After the engineers typed the news of my Sahara story network registration and ticket delivery on the page according to Xia Haidong's requirements, soon my Sahara story network registration began to grow at a flying speed.

"Manager, the registered volume has exceeded 500000, and now it has exceeded 550000. The growth rate is so fast."

"OK, that's it. Open the lottery page and tell everyone on the lottery page that the activity of registering for tickets lasts for half a year.

In addition, registration is not only for tickets, but also for the 10% discount card of Xinmei travel agency, the 10% discount card of Junlan Hotel, and the 20% discount shopping voucher of yunjinyuan flower square and flower square in the mood for love, which makes everyone completely crazy. "

After Xia Haidong finished, the deputy manager was embarrassed and said, "manager, they are getting dry, but the scenic spot doesn't give us so many free tickets at all! What if the hotel and Huafang don't give us a ticket?"

"You don't have to worry about this. First leave the tourists on the website! Besides, brother Jiang won't let us break our promise with brother Jiang, will he?"

Now the only thing Xia Haidong has to do is strike while the iron is hot and keep all the tourists on the website!

"OK, I'll arrange it right away."

In my Sahara story network chat room, Jiang Chen seems to have opened a live broadcast here. He has more and more fans and more people ask him.

Later, Jiang Chen found that these people not only had his fans, but also many we media reporters. Even Jiang Chen felt that even those people from the live broadcasting association had mixed in.

The whole chat room has been covered with screens. Because the chat room can only chat by voice, many fans clamored for Jiang Chen to open a live broadcast to explain to them now.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't open the live broadcast. After replying to everyone's questions in the chat group, he set the time for the live broadcast in the chat room.

Jiang Chen interacted with everyone for a long time. Until more than nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chen felt tired, so he closed the chat room and was ready to have a good rest.

At 9 p.m., the Saha media group has been Carnival at the moment.

After Xia Haidong opened a bottle of champagne and opened it with a bang, the foam sprayed everywhere, and the staff cheered.

"Victory, our first step is victory! So far, my Sahara story network has registered 7 million visitors and my Sahara story network app downloads have exceeded 10 million."

"Great, that's great. Everyone will have a bonus at the end of this year!"

"Manager, you said we were moving to Yinan building. When will we move?"

"Move tomorrow, Xiao Liu. You go shopping and celebrate in the evening. Let's all move to a new house tomorrow! I tell you, don't follow me. It's no problem for me to send you a villa."

After dawn the next day, Jiang Chen got up early. He was going to start preparing for the live broadcast.

After all, this is his first live show of SAHA. If he doesn't live well, his future will be worrying.

"What's the content of the live broadcast? All the scenic spots in Saha scenic area have been broadcast, so we must broadcast something new."

When it comes to new things, Jiang Chen doesn't know how long he hasn't opened a new scenic spot. This is also because his system has not given him seeds for a long time.

"By the way, my scenic spot is in the desert, but I have been broadcasting the oasis to you for the past two years. Why don't I build a pure desert scenic spot for people who haven't seen the desert to enjoy?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen drove to the cactus forest scenic spot.

Today's cactus forest scenic spot is one of the scenic spots closest to the desert. Because the construction time of this scenic spot is relatively late, the content of the scenic spot is single, and the desert eye music world has not been opened, this scenic spot has been operating very poorly.

And now it's time to save it!

Arriving at the cactus forest scenic spot, Jiang Chen looked at the golden death desert behind the cactus forest scenic spot and began to meditate.

"How should this scenic spot be built? Can we build a road directly in the desert? In this case, no one will come to see it."

The live desert has been broadcast. If it is broadcast now, it will certainly have no great effect.

"By the way, why don't I build a desert hotel scenic spot like Longmen Inn?"

Although it is no longer the age of chivalry, the chivalry spirit in the bones of many Chinese people still exists.

Jiang Chen thinks of the Xiake movie he saw when he was a child. He is very excited at the thought of the inn in the desert.

Open an inn in the desert. When the wind blows from the desert, tourists passing the desert hide in the inn one after another. If only this scene could be reproduced!

"Well, that's it. First find a stable desert and build some small wooden houses!"

Jiang Chen said and drove towards the desert.

After crossing the sand dunes, Jiang Chen found a place that was especially suitable for scenic spots more than 20 miles away from the eye of the desert.

The desert here is golden yellow. The sand is very fine and soft. It looks very good.

Not only that, there is a very high sand mountain here. When the wind blows, it will make bursts of noise. It's very strange.

Jiang Chen knows that the noise is said to be the cry of the suppressed ghosts in the desert, but Jiang Chen knows that there is no scientific basis.

Grandpa Jiang Chen also described the sound of sand in his diary.

Song sand is also called ring sand, whistle sand or music sand. It is a strange but universal natural phenomenon in the world.

In desert or sand dune, due to the influence of various climatic and geographical factors, fine sand particles dominated by quartz are caused to slide or move with each other due to wind vibration. Many sand particles rotate in the air flow, and the surface cavity causes the "Diabolo" effect. The place with buzzing sound is called humming sand.

"Well, this is the desert. This mountain will be called Mingsha mountain in the future. By the way, mountains alone can't do. Let's have another lake!"

Jiang Chen thought of this and went straight to the foot of Mingsha mountain. There is a concave open space at the foot of Mingsha mountain, which is just suitable for building a lake.

Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone, planted desert reeds in the lake at the foot of Mingsha mountain, and then planted Bermuda lawn next to the reeds.

When the green lawn and reeds were planted, a magnificent landscape appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

A piece of water vapor shrouded in the reeds. Soon, the water vapor gathered black clouds.

There was no lightning in the clouds, but there was a heavy rain.

Can you imagine a rainstorm in a desolate desert? Yes, this landscape appears in front of Jiang Chen at the moment.

The wind blew in the distance, and the reed forest made a clatter. The water mist blew on Jiang Chen's face standing beside the lake, and Jiang Chen felt a trace of cold.

It's cool here. It's very comfortable in the hot desert.