A group of fans in Feng mushroom live broadcasting room brought up Jiang Chen's rhythm. Jiang Chen watched but didn't speak, but Feng mushroom was not calm. After all, she was the number one of Xiaoyu live broadcasting before she came. She didn't feel the anger casually, and she was still on the first day of her own broadcast.

"You always compare me with Jiang Chen. In fact, there's nothing like it. We all have a live broadcast. We can see who is popular and who is popular at a glance. I heard that I'm going to have a live broadcast of pepper. Some people are so scared that they don't even dare to open the live broadcast. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

Feng mushroom said, and her fans laughed.

Universal worker: Yes, garbage is garbage. I heard that our mushroom girl came, and I didn't dare to open the live broadcast!

Global awakening: that is, if you have the ability, let him open the live broadcast now to compare the popularity!


When a group of fans were talking, Jiang Chen opened the live studio. He didn't want to compete with Feng mushroom for chili first. He thought that if he hadn't defeated brother maoya, would chili be today? Besides, can you sing and dance like me?

"Hello, I'm Jiang Chen, who loves farming. Today I'll bring you a new live content. I hope you like it."

The moment Jiang Chen's studio opened, several old fans in his studio immediately came to support him.

Young man: good host, you're finally back!

Song ChuChu: Yes! Feng mushroom next door opened a live broadcast, and it's still a big push on the home page. Doesn't pepper really hold you?

Look at each other and smile: ha ha, the anchor really came to abuse! Today, Feng mushroom was promoted in all channels of pepper. Didn't you die when you ran out for Feng mushroom's first show?

Little pig: No, he's not dying. He's pretending to force, but he'll pay for his pretending to force later!

Fishy: don't pay attention to him. They are the spray of Zhu Chang. Tengxian desert film and television tourism base was swallowed up by dust storms. They lost all their money and came here to find comfort.

Many fans left messages. Jiang Chen ignored them. With the evening wind blowing, Jiang Chen walked alone in a light golden sunset.

In Jinshou apricot scenic area, the apricot flowers that have been open for more than half a month have changed from red to white. The white flowers are in clusters and clusters under the sunset. When the wind blows, they really look like a fairyland.

"This is the golden longevity apricot scenic spot I want to broadcast to you. The apricot flowers in China have fallen, but they are in full bloom here. By the way, I'll take you to see the apricot rain in Xinghualing!"

Jiang Chen walked towards Xinghualing scenic spot. When he walked, Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to his live studio. What he didn't know was that his live studio had already exploded at the moment!

Song ChuChu: Wow! How beautiful! I can't see the apricot flower at a glance. I haven't seen such a large apricot flower base for a long time!

Fishy: the apricot flowers in the desert bloom so late. I missed the apricot rain in China. I really want to go to the desert to have a look!

Three chat groups: cough, look, popularity is coming up! Come on, let's go and publicize!

Crayon Xiaojiu: come on, brother. Don't say a word when you open the live broadcast. I'll go! Isn't the sunset live today? Where is this? Why is it so beautiful?

Owl: ha ha, I've been to this scenic spot. I'll tell you that the anchor went to Xinghualing later. You know what fairyland is!

Wangu Danlao: go and have a look at Feng mushroom's live studio. All her tourists have run away!


When Jiang Chen was walking in the neutral position, a group of fans ran to Feng mushroom's live broadcasting room to watch the excitement. At the moment, Feng mushroom was sitting on a chair selling cute and singing two tigers. She was very cute and sang beautifully. An anchor like her could attract those otaku men most.

However, Feng mushroom could not help frowning when she saw the sharp decline in the popularity of her live studio.

"What's the matter? Has everyone gone to dinner?"

Feng mushroom stopped and Mai asked. Most of her fans in the live studio don't know what happened, but there don't seem to be many people eating at this point!

Jane easterly: what's going on? Why did the popularity suddenly disperse? It was more than 20 million just now. Why is there only more than 8 million left now?

Little pig: leave them alone. They'll come back later!

Heaven Gate: hahaha, they won't come back! Don't you know? Jiang Chen next door has a live broadcast!

Global awakening: what? Jiang Chen's live broadcast? When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me!

Emperor Shenyuan: who are you? Why should I tell you? Forget it, let's go, brothers. You can watch singing and dancing anytime. It's not easy for brother Chen to have a live broadcast!

I eat wireless resources: let's go, let's go and watch brother Chen's live broadcast!


A group of fans heard that Jiang Chen had started the live broadcast. In an instant, they retreated from Feng mushroom's live broadcast room like a tide. Feng mushroom was also stupid. She never expected that Jiang Chen had such a great influence on pepper! Fortunately, she just boasted that Jiang Chen didn't dare to broadcast live with her at the same time. Now, her first live show will be ruthlessly crushed by Jiang Chen!

"Don't go, I'll dance for you later!"

Feng mushroom said that the heat receding like the tide stabilized. Feng mushroom saw that she knew she had to use her unique skills, so she stood up from her chair and danced for everyone. When Feng mushroom performed and danced with everyone, Jiang Chen also came to his Xinghualing scenic spot.

Arriving at Xinghualing, Jiang Chen climbed to the top of the hillside and looked up. The sunset glow did not disperse. The slopes of two huge earth mountains in the distance were full of red and white clouds.

Jiang Chen pointed to the hundred year old apricot trees on the hillside in the distance and said, "look, this is Xinghualing scenic area! There are more than 5000 apricot trees in Xinghualing scenic area. These apricot trees are all on the hillside, and because of the different angles of sunlight, their flowering time is staggered, so there is the red and white spectacle of Xinghualing."

After Jiang Chen finished, everyone looked at the apricot trees like huge flower umbrellas on the sand mountain. They couldn't help praising them.

I love traveling: it's spectacular! I've been to so many places, but this is the most beautiful apricot flower sea I've ever seen!

Cat elder brother: awesome, anchor brother is giving me strength today! The sunset glow is broadcast live every day. Today, the scenery suddenly changes. There is no publicity. Otherwise, today's popularity must exceed 100 million!

Angry old bird: Yes, the last time the anchor broke 100 million, it was the time when the Rose Sea was broadcast live!

Brother Chen, little fan: why doesn't brother Chen recommend a new live broadcast website of the scenic spot?

Jiang Chen support group: Yes! Just to hold the mushroom? Sisters of the support group, it's time to stand up!

A branch of the support group: I have told you in the group. I believe you will be on the number soon.

Xiaoerlang: I also told the fan support group in our province. They will all be online in ten minutes!

Anhui Xiaobei: we must support Jiang Chen! Also, today's popularity must exceed 100 million!


The fans kept informing each other. At the moment, the only 9 million fans left in Feng mushroom's live studio watched Feng mushroom's dance for a while. Finally, they couldn't help but want to see Jiang Chen's live broadcast.

Big man, slow down: it's a good dance. However, I haven't watched Jiang Chen live broadcast for a long time. I'll withdraw first. Take your time to support it. I'll support it tomorrow!

Panda: that's right. Why do I panic when I'm in this live studio?

Arctic Ocean: I just went to see the new scenic spot broadcast by Jiang Chen. My God, the sea of apricot flowers and more than 100000 mu of apricot trees are not only like this, but also 100 year old apricots. What are you waiting for!

Panda: what? Live broadcast of the new scenic spot? Sleeping trough, withdraw, withdraw, come back tomorrow!

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