Jiangcheng suddenly had an idea that today's Saha lacks some local snacks. The favorite food for tourists is local snacks. After all, this thing can't be eaten anywhere else, so

"By the way, fat Wang, you can set up a roast duck restaurant later. I'll set up a local specialty snack bar for you. I'll give you more lots of land in the scenic spot. How about? Do you want to try?"

When Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi thought for a moment and said, "I must have a try! By the way, brother Chen, I'm going to open a barbecue shop! In addition, I've prepared fried chicken shop, mutton soup shop, etc. My Animal Husbandry Group has so much meat that it's better to open a shop to make money by selling it to others?"

Now there are many tourists in Saha scenic area. When the number is large, the number of people in his grassland scenic area can reach more than 20000 every day. His grassland scenic spot is not like the inland scenic spot. There are many hotels for tourists in the inland scenic spot. But in his grassland scenic spot, if they don't choose to eat grass, they can only eat what he makes.

"Then you can simply build a catering group. At that time, you can also engage in restaurants, hotels, fast food and all kinds of food related things."

When Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi nodded and said, "OK, what about my group, which is also called Wanjia catering group?"


The two talked. Jiang Chen seemed to have returned to the innocent era. At that time, they had many dreams, but they had no money and they couldn't do anything. And others will laugh at them. After all, they are the poorest people in the village.

Don't talk about others. Even Jiang Chen's second uncle pointed to Jiang Chen and said, "you're a bastard. What can you do?"

After several cups of wine, Jiangcheng was extremely hot and dry. He took off his coat, picked up the roast duck and ate a duck leg. Then he belched long.

"By the way, fat Wang, you haven't said why you ran back?"

When Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi took Jiang Chen's arm and said, "go, brother, I'll show you something!"

Wang pangzi then took Jiangcheng and went out. Pushing open the door of the yurt, a cold wind blew, and Jiang Chen woke up a lot in an instant.

"It's so cold. I'd better go back and put on some clothes!"

The two returned to the yurt, put on their thick military coats, and then walked outside the yurt again.

Next to the yurt, there is a very large barn, which is made of mud. Now the light is still on in the mud wall. The two men walked in the wind and snow for more than ten minutes before they came to the gate of the barn.

Jiangcheng took off his goggles and looked into the barn. The barn was full of big yellow cattle eating grass leisurely. It was more than minus 20 degrees outside, but the cattle seemed unaware.

"Fat Wang, why are there so many cows?"

There are at least hundreds of cattle in this barn. The barn is clean, with air conditioning on, and a lot of hay is piled up on both sides of the barn.

"Yes, all the other cattle have been sold, but I can't bear to sell these big yellow cattle. Brother Chen, when we were young, our family was poor and we didn't even have cattle to plough every day. At that time, I thought, when I had money, I would raise a large group of cattle. Now it has come true."

Today, Wang pangzi's dream came true, but looking at these cows, Jiang Chen said, "you can't just keep them for life. We couldn't afford to buy cows when we were young, but aren't we all rich now?"

"Yes, I'm going to raise them all my life. Brother Jiang bought these yellow cattle from Wanjiang. When spring is over, I'll plant dozens of mu of land in the grassland. Then I'll use cattle to plough, people to sprinkle chemical fertilizer and flat cars to pull wheat."

When Wang pangzi said this, Jiang Chen also recalled that when he was a child, they were backward. They didn't have a tractor in that place, so they had to use cattle for everything, and cattle was everything to them..

"Well, now that many people have money, mechanization has been popularized, and people have long gone through the era of slash and burn farming. I really miss my childhood."

"Yes, brother Chen, now rich people want to find some memories. I want to create a Wanjiang village with childhood memories in the grassland. I want to pick up all our villagers. I want to transfer all the houses in our village when I was a child to Wanjiang village.".

Although this is a thankless job, Wang pangzi is determined to do it. Perhaps this is a special hobby that every rich man has.

However, it is also a good tourism project to retrieve childhood memories from Wanjiang village and let people re experience the memories of that era. At least Jiang Chen thinks so.

When he came out of the cowshed, Wang pangzi led Jiang Chen to see his duck pen. There were hundreds of ducks in his duck pen. Wang pangzi stayed in the pasture of Pingyuan River scenic spot. He was not afraid of death, but he really couldn't give up his feelings for Wanjiang.

At night, Jiang Chen had a strange dream. He dreamed that the golden wheat was ripe. During the day, he followed the old yellow cattle and watched the old yellow cattle grinding the ears of wheat with the stone.

In the evening, he followed his grandmother to pick up ears of wheat in the wheat field. His grandmother would always exchange the wheat ears he picked for delicious big watermelons.

In the evening, he lay in the wheat field with his father and looked at the wheat. When he looked up, there was a starry sky.

After waking up, I wiped my eyes in the morning. He thought of the bent old man. She had been busy all her life and had not had a good day. It was the old man who pulled him a little bit to grow up.

But now that he has grown up, she has left. Jiang CHENDUO hopes to go through time and come back to her again. He would give her the dishes in the bowl, pick up the wheat in the wheat field, finish all the capable work, and then talk with her when the sun is warm.

But all this is just delusion. Since his parents left, he worked hard every day. His memory is full of piles of test papers. He can't remember how long the rickety old man hasn't spoken to him. He can't remember how many years he hasn't eaten a piece of meat in the white haired old man's bowl.

It was dawn, and the man had gone. When grandma died, Jiang Chen was not around. Later, I heard my neighbor talk about grandma. The most regrettable thing in her life was that she couldn't see her eldest son again.

And, of course, the grandfather who died early in the desert.

So no matter how frightening the storm is and whether he can survive the storm, Jiang Chen will not give up.

He must go to the depths of the desert. He must find the bodies of his parents and his grandfather, take them back to Wanjiang and bury them on the hillside of his hometown.

Early in the morning, Wang pangzi opened the door and Jiang Chen wiped his eyes. He didn't want Wang pangzi to see his tears.

"Brother Chen, do you still keep count of what you promised me last night? I really want to move our Wanjiang village to the grassland scenic spot. I estimated yesterday that it won't take much land or destroy much grassland."

"Count. By the way, remember to build my house stronger, and I'll come back to live."

After Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi threw Jiang Chen away excitedly: "I said brother Jiang would definitely support me. Unlike the monkey spirit, he told me every day that we can't build houses or farm land in the grassland. What's the matter with him? He doesn't come to the grassland several times a year and cares about my grassland every day."