If Jiang Chen said six months ago that he had planted grass in the grassland, I'm afraid no one in the world would believe it. Jiang Chen suddenly found that he was like that child. No matter how he explained, others scoffed.

"OK, will you take us to have a look?"

When Jiang Chen finished, the child nodded and said, "OK, I'll show you now. I found several such locusts. They are hiding in the ditch over there."

"Brother Jiang, don't believe him. He's just a hairy child. How can there be locusts on the grassland? There can't be such a big locust if there are locusts."

"It doesn't matter to go and have a look. It won't take long anyway. In fact, we should give everyone a chance. If we are willing to believe those incredible things, they may happen in front of us."

Jiang Chen said that, a group of people also nodded. Indeed, now they are idle anyway. It's good to go and have a look.

When a group of people followed several little boys to a grass ditch, the grass beside the grass ditch had long been eaten up, and there were only pieces of yellow sand left on the lawn with some green leaves.

"You'd better not lie to us. Do you know how busy brother Jiang is? He has to work hard for the food of more than 100000 people every day. If you lie to us now, I'll hang you from a tree later."

"It's in that ditch. Follow me quickly. I'll catch one for you to see."

The little boy then ran into the ditch. After he ran into the ditch, he reached out and took out a hole. Soon he caught a locust as big as a small hand.

"Don't you see if I'm lying? There's a row of holes full of such things."

When the little boy finished, he threw the locusts in his hand to the ground. Sure enough, after the locust fell to the ground, it quickly ate a piece of grass, and then ate it all.

"I'll go. There are really fucking locusts. This is fucking locust essence!"

Looking at the locust in the little boy's hand, Jiang Chen suddenly realized that the big thing was bad. He knows the power of the locust.

You know, when there is a plague of locusts and insects, let alone a grassland, even his whole Bermuda is not enough for locusts.

"I'll tell you, I'm not lying to you, I'm not lying to you! Only brother Jiang believes me, you don't believe me, do you believe me now?"

With that, the little boy jumped into the ditch again. He took out a locust with the size of a palm from a hole and shouted at the people.

"What kind of locust is this? Why is it so big? He eats weeds so fast."

"Isn't it? Look over there. There seem to be a lot of locusts flying over there."

"No, brother Jiang, if these locusts eat up all the grass on the grassland, we will be really finished."

After Wang pangzi shouted, Guan Jian also frowned and shouted, "after eating the grassland, they will go to Bermuda scenic spot. Those pear and apricot trees will suffer."

"We can't let them go to Bermuda scenic area. We should organize people quickly and catch all locusts for me."

Jiang Chen said, Guan hurried to call people. Not only did he manage the promotion, but even Mayor Ma hurried to the grassland to call the people to catch locusts.

You know, this locust can't let it flood, otherwise they will fly to Iraq and Iraq will be ruined.

The people went to organize to catch locusts, let alone. In other words, when locusts came from the desert, Jiang Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang. Jiang Chen thought it was someone from Beijing who called him back.

After all, I've been trying to contact him in Beijing for a while, and I'm confirming the victims in the scenic spot, and then preparing for rescue.

Jiang Chen opened his mobile phone and surprised him that the message was not sent from Beijing, but from the system.

System prompt: the super locust has arrived. Please be alert to the super locust, which will bring disaster to the whole planet.

"What super yellow bug? Did your system bring this?"

Jiang Chen is a little puzzled. You say that you shriveled calves can bring advanced technology. Why did you bring me this super locust?

System Tip: swarms of locusts are coming from the desert. Super locusts once ate up all the green plants on Starley planet overnight. This led to the extinction of Starley.

"I'll go. This thing even ate out a planet. What can I do now? Get a nuclear bomb and die with them?"

Besides, Jiang Chen doesn't have a nuclear bomb.

"No, they must not be allowed to run wild on the earth, otherwise the desert has not killed the earth, but these locusts have killed the earth first."

When all the people came, they began to catch locusts in the grass. They were also very easy to catch. After all, they were too big. Looking at a group of people and catching locusts everywhere, this scene suddenly reminds Jiang Chen of the north when he was a child.

When they were young, when spring came and in the evening, there would be something called cangchong. This thing was very small, only as big as the little thumb nail. Every time after school, a group of friends would take bottles to catch them.

They catch Cang insects to feed ducks, but what a group of children enjoy most is the fun of running in the village.

So when Jiang Chen saw a group of children catching locusts all over the world, he couldn't help but want to join them.

"Brother Jiang, it's bad. A large area of yellow insects flew from the grassland. These locusts ate our grass as soon as they landed. We can't catch it at all."

When deputy general manager Lou of grassland animal husbandry group finished, Jiang Chen frowned. When famine came, which dynasty caught the locusts all over the mountains and fields? Besides, there are still some super locusts here.

"Brother Jiang, what shall we do now?"

"Burn with fire, go to Bermuda scenic area quickly, make all the cut pear branches into torches, and then insert all the torches on the grassland."

Locusts are afraid of fire, and now that night is coming, it is convenient to find them only by lighting more torches.

"OK, I'll arrange someone to do it now."

After deputy general manager Lou finished, Jiang Chen drove to the grassland border. When he arrived at the boundary of the grassland, as he expected, the locusts stirred their wings and made a buzzing noise, which was almost earth shaking.

At the moment, in the sunset, there are locusts all over the mountains and fields. As soon as people pass by, those locusts fly up and block out the sun.

"Kill one and another. There's a lot of meat on this thing."

Fat Wang kept beating locusts with a stick and shouted there.

As night approached, flaming torches were lit on the grassland. Some of the locusts fell on torches and were burned alive. Some were burned off their wings and kept struggling on the ground.

Jiang Chen stood in the front line of fighting against locusts and fought locusts all evening. His stomach was so hungry that he growled.

"Brother Chen, can I eat this? I'm so hungry!"

As Wang pangzi spoke, he picked up a charred yellow insect from the ground and drooled. After picking it up, he tore open the charred coat of the locust, and there was a lot of protein in it.

"No, don't eat. This is not a locust on our earth. He may have..."

Before Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi ate the Yellow insects. While eating, he said, "well, don't say, it tastes really good. If you fry it again, it will be more delicious.