In order to quickly go to Happy Valley to save sun MI, Jiang Chen hurried into the casino.

Jiang Chen knows very little about gambling, and he can't play, but what makes Jiang Chen happy is that his hearing is particularly good, so if he plays dice, he still has some opportunities.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen walked towards the gambling table where he shook the dice. As soon as Jiang Chen came to the gambling table, a man was taken out because he lost more than 100000.

The man kept shouting while struggling: "put me down, put me down, I have money! I'll have someone call you 500000 later, lend me some more money, and I'll bet again."

"Come here, if you have money, you must mortgage. We'll give you money after we sign the contract here, and you can continue to play."

A few people said that, then they pulled the rotten gambler into a cabin. Jiang Chen's ears were more sensitive. He heard the dialogue in the cabin.

"If you want to continue playing, you can also. What do you mortgage to us? There are 500000 here. You can do it yourself."

"I have a company. I'll mortgage my company to you. Give me the money. Give me the money now. I'll be able to get my money back!"

Gamblers are never saved. The more they gamble, the more crazy they become. They want to get back their money, but they don't know that it will always be a bottomless hole.

The man in the room soon came out with 500000 chips in his hand. Obviously, he mortgaged his company.

"Hey, you've lost. Would you like two more? I'll lend you some money and charge you very little interest.".

Jiang Chen had just walked to the gambling table. A man at the gambling table lost his money, but a middle-aged man in a suit came around him. He had more than 100000 chips in his hand.

The man who lost the money thought about it, so he opened his mouth and borrowed 20000 chips from him. He wanted to continue to turn over the money.

So they signed a loan agreement on the table.

It seems that such things happen in every casino. These people are usurers. They always take advantage of some gamblers' red face and take the opportunity to lend them money.

The interest rate of these people is very high, and once you borrow from him, you will quickly lose all the money in your hand. After you lose, you will think more about turning over the money, so you will beg to continue to borrow from him.

In this way, he will take away all your houses and companies according to your property.

Jiang Chen is very familiar with this, because Ren Dongsheng lost his sunshine travel agency in this way.

Jiang Chen wanted to persuade the borrower, but after thinking about it, he shook his head again.

"Even if I persuade them again at this time, they won't listen to me. Besides, I have to save people. Forget it, go gambling quickly.

If I don't have enough money to gamble today, even if I fight for my life, I have to save sun MI. ".

Jiang Chen then walked to the gambling table. In order to make money quickly, Jiang Chen chose to put all his money on the big at one time.

When the dice come out, Jiang Chen is stupid. Yes, it's small!

"Grass, it's impossible. When the dice fell just now, it was obviously big!"

Jiang Chen became angry on the spot. His ears were all right. He also heard the sound of boson rotation. How could it be small?

"Talk nonsense again and cut your tongue!"

As soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, several casino security guards warned Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen immediately understood that no wonder so many people lost money. Shit, how can they win when the casino cheated?

So Jiang Chen's 13000 is gone. What's more hateful is that he has no more money in his pocket.

"That little brother, can my go to the door and continue to buy some chips?"

Jiang Chen found the person standing next to him to maintain discipline. After asking, the little brother shook his head and said, "no, you can't go back and buy it. But you can choose to borrow money there.".

When it comes to loans, Jiang Chen shook his head. Yes, he can't let these people know his identity, otherwise he will be arrested.

"I just want to go to Happy Valley and work happily. Can I work through the back door?"

As Jiang Chen spoke, he stuffed the sunglasses he was wearing to the patrolman. These sunglasses are famous brand sunglasses, worth more than 10000 yuan.

The person in charge of the patrol was also a smart man. After taking over the sunglasses, he pointed to a smoking man sitting in a chair at the door of the nearby cabin and whispered, "go there and try."

Jiang Chen nodded at him, and then went straight to the middle-aged man at the door of the hut.

"I have to go to Happy Valley to have a good time. I can't gamble. I want to work through the back door. This watch works for 200000."

After Jiang Chen walked over, without saying a word, he directly withdrew the watch worth more than 200000 on his wrist and handed it to the man.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man smoking a cigar shook his hand in a hurry, carefully put his watch in his sleeve and said, "you can't work at the back door. Go and work if you don't have money."

The middle-aged man then winked at a young man in the distance. The young man waved to Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen hurriedly followed him.

"Here are 100000 chips. You'll follow me later. I'll take you directly."

"Thank you, thank you. I like beautiful work. I want to work without sleeping."

After Jiang Chen finished, he stuffed a handful of chips into the young man's pocket. The young man lit a cigarette and handed it to Jiang Chen. He said, "your lucky work has just arrived at a batch of goods. I'll let you choose first later!"

"Thank you, beautiful work!"

"Beautiful, tube beautiful, there is a particularly beautiful one. I'll give it to you later!"

After the young man finished, Jiang Chen grabbed the chips and stuffed them into the young man. The young man was even happier. Yes, these chips are not worth money in others, but they are all guys who can change real money.

"Sensible, when I go in later, I'll give the bald man at the door 5000. He said it was introduced by brother Mao."

With that, the young man led Jiang Chen to a bus. The bus was full of people, young and old, all of whom excitedly urged the driver to drive.

After Jiang Chen got on the bus, the last seat was full and the driver started.

The car soon drove to the depths of the desert. After leaving the casino, Jiang Chen found that there were not many lawns here, only casinos and shopping centers, but not in the desert.

However, when looking out from the car, he found that the defense here was really strict. Just after leaving the casino, Jiang Chen saw a mercenary team of more than 30 people, with armored vehicles and tanks parked around them.

"It's hard to do. It's definitely not good to be hard. It seems that we have to think of other ways."

When Jiang Chen was thinking about how to rescue sun MI in the car, the bus had pulled a car of people to a huge Canyon in the desert.

The outside of the canyon was sealed off by a wall. Outside the wall, dozens of mercenaries kept patrolling with submachine guns.

"Well, here we are. Hurry to spring!"

After the driver stopped the car, a nigger sitting in the passenger car began to give blue pills.

"One for each, two hundred chips."

"I don't need it. My physical fitness..."


Before the fat man sitting in the front finished his words, the nigger hit him. When others saw it, they took out chips and took the blue pill.

"Sure enough, you can't talk much, or you can only be beaten. You have to remember these."