Just as Jiang Chen cursed Keng father's power tower, suddenly a sound came from behind him.

"Welcome to the windmill power station elevator."

"I wipe! Scare me!"

Jiang Chen's heart jumped up. When he looked back, he saw an elevator button on a flat glass. After he pressed it, the glass opened automatically.

Jiang Chen walked into the elevator. To his surprise, the elevator is actually toughened glass and intelligent. No wonder he didn't find out just now that the elevator here is different from the earth!

"Your sister, this high-tech has even shown my face!"

Jiang Chen said something and pressed the first floor. The elevator went down slowly. Jiang Chen found that it was really exciting to stand in the elevator and watch the storm sand! The storm sand rushed towards the prairie like a tide, but no matter how violent the storm sand was, it was forced back to the windmill power station.

This feeling is as good as you are, but I can't help it.

From dozens of floors to the first floor, it takes only more than ten seconds, and the elevator is very stable, which is unmatched by elevators on earth.

On the first floor, Zhang Chen suddenly found a staircase down. Jiangcheng was curious, so he walked down the stairs. When he got to the first floor, Jiang Chen was surprised that the first floor was actually a huge battery.

God, this super battery covers an area of thousands of square meters. There is a dense row of displays next to the battery. The displays are full of data. I don't know it. I thought it was the base of aliens!

Most of Jiangcheng can't understand these data, but he is a senior intellectual after all. He also barely understands that this is the charging of the battery.

According to the computer's value, the whole super battery will charge less than 1% in these hours.

You know, it's a strong wind of force five or six outside. Such a strong wind blows such a big fan for so many hours, but only 1% of the electricity!

Jiang Chen can't help but wonder how much electricity can be installed if this super battery is fully charged? Enough electricity for 100000 people for half a year!

"This is really a good thing. It can store electricity by itself, so it won't run out of electricity in the future."

After Jiang Chen finished, he looked at the desert super windmill power station and nodded. It was really a big windmill of 500 million yuan. I have to say it was a cow!

After seeing the awesome power of the super desert windmill power station, Jiang Chen decided to build 20 such super windmills on the edge of the grassland while he still had money.

At that time, his electricity will be able to supply the whole Mojiang River, no, the whole Xinnan!

Jiang Chen is not a man who grinds. He does what he says. He takes his mobile phone and plants 20 windmill power stations on the edge of the grassland. After planting, the 10 billion yuan will be spent.

These windmills cannot be planted too intensively, otherwise, it will have a certain wind impact on the scenic spot.

20 windmills are arranged on the edge of the grassland scenic spot. After planting the windmill, it was completely dark.

After dark, the desert became extremely cold again. Jiang Chen found that the night on the grassland was several times colder than that in the wooden house town. Jiang Chen looked at the thermometer in the car. At the moment, the night in the grassland scenic spot has reached minus 20 degrees.

Not only is it cold, but the wind coming out of the desert is really painful in the face with frozen sand!

Seeing that it was dark, Jiang Chen hurriedly drove back and walked up. Before he was halfway there, the wind and snow in front of him became heavy.

The snow kept hitting the window, and soon a thick layer of snow fell on the windshield. What's more irritating is that the snow freezes when it falls on the windshield.

When the wiper doesn't move, Jiang Chen knows he's trapped. At this time, he was trapped on the uninhabited grassland. Even if he shouted and broke his throat, no one came to save him.

"Hey, if only there were signals in the scenic spot."

As long as there is a signal in the scenic spot, he can call Guan promotion. At that time, Guan promotion will come to save him.

"No, I can't die here!"

The oil in the car is running out. It must be impossible to spend the night in the car this night. Taking advantage of the fact that the snowstorm has not completely covered the earth, Jiang Chen decided to find a place to live.

Jiang Chen opened the door and looked around. Although there was snow around, it was not dark on the grassland. The light reflected by the snowflakes all over the ground was far away.

"It's so familiar here. If I guessed right, the plain river scenic spot should be here."

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen took a flashlight and took photos everywhere. There is a large flat land in the middle of a rolling snow hill. The flat land extends to the end of the snow. This is not a plain. What else can a river be?

"Since it is a plain river, there must be pasture. Go and find it!"

After Jiang Chen finished, he walked towards a small snow mountain in the distance with his food on his back and the snow.

The wind and snow at night were very heavy. There were few steps to make the wind and snow worse. The wind blew on me and it was very cold. Not only that, Jiang Chen found his trouser legs wet.

This is not a good sign. At night, the grassland scenic spot may reach minus 30 degrees. If he can't find a place to live, he may freeze to death in the grassland. Even if he doesn't freeze to death here, his legs will certainly be lost.

"Shit, I can't become lame. I haven't conquered the desert yet. Isn't it a pity to die like this?"

At night, Jiang Chen sat on the knee deep snow. He looked at the sky and a snowflake fell on his cheek. At this moment, there was no sound except the sound of snowflakes falling on the silent grassland.

Jiang Chen suddenly remembered a lot of things. He was wondering whether Zhu Chang's son of a bitch would really find someone to harass her?

And Nana, if she dies, the sand storm will eventually destroy all the cactus forest. At that time, the wooden house town will not survive.

Even Jiang Chen thought of Wang pangzi. He took him out of Wanjiang village and suffered a lot in the desert. He only enjoyed a few days of happiness. He would hang in the desert with himself. It's really pathetic to think about it.

The cold feeling of ice on his feet is getting stronger and stronger. The snow mountain in the distance is still far away. Jiang Chen doesn't know whether he can go to the place. He doesn't know whether there is a pasture on the other side of the mountain. If not, he will be dead on the snow mountain.

"Go ahead or go back to the car? Go ahead. If my memory is wrong, I may freeze to death in the snow today. But if I don't go forward, it's also difficult to stay in the car. If the oil in the car burns out and can't last until dawn, I will still freeze to death in the car."

Hoo Hoo

The strong wind blew again, and the snowflakes on the ground suddenly covered up Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen struggled to climb out of the wind and snow. He looked at the hillside in the distance. He bit his teeth. Even if there was a little hope ahead, he should not give up.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen patted his clothes and walked towards the snow mountain step by step. When he came to the snow mountain, his whole body had lost consciousness, and only his mind was urging him to keep moving forward.

Even so, Zhang Chen insisted on reaching the snow mountain. Standing on the snow mountain, Jiangcheng saw a light in the snow. Yes, he guessed right. There is the plain river pasture.