Chief: Afghanistan is also a country with a very long history, and their history is also worth learning from.

So I think it is not necessarily a bad thing to learn their history and let their history be passed down in Kerry City.

"You don't have to talk too much with me about language.

You just need to remember that the land under your feet has belonged to this nation since ancient times.

You came here as immigrants. You didn't come here to invade or subvert other people's culture!

The principle of our construction is to better help those who have lost their homes, retain their culture and traditions, and keep their civilization in the hands of our generation.

We learn Chinese because we want to unify the language. Only by unifying the language can we integrate all nationalities into one rope. "

If Jiang Chen comes here and forcibly promotes the Chinese language and forcibly wipes out the history and culture of those places, what is the difference between this and the obliteration of the history of the Indians by the United States and other powers?

The desert Jiang Chen wants to build is a harmonious and unified desert. It is a desert where people live in harmony with nature. People can't live in harmony with each other, let alone with nature?

Caterpillar: Yes! We must preserve their culture, or it will be aggression!

The grass is still green: aggression has never come to a good end. Only the contention of a hundred schools of thought can create new brilliance of culture! So, I support the anchor!

Keyboard man: anchor, put the price and immigration conditions directly! Those who want to immigrate will naturally immigrate. If you don't want to immigrate, they will also go to the cold wave country to be dogs.

Xiong Xiong: we like to be dogs in the cold wave country. The cold wave country is at least a stable and developed country. Sooner or later, the desert will be swallowed up. Then you will wait for your life savings to drift away!

Brother mouse: it's better to be treated as dog grass than to drink the northwest wind in the desert! Guys, you have to figure it out.

Dragon Siege: don't be fooled. You'll be cannon fodder when you go! A small desert area ran to ahan to break the wrist with world giants such as Rosa and the United States. Just think about it, you know you will die miserably.

Old locust tree: will you really fight with the United States? Saha's strength doesn't seem to be the same level as them

After a group of people questioned, Jiang Chen was silent for a long time.

"Whether there will be war depends on the attitude of the United States. If they don't find reasons to invade us, we won't fight.

However, if they find an excuse to bully us, we will accompany them to the end!

To deal with these aggressive dogs, I have only one word. Only when we reach out and knock off their dog teeth, will he be safe and let us live! "

After Jiang Chen finished, many people hesitated. After all, no one is eager for war.

War will turn everything into nothing.

But think carefully, which new country has not experienced war?

If you have not withstood the baptism of American and other powers, the world will not recognize you as an objective regime.

Only when you defeat them can you stand in the forest of the country.

Jiang Chen is already preparing for the war. He believes he will not lose. He will not lose whether it is a real sword or an economic war.

"I'm still saying that. I won't take the initiative to start a war. What I want is people's livelihood. What I want is to transform the desert so that more people can live a happy life.

However, I am not afraid of war. That is the purpose of our Saha region.

Therefore, you can come if you want, and you can't come if you don't want.

In addition, for those who are ready to live a happy life in the cold wave country, I tell you in advance that the car in the cold wave country is over.

The entertainment industry in the cold wave country is also over. This year, I can assure you that Xingxing group will completely degenerate into a non-profit mobile phone company.

So, what will the social welfare of your developed countries look like? "

Cat: well done! Let these proud cold wave dogs cry!

Crying: it's best to bring those licking dogs from the past!

Xiaohe: anchor, talk about the price! I've been waiting for a long time. By the way, I saw on the Internet that malaka city next to Kerry City also recruits immigrants. Does it matter to you?

Old man: the immigrants in the city of Malaya are really awesome! The lowest house price is 8900, and it won't look at the job opportunities. Look at the profile above, it is built with the Saha region.

Night in the grid: Yes, I saw it yesterday. I haven't seen the official news of SAHA area.

I consulted xiafuturetown yesterday. The Immigration Department of xiafuturetown said it had nothing to do with them. They are only responsible for Kerry City now.

Storm: I was also attracted. I heard that the educational resources there are all from Saha area, but they charge tuition fees, which are not cheap.

Gaishen: it's said that it's the medical service area of Pharmaceutical University. In the future, the Institute of Pharmaceutical University will set up branches. I don't know the specific situation.

A group of people spoke of the city of Malaya. Jiang Chen looked at his mobile phone. He had transferred the city of suck to the freedom army for nearly a month and a half.

"Malaka is not our wholly-owned City, they just have a cooperative relationship with us.

We have funded the Afghan free army, which is their city. Of course, many houses, scenic spots and municipal services in the city are under our jurisdiction.

However, I would like to state that malaka is a city where the free army recruits former immigrants covered by desert.

We are just the housing developer there. We are only responsible for selling the house, and we don't manage the others.

In addition, as for schools, we are all fee paying schools, and all fees are charged from kindergarten to university.

So, if you want to buy a house there, please remember that if anything happens, it has nothing to do with our Saha area.

In addition, the house price in Kerry City is very high, with a minimum of 1.8 square meters in the development zone and 2.5 square meters in Kerry district.

The free trade zone is 2.1 square meters, the Jingzhi zone is the most expensive, and the minimum is 4 square meters.

We in Saha can only guarantee your safety in Kerry, not in malaka. "

After Jiang Chen finished, the people in the live broadcasting room realized the difference between malaka city and Kerry City.

This difference is that Kerry City directly belongs to the future city area, while malaka city is a cooperative investment place.

Bird: Why did I hear the immigration bureau say that malaka enjoys all the rights in the Saha area?

Children in malaka can also be admitted to universities in various cities in Saha. Even residents of malaka can directly enter various cities in Saha by virtue of their ID cards?

Big turtle: that's what I promised! I know that Kerry City is no longer limited to academic qualifications. At that time, there will be many immigrants. Those of us who really don't have academic qualifications can only go to malaka city.

Unknown: most of those who choose to go to malaka are immigrants from the college entrance examination!

More than 10000 people will buy a house, and the children will study there for several years. At that time, they will be admitted to a university in the Saha region by virtue of their identity as Saha people.

Then the whole family will be transferred to the future city area by means of transferring their registered permanent residence from the University. When they buy a house at that time, they will be the people of the future city.

This is curve immigration!

Old monkey: just don't emigrate curvilinearly. At that time, I will go to a university in Saha with very few points. It's also easy to find a job back home.