Leaving the rose ocean in the desert, several people are still full of meaning. Jiang Chen drove them to the end of Highway 1. At the end of the highway, director Sun's bodyguard and secretary have been waiting for a long time.

In the afternoon, accompanied by Li Province, sun Bureau of the desert Management Bureau returned to Urumqi, Mayor Ma also returned to Iraq, and county magistrate Guo also returned to Mojiang. Jiang Chen suddenly became idle, but when it comes to leisure, he couldn't get up at all. After all, he promised Gou so much. Now he wants to realize them one by one.

"While Cary still has some money, let's start some urgent enterprises!"

Jiang Chen calculated that he had 5.66 billion yuan left in his pocket. He said that more money was not enough to build a scenic spot. He said that he could do a lot of things less. He spent him just before the storm sand arrived.

"The Development Zone in Mojiang hasn't been repaired yet. Let me start the pasture first. Whether it's windy or not, I don't believe that windy sand can bury sheep!"

In the Mercedes Benz, Jiang Chen thought of this. He took out his mobile phone and called Wang pangzi. At the moment, Wang pangzi is buying a plane with the financial officer of the Saha army in Urumqi. Seeing Jiang Chen calling himself, Wang pangzi hurriedly answered the phone.

"Hello, Hello, brother Chen, what's up?"

Jiang Chen heard the loud buzzing noise from the other end of his mobile phone, so that he couldn't hear anything. Jiang Chen couldn't help shouting, "dead fat man, what are you doing?"

"Buy a plane! Brother Chen, we are going to buy ten old-fashioned fighters, and now they are being delivered!"

After Wang pangzi's cry, Jiang Chen almost spewed blood. It's been decades. Did you buy an old-fashioned woolen fighter?

"Give it back! Buy me a new fighter. I'll give you another batch if I don't have money!"

These bastards, are you driving an old fighter to be funny?

"No way! Brother Chen, there is no signal in our desert, and all electronic equipment can't be used, so we let them all change to manual operation, but the machine guns and missiles are all new, and it's very fierce to fight!"

After Wang pangzi said that, Jiang Chen nodded. It's still good to have a plane. After all, if he doesn't have some hard strength to protect his trillions of scenic spots, wouldn't he suffer a great loss in case of mercenaries?

"Just be fierce, fat Wang. You hand over the purchase of aircraft to the Quartermaster's office. Now I have an important task for you!"

Jiang Chen shouted at his mobile phone. Fat Wang asked curiously after hearing the noise of the plane: "brother Chen, what can I do for you?"

"Buy cattle and sheep! Within a week, buy me 10000 calves and 10000 lambs in new province. In addition, find me some shepherds who can raise sheep, and I'll pay a high salary!"

After Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi shouted happily on the phone: "brother Chen, I said, now the mutton is rising sharply, raising sheep is absolutely profitable! Brother Chen, call me back and I'll buy you sheep now!"

After Wang pangzi said that, Jiang Chen ordered some. The Wang pangzi really

"Fat Wang, do you know what sheep to buy?"

There are many kinds of sheep, including white goat, black goat, Boer goat, sheep, etc. different sheep have different purposes, and the prices of different sheep are also different.

"I know that the grass in our grassland is very expensive, and our grass also has the function of calming the mind. Therefore, our sheep must also raise sheep that are beneficial to the health. I have thought for a long time. We will raise black goats. There are many black lambs wholesale in Qi province. I asked last time. Now it seems that we can buy one for 350 yuan. Brother Chen wants to buy 10000, that is, 3.5 million. We buy more, They must have brought it back! "

After Wang pangzi finished, Jiang Chen wondered for a while, how is this guy so familiar with the price of sheep?

"Fat Wang, how do you know the price of lamb?"

When Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi laughed and said, "well, I'm going to raise some secretly..."

"I wipe!"

Jiang Chen really wants to give fat King k a hard meal. He is very kind to him. Why does he want to destroy his grassland every day?

Seeing the leak, Wang pangzi hurriedly said: "Cough, brother Chen, I don't want to eat sheep. I mainly want to buy sheep for sister Anna. Look at such a beautiful person as sister Anna, who accompanies you in the desert every day. This black goat just has the effect of prolonging life and beauty. Moreover, brother Chen, I tell you that black goat can also nourish yin, strengthen Yang, tonify deficiency and strengthen body. If it eats our lawn again, That effect... "

Wang pangzi felt his blood boiling when he finished. Now he couldn't help grabbing a black goat to eat!

"All right, all right, don't pull so much for me. By the way, order some other sheep for me. Order 10000 Boer goats and sheep for me."

Although black goat has the effect of nourishing beauty, yin and Yang, Jiang Chen is also going to build an enterprise producing woolen sweaters. Therefore, sheep can't be less.

"OK, OK, then see 10000. By the way, brother Chen, what cattle do you want?"

When it comes to cattle, Jiang Chen doesn't know much about it, but he also made a thousand degrees ahead of time. Now the better cattle are yellow cattle from Qixi and imported Simmental. Yellow cattle are beef cattle, and Simmental cattle can be both cows and beef cattle, so he needs both. In addition, Jiang Chen is going to build a milk base, so there will certainly be no fewer Dutch cows.

"There are 10000 Qixi yellow cattle and 10000 Simmental cattle. In addition, there are more cows, 50000 Dutch cows!"

When Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi shook his head hurriedly and said, "no, no, brother Chen, how can we raise so many cattle and sheep with that little grass! Count all the grass factories in our military camp. It's enough to raise sheep, so there are so many cattle..."

"If you want to buy it, you can buy it. Don't talk so much nonsense. I've built a super natural ranch, which is in the northeast of the military camp. You can just buy cattle. You won't be allowed to work in vain at that time. I'll give you the factory director of the farm in the future!"

After Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi was stunned when he heard that Jiang Chen had built a super ranch. He wanted to know how Jiang Chen did it. However, Jiang Chen had clearly told him that he could not ask about the desert, otherwise he would be cursed by the desert God, so he could only obey the order. Only by obeying the order, the desert God would give them more miracles.

"OK! However, brother Chen, I don't trust others to raise our cattle. Can I let the family members of our Saha army come and raise them?"

Wang pangzi has long wanted to bring the families of the Saha army to the desert. To know that their families are in other countries, these men have some concerns after all. Moreover, now that the desert is developing so well, they also want to have a family reunion in the desert.

"OK, you can arrange this by yourself, but will the family members of the Saha Legion raise cattle? Are they enough? I need a lot of herdsmen here!"

When Jiang Chen finished, Wang pangzi nodded hurriedly and said: "Don't worry, brother Chen. Many of the children of our Saha regiment are farmers. Their family will certainly raise cattle and sheep, and they are very responsible. In addition, there are nearly 10000 people in our Saha regiment now. If all the families come, at least there are 30000 or 40000 people. It's not a problem that 30000 or 40000 people raise tens of thousands of cattle. The problem is whether brother Chen has so much money to pay wages?"