"Dear Lord of the desert, forgive the young and ignorant child in front of you."

Balku kept kowtowing to the desert in the desert.

He has lived in the desert for most of his life. He knows the horror of the desert better than anyone else. Once they offend the desert God, the desert God will blame them, and their small human beings will be destroyed in an instant like mole ants in the desert.

"Young and ignorant, hehe, I don't care what desert God is or not. My brother's life is God, and I don't want to take him away!"

When Jiang Chen finished, balku was even more scared and almost peed.

He begged the desert God like this. The desert God may not forgive them. Jiang Chen actually cursed the desert God like this. Isn't it obvious that he wants to die?

"Shut up, shut up! Come and worship the desert God with me and ask the desert God's forgiveness. I'll kill the camel immediately and sacrifice the desert God with the camel. We'll quit the desert and go back to Mojiang immediately."

After balku finished, Jiang Chen looked at the desert and sneered. Since you are a God, I will overthrow you, I will tell you that I don't care what God you are. Man will conquer heaven in front of me!

After Jiang Chen finished, he took out his mobile phone and directly charged more than 300 million, and then * * planted it with one click.

Under the dim moonlight, there was still a desert breeze at your feet. But he insisted that the mobile phone slipped and fell to the ground with a golden light. Under the moonlight, a piece of green spread all over the sand dunes like a carpet from his feet.

I don't know when the moonlight became bright, and the wind and sand around it disappeared. The green grass on the ground stretches its posture in the desert. They grow madly like a long held doll.

"Oh, God, you are the real God, you are the God of oasis!"

Balku was stunned and fell on his knees instinctively.

Balku knelt on the ground and watched the green grass grow from his fingertips. He felt the tenderness of the grass and the fragrance of the grass. He knelt there and dared not move.

At the moment, not only him, but also brother Lang and the three Saha soldiers around brother Lang were stunned at the same time.

They don't believe in gods, but they don't believe that Jiang Chen can turn the desert into an oasis with one hand! If they have to explain, how can Jiang Chen explain except that he is a God?

God is always the most revered thing in people's heart.


In an instant, brother wolf and three soldiers also knelt on the ground. Yes, in this world, the death desert can defeat everything, but Jiang Chen can defeat the desert in front of him. Even if it is not a God, it is also a God in their mind!

"Fat Wang, I said I wouldn't let you die, so I would never let you die in the desert!"

Jiang Chen said and walked on the green space towards the moonlight. At the moment, he is walking around every inch of the desert. He also wants to pull Wang pangzi out of the desert. Even if it is a corpse, he will bury it on the mountain of Wanjiang.

In the night, when Wang pangzi was in despair, suddenly a piece of fragrant grass around him came out of the ground, and the quicksand under his feet was instantly covered by fragrant grass.

"What, what's going on?"

The strange phenomenon in front of him made Wang pangzi hard to believe. But Wang pangzi knew he had been saved, so Wang pangzi shouted around desperately.

"Help me, help me, I'm here, help me!"

After Wang pangzi shouted, the light of the flashlight came from the distance. Wang pangzi was very happy. He also quickly opened the flashlight he was carrying and flashed in the distance.

The night * * shows the light, as if he saw the lighthouse on the endless sea. Jiang Chen hurried to Wang pangzi's light. Jiang Chen found Wang pangzi not long ago.

"Brother Jiang, you know what? These grasses grow from me. It's a miracle."

"Stop talking. I'll get you out right away."

Jiang Chen didn't want to reveal his magic power, but he had no choice to save his brother.

Jiang Chen reaches out to dig the sand around fat Wang. The sand has been imprisoned by the lawn. Jiang Chen dug for a long time, and the sand had been buried in Wang pangzi's stomach, which couldn't be dug out at all.

"Brother Jiang, we've come to help you."

In the distance, wolf brother and others rushed to the shovel with a spade. After several people came running, three, five, and two soon dropped Wang Pangzi out of the pit.

After being dug out, Wang * * kept sighing: "it's really a little back and pee. I almost lost myself."

"Help, help, help..."

Several people just dug out fat Wang, and soon the familiar voice came from a distance.

Damn brother, he quickly picked up a shovel and shouted, "the devil of this dog day still wants to seduce us, and the brothers go and work with him."

Wang pangzi said, and several people rushed to the desert in the distance along with the voice. After walking in the grass for a few minutes and climbing over a sand dune, they found the source of the cry.

At the bottom of a sand dune, a thing like a football appeared on the green grass, with black hair on it.

"Right there, brothers, go up and kill him."

When Wang pangzi shouted brother wolf and several people rushed to the round headed monster, they were all dumbfounded. This guy is not a desert devil at all. He is a person, a living person.

"Help me, help me, I'm from the expedition, the Chinese expedition."

Jiang Chen turned on his flashlight and looked at the head. The man's face was pale and his lips were dry like the land that hadn't rained for several years.

The man looked familiar. Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that his name was Majie, a member of sun Mi's archaeological team.

"Come on, dig him out quickly."

Jiang Chen finished, several people began to dig up with a shovel.

Because Majie was buried deep, several people dug Majie out of the sand for more than half an hour.

After Majie was dug out, he couldn't move. Now he is seriously short of water, and because he hasn't eaten for two days, his strength has been exhausted.

After several people carried Majie to the tent, uncle balku hurriedly took out water and gave Majie a drink.

At night, Majie slept soundly. Jiang Chen sat outside the station door, lying on the grass and looking at the stars all over the sky. He was alone in a daze.

He never thought that sun Mi went to the desert in his direction. None of their desert archaeological teams had guns. If they met the desert steel toothed beast, none of them could run away.

Majie didn't wake up until the evening of the second day. The first thing Majie said when he woke up was to call Jiang Chen for help.

At the moment, Jiang Chen is studying the map in his tent. He hears Majie's cry and hurried in.

"Boss Jiang, hurry to save Professor Fang Hua and sun MI."

"What's the matter? What's the matter with Professor Fang Hua and sun Mi?"

When Majie finished, Jiang Chen had a bad feeling again. Did Professor Fang Hua and Majie really meet the steel toothed beast?