No one will refuse such a villa: it covers an area of thousands of square meters, and its light cost is nearly ten million. Coupled with the surrounding supporting facilities, excluding the land cost, it has been nearly 20 million. If you add this expensive Yinghua Bay plot, this house will be properly broken by 30 million.

Therefore, no one knows its market value, but Li still knows that this house is in Beijing and doesn't know how many billion it will cost.

"No, I can't."

"Only you can match it. Still, if it wasn't for your 30000 yuan, maybe there wouldn't be everything here, so you deserve it!"

Jiang Chen is right. Without Li's original help, Jiang Chen would not be as beautiful as today!

A piece of cherry blossoms fell on Li still's black hair. Li still's eyes are very charming. Her big eyes are like Wang Qingquan, so that everyone can't escape its profundity.

"Thank you, Jiang Chen!"

Li still snuggled tightly in Jiang Chen's arms. At the moment, Li still always feels like a dream. She is a duckweed in this world. She floats on the endless sea. She can't decide her life. The waves rising at any time will annihilate her at any time.

Jiang Chen is like the king of adventure in the sea. He carefully picks her up to protect her from the wind and rain. They may encounter angry waves in the sea, but brave people will slide his oars. The storm won't praise his fighting spirit, and he will eventually return to his shore.

In the afternoon, Jiang Chen decided to be a tour guide himself and take Li still to visit his new scenic spot. A Mercedes Benz big G galloped on the cherry blossom Avenue. At the end of the cherry blossom Avenue is the Seven Star Lake, and seven lakes scattered in the green space are suffused with clear waves.

From the Seven Star Lake scenic area to the cherry blossom lake, the cherry blossom lake reflecting white cherry blossoms and proud cactus is extremely quiet.

From Sakura lake to Western Avenue, the Western villa on the north side of the avenue is unique, and the blooming hundred day chrysanthemum in the South continues day after day. Li is still taking photos and running in the world of zinnia. She is so beautiful that she can fight with the bright Zinnia!

Leaving the hundred day chrysanthemum sea, there is the king's palace of Qin in front. The more than 700 billion restored King's palace of Qin is full of traces of years on every column. Every turn and wall here came from the Qin Dynasty, and every brick and tile of the palace was the masterpiece of the craftsmen of the Qin Dynasty.

"Wow! The Qin palace is so spectacular! It's not the same as the new antique buildings!"

Isn't it? If it's a new antique building, it'll be done if the palace lasts ten billion! This is 700 billion yuan. It seems to be a palace directly moved from the Qin Dynasty with future technology.

"Well, still, the Qin palace cost 700 billion."

"700 billion? That's so much? Even the market value of the whole Zhu family is only trillion!"

"So, in the Li family, straighten your waist, and behind you is the whole Qin palace!"

When Jiang Chen finished, Li still smiled. Her smile was dignified and generous. Her smile was charming and intoxicating.

In the evening, on the roof of the Qin palace of the Qin palace, Li still leaned against Jiang Chen. She looked at the sunset in the West and talked about a story she had never told anyone.

"People say it's good to be born in a rich family and it's blessed to marry in a rich family, but my mother and I are an exception."

Jiang Chen didn't speak. He just listened to Li still quietly. Sometimes listening is better than everything.

"My mother was beautiful when she was young, but she came out of the farm. She met my father when she was a waiter in the hotel. My father married my mother regardless of the opposition of the family, but since my mother came in, from my grandfather to my aunt, none of them have shown my mother a good face."

Li was still talking. She remembered the letters her mother had left her. The yellow pieces of stationery were full of tears.

It's true. After Li's mother married to the Li family, the Li family bullied her all the time because she came from a humble background. Even her younger sister-in-law Li Ping is always punching her.

Later, after Li was still born, her mother's life was even more sad. There was still a chance to turn over and give birth to a girl in the big family, which would be all over!

Therefore, at the moment of giving birth to the child, none of the Li family, old or young, came to see her. Even so, when Li still's mother held her out of the hospital, the Li family refused to let them in. They said she couldn't give birth to a son from the countryside. What's the use of asking her?

Therefore, on the day of discharge, after Li's mother wrote a letter to her infant daughter, late at night, she still put Li in front of Li's house and hanged herself on the door frame.

Later, Li still's father took Li still into the Li family, so when he grew up, Li still hated and feared the Li family.

In the evening, the wind blew. It was a cold night in the desert. Jiang Chen got up and dressed Li. They snuggled up to each other to watch the sunset disperse, watch the night fall, and see the stars scattered in the sky.

There is no prosperity in Shengjing in the Saha desert. There is only peace and well-being in the years. Li still snuggles up to Jiang Chen. She even forgets all the bad things in the world.

Early in the morning, Jiang Chen sent Li back to Saha hospital.

Jiang Chen could have left Li in Saha, but he wanted Li to finish her studies. Of course, what's more important is that Li still has a knot. She hates the Li family. Jiang Chen doesn't want her to stay with hate. Jiang Chen wants her to be the Li family again!

After Li still returned to Saha hospital, Jiang Chen drove back to the scenic spot. Today he still has important things to do. After all, his Saha Tourism College has started!

When we arrived at Saha Tourism College, a huge podium had been built beside the new lake of the college. On the podium, Guan promotion, chairman of SAHA group, President of SAHA scenic spot group and President of tourism college all sat on the podium.

Under the stage, more than 300 students sat in uniform in a square array, and hundreds of media set up cameras next to the student square.

When Guan urged Jiang Chen to come, he hurriedly asked Jiang Chen to speak on the stage. When Jiang Chen spoke on the stage, he found that the media had targeted the students. Under the lens, the students were really full of vitality.

Of course, what they shoot is not their vitality, but their beauty! All the students present were young and beautiful, with excellent looks.

"Good morning, teachers, students and media friends. In September at the turn of spring and summer, our Saha Tourism College has welcomed the first batch of students. Here I say to every student who chooses Saha college that your choice today will be the glory of your life!"

When Jiang Chen finished, the excited students applauded. Yes, in order to be admitted to Saha Tourism College, they said it was not too much to pass the three passes and cut six generals.

Finally, they stand out from tens of thousands of candidates, which really proves that each of them is extraordinary.