asia.

Every year, the music masters who come here to perform will go to the Conservatory of music to give a speech, so this has greatly improved the global popularity of SAHA Conservatory of music.

Therefore, Jiang Chen plans to build a corresponding Academy of Fine Arts in Xicheng in the future.

Saha Academy of fine arts will be built next to the beautiful Nanshan scenic spot. At the same time, Jiangchen will build a super villa area around the Nanshan scenic spot.

In addition to the villa area, other places in the South District will focus on citizen accommodation, so the South District will be the most populous District in the five districts.

To this end, Jiang Chen also set up his planned Saha University of traditional Chinese medicine in the south district.

Saha University of traditional Chinese medicine, which is a university focusing on traditional Chinese medicine, is also the only University of traditional Chinese medicine in Saha.

After everything is planned, the future West City of Zaha will be just like it.

Apart from others, Saha rail transit group can definitely build itself into a trillion level super rail transit company.

In addition, the current E-sports is so hot that the e-sports city will definitely become a new gold absorption project.

In addition to the three scenic spots, there will be all the things that Xicheng should have in the future.

"Start construction now!"

Jiang Chen began to build from the main urban area, building the city first and building the road first.

Jiang Chen built the Third Ring Road in the main urban area. After the road is built, he will build the first ring road and the Second Ring Road business center based on the advantages of the road.

After the completion of the commercial center, Super office buildings will be built in the middle of the first and second ring roads and all other places.

After the completion of the office building, the construction of the parking lot is followed.

If a city does not have enough parking lots, its urban area will become the tomb of vehicles.

Therefore, Jiangchen has reserved many super parking spaces for Xicheng Central Economic Zone, all of which adopt the unique three-dimensional parking spaces of SAHA.

The maximum height of these parking spaces is nearly 100 floors. A super large parking space is expected to stop four or five thousand cars.

After the construction of the parking lot, it is followed by greening. The greening of the West City in the future will not be careless at all. After all, the last city built on the edge of the desert will be built this time.

So whether it's grass or all kinds of flowers and trees, Jiang Chen has finished it for him.

After building the Central Economic Zone, it is followed by the construction of other districts.

The construction of several other districts is also very simple, planting factories and residential buildings, building all kinds of roads.

The last is greening. After all the greening work is completed, a new city will appear in front of Jiang Chen.

Half a year has passed since the future West City was built.

In the past six months, Jiang Chen has been in Xicheng in the future in almost all aspects of food and accommodation.

Towards the end of summer, Jiang Chen directly built four roads to the future city from the future West City.

Then he built a road to Salman and mount Carney.

On the ground, the future West City will directly connect with the future city, Salman city and kaneshan city.

Underground, the subway in Xicheng will lead to every city in Saha in the future.

In the middle of summer, Jiang Chen established the future Xicheng municipal government, and the whole city began to enter the operation mode.

When summer is coming, Xicheng will start to attract immigrants all over the world in the future.

However, when recruiting immigrants, Jiang Chen encountered a marijuana annoyance.

Just as Jiang Chen was recruiting troops to enrich the future West City, the United States passed the Sakha regional sanctions bill proposed by western countries such as the United States and the cold wave countries.

The Act provides that the Sahara region is the seat of the illegal regime.

The United States also sent an e-mail to the future city where Jiang Chen is located, informing Jiang Chen, the leader of the Saha region, and Guan Jian to consciously give up illegal construction activities in the desert area.

Within 10 days of this notice, if Jacen does not give up illegal construction activities in desert areas, the United States will take military measures to sanction Jacen's illegal construction activities.

After receiving the notice, Guan hurried to find Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was speechless.

Are these people from the United States dogs from the cold wave country?

He is transforming the desert for all mankind. This is saving all mankind. How is this illegal?

What has the final say in the United States has the final say?

So Jiang Chen wants to have a live broadcast and talk to the sand sculptures in the United States!

In the global conference room of the future city, the United States issued sanctions against the Saha region, which attracted the attention of thousands of media around the world.

Therefore, when Jiang Chen released the live interview, nearly 500 global media were connected to the global conference room soon.

Of course, this live broadcast Jiang Chen will also face all the people and employees in Saha. At the moment, his people and employees are the most anxious group.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Chen, leader of Shah region. I received an email from the United States today.

Needless to say, everyone must know.

Here I request to connect with President George of the United States. I hope George will help me answer what is legal and what is illegal? "

Jiang Chen said that there had been no news from the United States. Instead, the media from all over the world were the happiest to ask.

German news: the collapse of the cold wave country's economy was caused by the Saha region, which is also the main reason why the cold wave country can report to the United States as an illegal area.

Will the emergence of the Saha region cause irreparable damage to the global economy?

Southeast Asia News: the United States pointed out that the Saha region has weapons of mass destruction, which will affect global security. Do you have anything to explain?