The construction of the refinery requires a lot of professional equipment, which Jiang Chen does not have.

Jiang Chen has only one task, that is to directly buy a mature oil refining company to help him refine oil.

Therefore, after Jiang Chen built the refinery, he drove away directly.

Leaving Shuangshan Canyon oil base, the last thing to be built is the lapis lazuli mine in the East.

Lapis lazuli mine also has nothing special to build, a small town, plus a preliminary raw stone processing base.

After construction, and then directly build a road to Kerry City.

After the construction of malaka City, spring has come.

The spring in the desert is still hot and dry. This spring, Jiang Chen is very busy because he has to build Kerry City before malaka city is really put into operation.

Kerry City in Jiangchen's mouth is no longer the Kerry City in a desert. After a winter's thinking, Jiangchen made an important decision.

This decision is to move Kerry City to Turkestan. Yes, directly to the subway entrance.

There are many reasons for making this decision. Jiang Chen's first consideration is safety.

Kerry City is in the territory of ahan. As soon as the lease term comes, what will these people do?

What about your own factory?

Therefore, the only safe way is to move Kerry City directly before the lease term.

Anyway, today's Kerry City is just a wasteland in the desert.

Another reason for moving Kerry City is that Jiangchen's huge underground transportation system can only reach the border.

But how can a city develop without strong transportation?

Therefore, directly move the city to the subway entrance, which will directly solve this problem.

Facing the wind and Sand River, Chen drove along malaka avenue to the old city of Kerry City. The old city is still dilapidated.

The life of the people here has not been changed in a trace. They are still short of water, food and various living materials.

Bypass the old city of Kerry and go on to the subway entrance.

Kerry City subway has been shut down. Jiang Chen has given an order in advance. At the moment, all the places at the subway entrance are empty.

"Yes, the speed of sak City Construction Group is really good!"

After Jiang Chen arrived at the subway entrance, the subway entrance had been flattened.

The desert storm in the distance has blown again, but the huge sand mountain can no longer afford to blow.

"Start construction!"

Kerry City is Jiangchen's frontier city, so Jiangchen's planning is particularly detailed.

New Kerry City is divided into four districts, and the northernmost district is called Jingzhi district.

Jingzhi district is named in memory of Ye Jingzhi, commander of the sack City Corps who died in the battle of Kerry City.

As the northern district close to Saha, Jingzhi district is the heart of the whole city of Kerry.

Because Jiang Chen has planned a super reservoir here, which is not so much a reservoir as a super lake.

At least Jiang Chen can guarantee that the great lake called Jingzhi lake is the largest lake in the whole future city area, and it is no inferior to the dog Lake in China.

All around Jingzhi lake will be built into grassland, and Jiang Chen named it Kerry City grassland.

In the future, this lake and this grassland will become one of the tourist scenic spots of Kerry City.

Next to Jingzhi lake and Kerry City grassland, Jiangchen will build Kerry City water group.

Kerry City Water Group will be responsible for transforming the water of Jingzhi lake into drinking water and transmitting it to the whole Kerry City and malaka city.

In addition to the water group, Jingzhi district will also build five super windmill power stations and seven comprehensive power stations.

The super windmill power station will be built in the south of the city, where the wind is most rampant.

After the power station is completed, Jiang Chen will establish Kerry City Power Company in Jingzhi district.

The Kerry City power company equipped with this standard can not only meet the power supply of Kerry City and malaka City, but also cover the whole ahan country and surrounding small countries in the future.

In addition to the power company, Jingzhi district will also be a university base.

Jiang Chen plans a comprehensive Kerry City University in Kerry City. This university is mainly to train the immigrants from Afghanistan.

In addition to Kerry City University, Jiang Chen will establish Kerry City University of technology, Kerry City University of technology and Kerry City University of mining and technology here.

Both Polytechnic University and Polytechnic University serve Kerry City Development Zone, and the University of mining and technology replaces malaka University of mining and technology at any time.

In addition to these ordinary colleges and universities, Jiang Chen also planned several military academies in Kerry City.

These military academies include Kerry City military university, Kerry City Air Force University and Kerry City Army University.

The main task of the military industry university is to design various weapons and military supplies suitable for fighting in the desert. The military industry university is managed by Kerry City military industry group.

Kerry City military industry group is also stationed in Jingzhi district. It is a group specializing in the production of all kinds of weapons and military products.

According to Jiang Chen's plan, all weapons of the Afghan free army and the malaka city defense force will be provided by the Kerry City military industry group.

Kerry City Air Force University is a university specialized in cultivating air force talents for Kerry City South Air Force base.

Of course, the University also has another role, that is to train combat pilots for the Afghan free army and southern desert countries.

Finally, Kerry City Army University is a comprehensive Army University.

The university trains commanders of various army services and combatants of armored forces.

In addition to training soldiers at the Kerry military base, they are also responsible for training the Afghan free army and other military organizations.

Jingzhi district is a semi military management district. It is not only because of many military academies, but also one of the three major military bases in Kerry City.

A mixed Division will be stationed here. This mixed city has various types of integrated combat forces such as artillery, air force and armored forces.

At the same time, because this is the grassland station of Kerry City, Kerry City Seed Group will also be established here.

Kerry City Seed Group is not under the management of SAHA seed group, but under the jurisdiction of Kerry City.

The reason why Jiang Chen did this was to let the seeds of Kerry City grassland be provided to malaka city and other areas of ahan to increase his income to feed those troops.

The rectangular Kerry City is the Kerry District in the middle, in addition to the Jingzhi District in the north.

Kerry district is the main urban area of Kerry City, where residential buildings and commercial streets are mainly built.

Residential buildings are provided to the people of old Kerry City. Of course, those people must not live all over.

Jiang Chen plans to turn Kerry into a big city with a population of at least 45 million, so he will open a new era of immigration to guard the border.

This is also the reason why he told everyone that there would be no restrictions on immigrant education when selling transit city houses live. Yes, this is the only place in Saha area without restrictions on Immigrant Education!