What if it's the strongest winter storm? Does he have a choice for Jiang Chen? His life belongs to the desert. He is also dead when he leaves the desert. Therefore, holding the system, Jiang Chen can only carry it to the end with the winter storm!

Jiang Chen said his decision. Gou Keming nodded and said, "well, we always retreat. When we can't retreat, we will lose our home forever. Therefore, organize the people to retreat, and the party members will stay with me and swear to defend our home to the death!"

After leaving Mojiang County Government, when Jiang Chen drove back to Yiwu expressway, the expressway charge had been cancelled, and cars slowly drove towards the plain scenic spot.

Jiang Chen looked at cars from all over the country. They came from hundreds or even thousands of miles to support themselves. Jiang Chen was somewhat moved.

"President Guan, we don't have much time. We can recruit as many tourists as we can. We must save enough money to withstand the winter storm."

When Jiang Chen finished, Guan hurried nodded and said, "brother Jiang, I have a proposal. I haven't said it all the time. Looking at so many tourists from other provinces driving here today, I think it's time for us to change our rules."

"What rules?"

"Our grassland scenic spot is open for two days and the ticket is 5000 yuan. In fact, there are many scenic spots in our grassland scenic spot. They can't play in two days. So I think if these self driving tourists can play in the scenic spot for unlimited time, they can play more happily."

After Guan hurried finished, Jiang Chen nodded. He also had this idea. You know, his scenic spot is half the size of the county, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of tourists. Moreover, they still drive and travel by themselves. They all have tents. They can camp and rest everywhere on the grassland. They can also see the starry sky on the grassland at night, which is absolutely the envy of every tourist.

"The next notice is that self driving tourists who buy tickets for grassland scenic spots can play for up to four days."


After Guan urged to call Saha animal husbandry group, the animal husbandry group put up a billboard at the door: from now on to before the sandstorm in spring, tourists traveling by car can get on Yiwu expressway for free. In addition, the tour time is adjusted to 2-4 days, and the ticket price remains unchanged.

After the big sign was put out, many tourists who had just arrived at the gate of the scenic spot saw that they could play more than two days. They were happy and almost drove the car up. You know, they want to have fun when they come all the way! There are so many scenic spots in the grassland scenic spot, and they can sleep well. They want to stay here every day!

Days passed quickly. Two days later, Jiang Chen's mobile phone rang again. Jiang Chen opened his mobile phone and the system gave him a willow leaf Verbena seed.

The flower of willow Verbena looks like lavender, so Jiang Chen replanted them in the lavender manor. After planting willow leaf Verbena, it will soon be mid November. The winter in China is coming, and the late autumn in the desert is coming.

Autumn is one of the seasons with the most flowers and the best season for tourism. Therefore, after discussion, Jiang Chen decided to let Xinmei travel agency go public in late autumn.

After the decision, Jiang Chen began to rebuild and upgrade the scenic spot. First of all, he wants to build enough tent hotels in Bermuda scenic area. At the same time, his basic hotel has been built and started trial operation.

In mid November, the upgrade of Jiangchen scenic spot was completed. Jiangchen built tens of thousands of tent hotels in the lawn scenic spot of Bermuda scenic spot, and then planted more than 30000 wooden houses and villas in the 100000 Mu pear garden scenic spot. All these preparations are preparing for his upcoming autumn battle.

After planting the cabin, Jiang Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang. Jiang Chen saw that it was a strange number. He picked it up curiously. You know, not many people know his number

"Hello, who are you?"

"Li still went to Harbin University to study! Hehe, can't I hear my voice?"

This voice is very familiar. Jiang Chen can naturally hear it

"What's none of your business?"

Jiang Chen said that he was going to hang up the phone. Zhu Chang at the other end of the phone smiled.

"They are all friends. It's always OK to care. By the way, my travel agency, ah, has been listed in the United States. Don't you want to cooperate with scenic spots in the southwest? Now let me tell you, they have been incorporated by me. And winter is coming. Are you playing the main purpose of snow mountain village?"

Zhu Chang said that Jiang Chen was surprised. How did he know that Xinmei travel agency wanted to cooperate with the travel agency in Southwest China? And now it's winter in China, and many scenic spots are closed, so many travel agencies look to the north.

When it comes to the most famous scenic spot in the north is the scenic spot in Xueshan village, Jilin Province. The popularity of the scenic spot in Xueshan village should benefit from a domestic variety show. This is the shooting place of the variety show, so it has naturally become a national online popular scenic spot.

Two days ago, Ren Dongsheng of Xinmei travel agency also told himself about this problem. He said that now that winter is coming, whoever can take the scenic spot of snow mountain village can make a lot of money in winter.

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Of course, it has something to do with me. Let me tell you, the scenic spot of Xueshan village has reached a cooperative relationship with us. Tourists can go to the scenic spot of Xueshan village only if they sign up with our travel agency. There is no way for other travel agencies."

It's just a scenic spot. Jiang Chen doesn't care so much. After all, when autumn comes to its scenic spot, it's the first time to make efforts.

"I don't care whether there are snow mountain villages or not. It has nothing to do with me. Even if you make 100 snow mountain villages, I will still make your travel agency suffer."

"OK, OK, let's wait and see. Also, I heard that your travel agency still wants to be listed? Hehe, I'll get your travel agency out of China in two months! In addition, how lonely it is still to be alone in the United States. It's said that blacks in the United States are very capable. I've found several blacks for you to help and comfort her. Don't thank me. They are all friends and should do, ha ha ha 。”

"Zhu Chang, if you don't do it, you won't die. You've annoyed me!"

After hanging up, Jiang Chen knew that he had to kill Zhu Chang, or he couldn't tell what else to do.

At the headquarters of a ray of sunshine travel agency, Zhu Chang sat on the sofa with his legs crossed. He was very proud. He is the most popular member of Zhu's group.

Zhu Chang dreamed of being recognized by the Zhu family. Now he has done it!

In fact, Zhu Chang is also a poor man. He was not born a rich family. He was born in a poor mountain village and had no father since childhood. People in the village always pointed at him.

When he was less than 10 years old, he dropped out of school because of fighting. He was in the village every day to bring disaster to the village, so that the villagers dared to be angry. His fate changed when he was 15. At that time, his mother was terminally ill. Once his mother died, he had nothing to rely on.