This is a discussion about faith. No one has dared to challenge their faith for hundreds of years, but what faith do they have when they are forced by the desert to the point where they are inferior to mice?

"China can testify that as long as we capture the whole city of sak, our leaders will build a road to sak. At that time, we will become an oasis, and there will be rivers with endless water and bread.

Even your children will have the opportunity to study in the scenic spot. Have you seen any places to study? Do you know how wonderful the sound of reading is? Do you know how spectacular the university is?

You don't know, but as long as you dare to take out your life to fight, your children may squat in a bright classroom to read. That's the most wonderful knowledge! "

When song Weiping finished, even the young man was moved.

"Can Americans help us with endless water, endless bread and books? Do you know? With the leader, all of us can go to China in the future. From now on, we don't have to be rats in the desert!"

"Never be a mouse again!!"

After a group of people shouted, song Weiping waved his hand to make everyone quiet.

When everyone was quiet, song Weiping looked at them and said, "the era of hegemony has passed. The leader said that now is the world of law, and the law will ensure the fairness of each of us!

All the rights of our sak city have been written into the laws of SAHA scenic spot!

In the future, your life will no longer be careless. If someone kills you, you don't need your son to avenge you. The national law will naturally kill him and give you innocence. "

Everything will be restored to the time before the desert comes. Oh, no, it should be that everything will move towards an era far more civilized than before the arrival of the desert!

After Song Weiping's words, he wanted to shed his blood for making change.

Song Weiping succeeded. For nothing else, it was the photos in his ipod and the wonderful world he described to everyone.

Although the world is no longer ordinary for ordinary people. This is the case, many people. I don't know how to cherish the happy years in front of me. What he doesn't know is that he is a very common thing for me and a dream life for others.

Near the end, song Weiping gave everyone money, and then everyone gave him a mini iPad. He let everyone use this iPad to publicize their future world.

Song Wei told everyone equally that he asked them to tell all the young people around him that as long as they joined them, they could live in such a place and work in such a factory. Everyone could earn 89000 yuan a month.

Today, a construction worker in Yimo special zone can get four or five hundred wages every day.

Even some people can get six or seven hundred yuan a day, although this kind of work may not be done for two or three years. However, those people in sak city who have planted opium poppy for a year may not get three or five thousand yuan in the end.

Rao is the three or five thousand yuan. They have to pay taxes to the warlords. After paying the taxes, they have to feed and drink the whole family.

So when these young people returned to their families, they took advantage of the war to publicize the benefits of joining the youth army to everyone they met.

The people at the bottom were completely agitated because of their propaganda. The waves surging behind their backs were soon discovered by the three warlords in sak city.

The warlords found that the poor people were not willing to grow opium poppy with them or be enslaved by them, so they began to negotiate.

After all, if they lose the people of sak, they must be greeted by death.

So in less than half a month, the armed struggle in sak city was suspended.

After the armistice, the three armed forces began to launch a blood washing campaign against young people at all grass-roots levels.

The crackdown lasted 10 days. In 10 days, the youth army was slaughtered nearly 3000 people.

The bones of more than 3000 people have become a city wall, which is displayed to other young people trying to join the youth army every day.

But there is nothing vulgar about the young people who yearn for reform and a new life.

The personnel of the youth army in sak city are still developing rapidly. In less than a month, the number of young soldiers in sak City reached more than 6000.

The three armed forces in sak city are increasingly persecuting the youth army, and even the whole family will be executed as long as there are people in the family who join the youth army.

So the families of those who joined the youth army were soon uprooted one by one.

In August, the desert also ushered in its summer.

When the desert became hot, the corpses of the youth army built into walls were full of flies because of the high temperature.

Because of the constant transmission of flies and viruses, a plague seems to be about to break out in sak city soon.

In August, the video of the youth army began to prevail in the army.

The youth army captured in prison constantly publicized the benefits of joining the Saha youth army to the soldiers guarding them.

They kept showing them the photos of SAHA scenic spot. They told them to give up the warlords and join them, so they could turn sak city into another paradise.

This ideological revolution really spread like a plague in every corner of sak city.

Those people who are unwilling to live like mice have picked up the weapons of armed struggle.

In mid August, song Weiping led a team of more than 4000 young people to the Kani valley.

They originally planned the peace movement. They wanted to make the soldiers who joined the three warlords surrender by peaceful means.

But it turned out that their movement had failed, so they had to take another road of armed resistance.

When song Weiping brought more than 4000 people to Kani valley.

Wang Liping, stationed in Kani Valley, helped to call Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen heard that song Weiping's youth circle had suffered heavy losses in sakh City, he hurriedly drove towards Kani mountain valley.

After arriving at Kani Valley, Wang Liping has arranged a new military camp for the sakesheng youth army.

He also gave each of these people a brand-new military uniform.

I don't know how many years I haven't worn new clothes. The young people cried excitedly one by one.

Jiang Chen sees song Weiping again. He is no longer the song Weiping who looks very simple.

At the moment, his face is more cold, and his whole body exudes the charm of a leader.

This is the unique spirit of people who have experienced life and death and suffering.

"Leader, I have come with the youth army. They are willing to devote their lives to the future of sak city.

I ask leaders to train them, arm them, make them stronger, and then go back to sak City, back to the people! "