Jiang Chen doesn't know how many people watch the ball you're too beautiful. However, since others are willing to shoot it in their own scenic spot, Jiang Chen is naturally willing to do it. Anyway, Jiang Chen can give himself free publicity. Jiang Chen is eager for it.

After Jiang Chen signed a shooting agreement with the director, the director took the crew to shoot in Jiangchen scenic area. They first went to Xinghualing scenic area. After shooting in the scenic area for more than three hours, they went to rose sea view area.

After shooting in the rose sea view area for more than two hours, in the evening, a group of people went to Guanyun mountain scenic spot. Finally, under a starry sky, they didn't forget to shoot the oasis.

It was late at night after shooting the whole desert scenic spot. Fan Jiabing and Cai Kun lived in the scenic spot late at night. They promised to hold a small star meeting at the gate of the scenic spot tomorrow, which was Jiang Chen's only requirement for their shooting.

In other words, Jiang Chen has nothing to do at night. He has just opened Migu news. A news instantly attracted Jiang Chen's attention.

"The love betting between Jiang Chen and Zhu Chang continues to escalate. This newspaper has specially opened a support rate survey. You are welcome to vote."

Looking at the title, Jiang Chen clicked in. After clicking in, two options appeared in the web page. One was Jiang Chen and the other was Zhu Chang. Jiang Chen subconsciously voted for himself. After voting, the web page popped up the current voting results. Looking at the results, Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

Jiang Chen: 110000 tickets.

Zhu Chang: 120000 votes.

"I'll go. I can't beat Zhu Chang in such a good scenic spot?"

Jiang Chen sneered and was about to close the news, but soon he saw the comments below the vote, and he became interested again.

Xiao Fan: who voted for Zhu Chang? Zhu Chang cheated tourists and beat tourists. Isn't anyone in charge?

Sexy scum cat: Yes, he cheated us into the scenic spot today. Such people are really disgusting!

Ice backup group: I hope you won't be fooled. Ice and Caikun went to Mojiang Bermuda scenic spot. If you want to see them, don't go to Tengxian County!

Ball you are too beautiful fan group: that is, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, Aidou will organize a meeting in the scenic spot. Everyone can enter for free. Be sure to remember the time!

Little pig: liar, fan Jiabing, they are in Tengxian scenic area. Don't believe I have photos here!

The comments in the news kept rolling like chat messages. Jiang Chen saw that the little brother pig was spreading rumors here again. He just wanted to expose them. A fan shouted and soon the fans in the voting room dispersed like a tide.

Love bean is handsome: the ball is so beautiful. Go and watch it!

After the crowd dispersed, Jiang Chen was also curious to open the video of "ball you are too beautiful" played in Migu video. It had just been broadcast for less than a minute, and the broadcast volume of "ball you are too beautiful" reached as many as one million hits, and the hits were still increasing in units of ten thousand.

"It's really hot!"

Jiang Chen wondered why so many people watch such a video of shooting the ball?

"Hello, I'm Cai Kun. Today we go to Mojiang Bermuda oasis scenic spot to dribble. Wow, look at the desert here with me. The desert here is so spectacular. Watch me dribble. My ball is walking on the ground in the sand. I feel like I'm dancing on the sand..."

"So handsome..."

"Love bean is so hard!"

"It hurts so much. Love beans must refuel!"

Before Jiang Chen could see his dribbling posture, his mobile phone was brushed by the bullet screen. Jiang Chen turned off the bullet screen. He watched Cai Kun play the ball. He was too fast to see clearly. Jiang Chen sighed and turned off the video.

A new day begins, the sun is infinitely good.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Cai Kun and fan Jiabing held a half-hour fan meeting in Jiangchen's scenic spot. Jiangchen thought there would not be many people. After all, this is a remote desert, and now it is also the sandstorm season, but to his surprise, thousands of people lined up at the gate of his scenic spot when it is not dawn!

Guan hurried to call Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen hurriedly rushed to the gate of the scenic spot. Thousands of fans were impatient to come in.

"Open the door, organize vehicles and let them go to the meeting in the rose sea view area!"

After Jiang Chen said that, the security guard hurriedly opened the, and Guan urged everyone to brush their ID cards and get free temporary tickets before getting on the bus. Where would those fans like to, they rushed into the gate and ran in towards the scenic spot.

Looking at a group of people rushing into the scenic spot, Guan hurried just wanted to stop them. Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "don't let them go. Anyway, it's more than 200 miles. If they want to go, let them go!"

After Jiang Chen finished, a group of fans heard that there were more than 200 miles. They ran back to get the tickets.

Fans lined up to get tickets into the scenic spot, not to mention that Jiang Chen was excited when he saw the number of tourists from outside the province rising one by one in the ticket hall.

"OK, 100, great. I didn't expect that the fans are so crazy. They came from all over the country in the middle of the night. It's really a timely help!"

As Jiang Chen spoke, his mobile phone rang untimely. Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Zhu Chang again.


"Ha ha, Jiang Chen, I'd like to tell you the good news. There are 498 tourists, and there are still two to win you. By the way, there are many silly bird fans coming to me. You wait to lose!"

When Zhu Chang finished, Jiang Chen was surprised. Sure enough, the goods were extremely despicable.

Jiang Chen scolded well. After Jiang Chen went to bed last night, Zhu Chang spent more than two million yuan asking a marketing number to advertise for him, so the whole network was full of news that fan Jiabing and others were filming in Tengxian County, which also deceived wave after wave of tourists for Zhu Chang.

"Hehe, so what? Don't you still lack two now? I can get to 500 in a minute!"

After Jiang Chen finished, Zhu Chang sneered: "Don't think I didn't know that you cheated thousands of people to come to your scenic spot. However, even if they start buying tickets now and wait until you sell 500 tickets, my task is over! By the way, I have contacted governor Li, who has informed the media. At three o'clock this afternoon, we will see the result in Urumqi. By the way, let me tell you in advance, get ready for 10 billion!"

Zhu Chang then hung up the phone with a smile.

After Jiang Chen hung up the phone, Guan urged some anxiously and said, "what about boss Jiang? Zhu Chang still needs two people to complete the task. We can't lose to him!"

After Guan hurried finished, brother Hu stood up and said, "brother Jiang, why don't I stop the cars to Tengxian on the way?"

Brother Hu said, Guan hurried nodded and said, "OK, fat tiger, go and stop the car. As long as it's going to Tengxian County, it won't be released!"

Guan urged brother Hu to nod and want to go. Jiang Chen reached out and stopped him.

"No, that will damage the image of our scenic spot. Besides, I can't do such a despicable thing!"

After Jiang Chen said that, the beauties of the two notary offices shouted at the door: "the fans of our new province let the fans of other provinces come first. They are all guests. It's time to reflect the enthusiasm of our new province, isn't it?"

The beauty of the notary office said that none of the crowded tourists at the door wanted others. They still crowded at the ticket gate and refused to move.