If it were not for Jiang Chen's joining, the United States and Rosa might have withdrawn their troops from Afghanistan long ago.

After all, today's Afghanistan is no longer the center of Europe and Asia, and with the generation of deserts, they can't transport all kinds of energy to their own country.

Even if it can be transported, the cost of mining and transportation is already greater than what they absorb from other places.

"Lao Wang, from tomorrow on, organize the people to withdraw to new Kerry in an orderly manner.

I have built the city here at the subway entrance. You can discuss with the municipal government and drive here to report immediately. I'll introduce the city to you later! "

After the call, Lao Wang swallowed his mouth and asked, "brother Jiang, can the subway be used? I'm dying of thirst. Can you bring some water first?"

Lao Wang said, Jiang Chen is not calm. He has built a super great lake here. Does he still use all the way to transport water from sak city?

"The subway doesn't work, but bring all your guys who can hold water to pull the water!

From today on, the water supply in Kerry City is unlimited!

From today on, you can drink as much as you want. You can take a few baths a day if you want! "

When Jiang Chen finished, Lao Wang cried excitedly. He dared to think about this dreamy life only when he dreamed!

"Really? Brother Jiang, you really..."

"Don't be hypocritical, come quickly!"

Half an hour later, a large truck arrived in new Kerry.

After the truck arrived at the green city of Kerry, they seemed to suddenly come from the primitive society to the modern civilized society.

In just a few months, a desert flew to a city, which was a direct blow to a group of atheists!

"God, what only God can do!"

The desert is not a place where science can call wind and rain. The only one who can call wind and rain here is God!

When Mayor Wang and others wanted to kneel down and worship, Jiang Chen kicked them up.

"Lao Wang, look at the map quickly. I'm busy!"

Jiang Chen is numb. After all, he has done too many anti science things.

"Brother Jiang, you just..."

"Shut up, Ben doesn't accept worship.

Lao Wang, starting tomorrow, all the people will be transferred to Kerry district.

All enterprises in Kerry City are transferred to Kerry City Development Zone. In addition, you also seize the time to connect with iron and steel group according to my copy. "

Jiang Chen has finished writing the plan. As long as Lao Wang does it little by little according to his plan.

"Also, starting tomorrow, organize all idle workers to start building the wall of Kerry City.

The defense line of Kerry City wall must be completed within two years. I will provide you with large machinery. You should hurry up. "

After the night came, Jiang Chen took Lao Wang and others to visit half of Kerry new town. He didn't take them to other places.

Back in Kerry district again, Lao Wang's hands were shaking. He felt a little floating when he walked, and everything seemed to be in the cloud.

"Brother Jiang, it's great to move the new city here!

Finally, we don't have to pay any more money to ahan!

We also have so many lawns and buildings. In the future, we will never be inferior to Qingshan city! "

As soon as the young vice mayor patted the handrail and finished, Lao Wang finally woke up.

People are easy to dream when they are old, but as soon as they wake up, Lao Wang knows what to do.

"Brother Jiang, we have moved here. Are the refugees in the ahan country our people?"

After Lao Wang asked, Jiang Chen nodded and said, "yes! It's needless to say? Look, I've built all the schools for them.

Then they can study in Kerry like people in other cities. "

After Jiang Chen finished, Lao Wang scratched his head. He asked, "brother Jiang, our finance can't afford so many free education in colleges, universities and primary and secondary schools!"

After Lao Wang finished, Jiang Chen patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, you can absolutely!

Besides, one oil group is enough, not to mention you have so many factories! "

After Jiang Chen finished, Lao Wang pointed to the enterprise on the map and asked, "can't the tax be handed over to the future city?"

If the tax revenue of Kerry City is not handed over to the future city, let alone selling tap water and electricity, Lao Wang can ensure that Kerry City absolutely dominates the whole ahan and other regions!

"I'll give you border area privileges! All taxes will be 30% of the future city, 65% of you, and the rest will be given to the desert Construction Committee!"

After Jiang Chen finished, Lao Wang frowned with joy: "brother Jiang, 30% of the future city, 60% of Kerry City and 10% of the sand Committee!

There's another small problem. We've paid Kerry City tax to ahan for so many years. What if we all leave and the place can't be moved? "

In order to solve the problem of border refugees, the future city directly rented Kerry City for ten years.

I've paid all the money in the past ten years. Now if you ask others to refund, they won't refund you!

Speaking of Kerry's old city, Jiang Chen held his arm and thought.

Besides, after spending so much money, he must earn his capital back!

"Is there oil under Kerry?"

"Yes, but we don't have mining rights.

Brother Jiang, I've asked someone to explore. There's oil under our new Kerry City.

Instead of buying the oil exploitation right of Kerry City, we'd better dig the oil under our feet! "

After Lao Wang finished, Jiang Chen thought, and it was true.

However, he can never dig the oil under new Kerry.

There is something called strategic reserve, so when he can use other people's energy, he will never use his own energy.

"Yes! Kerry City is the most primitive desert. Isn't it a natural shooting place for war films with the characteristics of aeolian sand, earth walls, low houses and Afghanistan?"

"Brother Jiang means to build a film and television base?"

"That's right!"

As the saying goes, as long as it is not available elsewhere, it can be fully developed into a tourist attraction.

Jiang Chen was born in a tourist attraction. He was worried that there was only one doomsday city in Kerry City and malaka city. It was difficult for the scenic spot to attract enough tourists!

Now, turn Kerry old city directly into a natural desert old city film and television base, which can not only solve the problem of vacancy here, but also travel while making movies. It's refreshing to make money at that time!

"OK, just listen to brother Jiang!

Xiao Fang, you will be responsible for the transfer of immigrants later. Remember that everyone is not allowed to demolish houses when transferring!

If anyone destroys the houses and houses in the old city of Kerry, he won't be given a new house back! "

After Lao Wang finished, Xiao Fang nodded and said, "Mayor Wang, don't worry. Since you want to move to a new city, you have to live a new life.

You see how beautiful the houses here are. We've saved money on decoration. We'll never let them wear old clothes again.

So, I'll go back and send them two sets of clothes, their old clothes, old household appliances and everything intact in old Kerry! "