Lao Xia he is in charge of the whole future city. The future city is a prefecture level city. He is also in charge of Qingshan City, sak City, kaneshan city and Salman city.

In terms of the division of labor in managing cities, today's management promotion is the general housekeeper of all cities in the whole future city area.

Although Lao Xia is the deputy mayor of the future city, he has no jurisdiction over other cities. He is the deputy mayor in name, but in fact he is only the director of the future city.

Therefore, according to the level, he is at the same level as the mayor of Castle Peak city.

But the future city is a little higher than castle peak city, so he hung up the vice mayor of the whole region.

As the head of the future city, the total economic development of the future city can only be the same as that of sak city.

This is a headache for Lao Xia. In the future, there will be a large enterprise, and there will be no dominant communication company, power group and energy recycling group in Qingshan city.

Therefore, Lao Xia often makes money from Jiang Chen and focuses on the financial Internet. Now, with the slow increase of the population of the future city, the economic growth rate of the future city has far left sak behind.

Because sak city has the best medical treatment and medicine in the whole future city area, and it is also a famous rich people's settlement and tourism base.

Therefore, in terms of the total output value of the city, the future city will still be much worse than sak city.

After solving the security problem of the people in the future city, the next things will be very easy to do. Everything is waiting for tomorrow's execution.

At the thought of execution, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of a good way to make money.

So before night fell, Jiang Chen Ran to the official website maintenance center in sak city to do something.

Sleepless all night, this is really sleepless, because everyone is preparing for tomorrow's execution.

After dawn, at 9 a.m., the last half-hour countdown to the execution began. At this time, the official website of sak City prison welcomed the first explosive growth of tourists * *.

Fortunately, the network Department of sak City upgraded the website more than a dozen times overnight, otherwise it really can't bear it!

At ten o'clock, when the winter sun is the strongest, the cutting activity begins!

At the end of the countdown, hundreds of millions of people were waiting to watch the official website of sak City prison.

"Welcome to the live broadcast of human traffickers in sak City prison!

This live broadcast friendly tips, by scanning the QR code below the traffickers, donations can increase the number of knives of traffickers.

The cash donated by scanning code will establish the special fund for finding lost children in sak city.

The foundation will cooperate with the National Federation for finding lost children to find children for families with lost children free of charge! "

This unexpected advertisement burst the whole message circle in an instant.

Little bear Neville: I wipe it. Is there such an operation?

Casual Vernacular: do you think we should donate or not? Jiang Chen just dried it. Do you want to bleed now?

Ni Fang: I can't control my hands! Forget it, donate less and give me 200 yuan!

Caterpillar's life: you have to donate less. I suggest everyone donate one or two hundred yuan! At least don't let those traffickers relax!

Kung Fu monkey: I also donated 200 of my bonus. You know, traffickers all over the world are staring at it now! We just want to make them creepy. We just make them tremble when they think of stealing other people's children!

After a group of people were established, the donation began soon.

The donation designed by Jiang Chen is very immoral. He wrote down the number of children abducted and trafficked by the criminal and the number of children he participated in killing under each criminal.

Then set a donation QR code below him, which means you may have to donate money from several accounts at the same time.

However, Jiang Chen's good deeds are real, because all the money donated in the end will be really used to find the lost children.

At the beginning of the cutting activity, a forensic doctor cut Wang zaishan twice with a knife. The staff behind him shouted: "the donation is more than 2 million, the knife is smaller, and the pain will be doubled!"

"Zhang Zhong over there adds another five dollars!"

"Ye Chen adds another 20 knives!"

"Why are there so many ye Chen?"

The forensics of the chief knife said, and the staff shook their heads.

Ye Chen is the one with the least number of traffickers in these human trafficking gangs. He participated in the abduction and trafficking of 11 people, many of whom went there.

But surprisingly, the number of people who donated to his family was several times or even more than ten times that of others.

In less than half an hour, the amount of money donated to Ye Chen's knife reached more than 7 million.

Looking at the number of donations, Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Does Ye Chen have an enemy?"

When Jiang Chenzheng was depressed, he opened the prison execution network.

The prison execution network has been brushed by the barrage. When Jiang Chen saw those barrages, he immediately laughed!

What is human nature: this ye Chen can't kill him. I saw a lot when I was a child. He is the God of war!

Poor guy: God of war came home and found his daughter living in a dog kennel. At the command, 100000 retired soldiers came back to fight in groups!

Sack City prison, you're really finished this time! Be careful. 100000 veterans come and destroy you!

Tent: what are 100000 veterans? After all, inviting people to fight is to invite people to dinner. Do you know how much 100000 people eat and stay a day?

Kung Fu Panda: is Ye Chen the one who is short of these dollars? People have long been out of the world. Even the original Heavenly Master should bow his head and shout to others, master!

You dog egg: the original Heavenly Master is a bird. Hongjun's ancestors are not qualified to know his inheritance!

Morning: first Ye Chen, then one day. Today, I went to the Dharma center to get a knife. I don't care about $10 and $8. I'll have another knife. Ha ha!

Looking at the cheerful atmosphere, Jiang Chen simply smiled.

These brain disabled self media novels turned such a serious Dharma field into a joke!

It's estimated that ye Chen is going to collapse. I'm just re named with the protagonists of those brain crippled novels. Do you play me like that?

If he had the chance, he really wanted to kill all those people!

There's nothing wrong. Don't your mother write more positive energy things. What are you talking about every day?

Just before he was arrested the day before yesterday, ye Chen also saw a novel pushed by a news software in China.

"Young master, Grandpa's legacy hasn't been settled yet. You can take this 500 billion pocket money first."

"No, my beautiful suffocating wife will sell fish to raise me."

When you see here, ye Chen vomited. Your mother's 500 billion yuan is only pocket money. If all the property is liquidated, the earth can buy it, okay?

Also, have you ever seen a fucking suffocating beauty killing and selling fish in the street?

Even if people kill and sell fish, how can they feed you a waste?