In the night, Wang pangzi took over the mobile phone. He looked at Jiang Chen and said, "brother Chen, it's not one million, it's ten million."

"What? Ten million? Did you buy a tank?"

Jiang Chen wondered that his scenic spot has not made money yet. Now all his expenses depend on the loan of Guaqi bank. He spent one billion on road construction, and the remaining one billion spent a lot of messy things.

"How do you know? The company commander said there was no signal in the desert and just bought old and old tanks. Therefore, I ordered three tanks, 400 Chinese light machine guns and three heavy machine guns. In addition, I also ordered military uniforms and sabres, camp tents, etc., with a total of 700 million and a deposit of 10 million. People delivered them to the door. By the way, I bought them at the new provincial military industry group. The company commander knew the people inside."

Wang pangzi said, Jiang Chen's head is big, and he can't repay the loan in his hand. Why do you buy so many equipment? Don't you just buy two electric sticks?

"Why do you buy so many guns? It's rusty!"

Jiang Chen's temper became worse and worse when he mentioned the money. Wang pangzi added a wechat and said, "one person, one will not rust!"

what? One for each? Jiang Chen took a breath of air conditioning. Is it

"Fat Wang, how many people did you recruit?"

"Five hundred and twenty!"

"Your uncle! Do I need so many security guards in a place like this?"

"I don't think so, but when my brothers heard that they could return to the barracks, they all... Why don't I call and cut half?"

"Oh, forget it. They are all brothers. You don't feel comfortable if you don't let anyone come. Come on. A person will be 10000 a month, so you should sell more roses."

Jiang Chen feels more and more pressure on his shoulders. It's enough for him to support Wang pangzi, Xia Yi and Anna with a 2 billion loan. This time, more than 500 people come, and they have to pay at least $56 million a month. However, it's also a good thing to come. At least no one dares to be wild in his own territory in the future.

After all, it's a happy event for the brothers of the military for many years to get together again!

"Brother Chen, don't worry. The company commander's soldiers are absolutely good soldiers! They will obey your leadership. If you let them go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, they won't say no!"

After Wang pangzi finished, Jiang Chen nodded and said, "OK, Wang pangzi, you hurry to wash the dishes. By the way, I may not come back at night. Remember, don't let Xia Yi and Anna quarrel!"

Jiang Chen suddenly remembered the clothes bought for Xia Yi in the car. He hurriedly opened the door and carried the body clothes sent to Xia Yi to Wang pangzi. Wang pangzi's arms were covered with clothes and rushed towards the Bermuda lawn with an excited face.

Jiang Chen drove the Mercedes Benz big G all the way to the gas station. After adding oil, he called Urumqi Juxian human resources company. Yes, he needs to recruit hundreds of gas station employees. Jiang Chen has calculated that he is in urgent need of a lot of money. Therefore, he is going to build another gas station in the middle of Highway 1, Then reduce the oil price to more than seven yuan and grab the market of Mojiang with Zhu Chang of Mojiang.

Therefore, he needs a lot of employees. Not only that, Jiang Chen sees that there are so many people ordering roses. He plans to plant more roses on Highway 1 near the scenic spot of Guanyun mountain. However, he can't plant them now, because Jiang Chen Cary really has no money after paying the advance payment for arms.


"The boundless horizon is my love..."

"Hello? Boss Jiang, I'm a small bag. I've brought people to Mojiang County. Can you pick me up? I'm going to start work in the evening. I'll definitely decorate boss Jiang's gas station in a week!"

Jiang Chen is happy to hear that Mr. Bao is here. Yes, if he can decorate the gas station for himself, the workers will have a place to live and the gas station will be open normally. It's wonderful to think about it.

"OK, I'll pick you up right away. You wait for me for an hour."

Jiang Chen hung up the phone and ran to Mojiang County in a Mercedes Benz. Not long after the car was driven, general manager Gong, who built the road, called. He had arrived at the side of Mojiang highway with people and equipment. He heard that Jiang Chen still had an hour to arrive, so he built a toll station at the entrance of No. 1 highway by himself.

President Gong got busy. Jiang Chen hung up and continued driving. When the car reached the middle of Highway 1, president Fang of Shenghai group called. He personally escorted ten large thermal insulation trucks to Mojiang highway. Jiang Chen asked him to wait. After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chen smiled in the bright moonlight. At this moment, he knew that the desert was really going to change because of his arrival!

"Wait, this is the middle of the road. Let me build another gas station!"

After Jiang Chen paid the advance payment of several companies, he happened to have more than 14 million left in his card, so he directly spent 10 million to build a gas station in the north of the middle of Highway 1. After the gas station was planted, Jiang Chen planted a cement road connecting highway 1. Then, taking advantage of the night, he planted rows of desert giant column cactus.

When he spent only one million dollars, Jiang Chen left the gas station and drove to Mojiang. When he was approaching the Mojiang highway, Jiang Chen received a call from the packaging company. They worked overtime day and night, and finally transported the packaging boxes of two trucks. In addition, they also helped recruit more than 100 skilled packaging workers.

Jiang Chen thanked the boss of the packaging company. It was late at night. Jiang Chen asked them all to wait for themselves on Highway 1. In the evening, he would entertain these brothers in Mojiang hotel!

Mercedes Benz has been driving to the end of No. 1 highway. A long row of cars have been parked at the junction of eight Lane Mojiang highway and No. 1 highway. They have decoration companies, packaging companies, road repair companies and cars repairing toll stations. These cars have been waiting for several miles.

After Jiang Chen arrived, the toll station had been built. Fifty or sixty workers kept loading and unloading things, and the workers in the middle of the road began to dig. General Jiao stood by the roadside and personally commanded them to do it. You know, he can earn at least hundreds of millions on this road, and as long as he does it well, won't Jiang Chen own all the roads in the desert in the future?

"Boss Jiang, boss Jiang!"

A Mercedes Benz g stopped at the end of the road. Soon a group of bosses ran over. After getting off the bus, Jiang Chen waved and shouted, "bosses, go, take your brothers to dinner first! Let's go to the best restaurant today!"

After Jiang Chen finished, a group of employees became excited. Such a boss is really rare!

Jiang Chen then got on the bus. He took several bosses to find a hotel first. When he drove into Mojiang County, he had to say that Mojiang County was very small. It was a county, rather than a small town. More than ten years ago, it was indeed prosperous. At that time, facing the national policy, many people came to invest here, and many factories were built here.

However, due to the advent of the desert, the factories here closed down one after another. Finally, several enterprises that survived were also heavily in debt and were taken over by the wronged leader Zhu Chang. So along the way, they saw potholes and abandoned factories everywhere.