Jiang Chen thought over all the ways he could think of to help the twin cities.

For the construction of twin cities, Jiangcheng has indeed taken great pains.

The night passed quickly. At noon the next day, the first batch of people who came to see the house had been filled with four or five buses in the special zone.

Most of these people who come to buy houses are ready to buy houses in the special zone. After comparison, they feel that the cost performance of buying houses in the special zone is not as high as that in the twin cities.

Now the house prices in the special zone are very expensive, and the houses in the central area of the special zone have risen to 45 square meters.

Houses in the remote suburbs around the special zone have also risen to two, three, one thousand.

And now the prices in the special zone are really ridiculously high. If you think about a place where the wages of construction workers have risen to more than 600 a day, can other things be cheaper?

In addition to the fact that the house price is four or five times higher than that of the twin cities, the special zone is indeed not as much as that of sak city in other aspects.

Sak city can solve the problem of their children's education. After all, education in sak city is free.

Moreover, the college scores of children in sak city in the scenic area are also particularly low.

But the special zone is different. There are not many schools in the special zone, and there is only one Xinnan University.

Other primary and secondary school tuition fees are outrageous, and you have to buy school district houses in order to go to some good schools.

Today, the prices of school district houses in the special zone have been fried to 70-80.

In the words of some big businessmen, although the special zone is not as prosperous as Shanghai and Shangjing, it has definitely kept up with them in terms of house prices.

When the first batch of more than 400 people came to the twin cities station, Jiang Chen specially took song Weiping and Zhu Shaoxuan to receive them.

After getting off the bus, more than 400 purchase groups saw 8 high-rise buildings directly into the clouds in the desert from a distance.

It's really a feeling of suddenly coming to a big city in the mainland.

"Those buildings are so tall! The tallest building in the special zone is only 10 floors. This is really a bit area. It looks taller!"

To a large extent, high-rise buildings represent the prosperity of a place.

Especially in the desert, your ability to build such a high building proves that your technology and all aspects are very excellent.

"This place is really nice. The city looks very clean, and the layout of each house is very particular.

And you didn't take a look. These are all new houses. The streets are clean and the air is fresh. "

Jiang Chen led some tourists to visit the west city of the twin cities directly.

A brand new city, a city full of wisdom and a city full of science and technology, no matter what you think, it is very attractive.

"Well, welcome to the twin cities to see the house! Let me give you a brief introduction to our twin cities.

Our sak twin cities are famous historical cities. Sak city has a history of nearly 700 years. It is the largest city in the east of takistan.

It goes without saying that the house quality in our new town is made of new materials.

In addition, the house is made of the most advanced Saha cement in the world. You must be familiar with Saha cement! "

"What is Saha cement?"

"Cough! Saha cement, simply take a look at the road under your feet. This road is paved with Saha cement.

Even if it snows heavily in winter, there will be no snowflakes on the road. In summer, no matter how hot the weather is, if you touch the road, the road will be slightly cool.

Not only that, every grass on the roadside you see now is Bermuda lawn. I don't need to say more about this kind of lawn!

In all deserts, only I have this grass seed, which can release the freshest air.

The air it releases is conducive to people's sleep, which you can't enjoy with money. "

Jiang Chen said that someone really fell on the ground and touched the cement roads of the twin cities. It's winter now. The surrounding air is very cold, but those roads feel very warm.

"Don't mention it. It's like sleeping on the Kang in the northeast."

When a slightly fat man finished, others tried one after another. Indeed, Jiang Chen didn't lie to them.

"I'd like to ask if we want to move our registered permanent residence here if we buy a house now? Will we be unable to go to China after signing our registered permanent residence?"

The twin cities do not belong to China at all. Everyone knows this.

This is also one of the reasons that prevent many people from coming here. They are afraid that because it is not under the jurisdiction of China, once they buy a house, they will lose all their money in case of war.

"I can return to China. I have discussed with relevant leaders. Our twin cities will issue passports, which can return to China anytime and anywhere."

"Let me ask if there will be war here in the future?"

"Do you think so?"

"Probably not!"

After a group of people finished, Jiang Chen looked up at the blue sky. In such a blue sky, who dares to start a war here, Jiang Chen will definitely let them die rhythmically.

Jiang Chen led the purchase group to visit the school, and then visited the shopping center building. Looking at a shopping center building with a super sense of future, a group of purchase groups were excited and handed in their applications on the spot.

More than 400 people, and finally 340 people were audited.

In addition, there are 60 people who do not meet the purchase requirements. Considering that they are the first batch of people after all, they will finally decide to increase the price to buy a house with an area of no less than 100 square meters and reluctantly accept them.

The first batch of 400 people almost all checked in. After they checked in, they became the first batch of residents of the twin cities.

After becoming the first batch of residents, they will fulfill the citizen agreement on jointly building and developing twin cities.

Therefore, these people soon joined the team to publicize the twin cities. Jiang Chen also transferred many people from immigrants to help organize and lead other house purchase groups to visit.

Not only that, Jiang Chen also made a phone call with Xia Donghai. In the future, "my Sahara story network" will directly launch a full screen advertisement to publicize the immigrants in the two cities of Sark.

In the evening, the first batch of 400 people had paid the house payment and selected the house.

When more than 50 million housing funds were handed over to the housing construction management committee of the twin cities, song Weiping looked at boxes of banknotes piled up like a hill. He was dumbfounded.

He never expected that such an expensive house would be bought!

These people are really rich. The boxes of banknotes seem not to be money, and these people rush to buy them.

Time passed quickly, and more than ten days passed in the twinkling of an eye. Jiang Chen has been running for the twin cities.

In this half month, the number of people applying to buy houses in twin cities has exceeded 300000.

No less than four or five thousand people come to see the house every day, which really busy Jiang Chen and the whole management committee of the twin cities.

With more than 300000 applications, people who read them every day had a headache. In the end, Jiang Chen had to involve the whole Saha group.

So it seems that reading resumes every day has become a must for everyone in the Saha group.

By the 10th day, the eligible population of the twin cities had reached 40000.

The first batch of investors in the twin cities have applied for more than a dozen factories in the development zone.

After the factory applied for construction, Salman people in the twin cities finally had a place to work. Jiangcheng was relieved.

Looking at the population growth, Jiangcheng is not to mention how happy he is.

However, with a large population, Jiang Chen has more burden.

When Jiang Chen's resident population reached 50000, Jiang Chen's mobile phone suddenly made a Ding Dong sound.

Jiang Chen was surprised when the mobile phone rang, because Jiang Chen is too busy to plant things at all.

However, since the system gives him seeds, even if he is busy, he must take a look