"You guys have to keep your voice down, otherwise the master will hear you in a while, be careful that you won't be able to save your own life!"

At this moment, a man came over with a mocking look on his face, and just said that, he didn't know in his heart that if the fan said such words, someone would die in a matter of minutes.

"What's the big deal, anyway, the master can't possibly hear us say these words, besides, isn't it true? You can ask anyone in the blessing who likes this young lady. Everyone wants him to die quickly, so We don't need to say so much hypocritically here!"

Some people expressed extreme disdain for this, and they directly opened their mouths to mock it. It seemed that they were really dissatisfied with this young lady in their hearts, and even had the idea of ​​wanting to have a good meal and celebrate.

At this moment, the old man who happened to pass by here heard the conversation of the crowd. He had an angry expression on his face. He never dreamed that this group of people would go so far.

"Okay, don't talk so much, the most important thing for us now is to deal with all the things that need to be solved quickly, so that the master won't be upset and come to toss us again at that time."

The servants kept talking about their eyes, all with extremely dissatisfied expressions, and they also felt a headache when they thought of what the other party would do next.

This person asked them to search for the location of the eldest lady in the whole city, and they had to find the location, otherwise all the people would have to be buried with the eldest lady.

While everyone was searching frantically, this so-called eldest lady was taken to a seemingly extremely dangerous place.

The other party is as fat as a pig, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

After forcibly throwing the woman aside, the murderer also showed a helpless expression. He never thought that he would encounter such a big trouble.

"I am a dignified flower-picker, but he will miss it directly. What's going on?"

He had an extremely dissatisfied look on his face, and when he thought that he would miss, he also became extremely unhappy.

This person is an extremely famous flower picker, and he has always liked to attack all kinds of beauties.

This time, he also learned about the beautiful woman here, so he tried every means to find trouble with this woman, but he didn't expect that he would sneak into the other's boudoir after a lot of hard work, and he would only see a fat pig. exist.

With the idea that he couldn't miss it, he took the woman away directly.

In his opinion, if the other party can stay in this place to confirm his status, he must be at least a young lady in this family. Although he is definitely not the eldest lady, the weight must be enough.

Murong Yu had already fainted for a long time, but not long after, she still woke up heavily.

Sensing the extremely bad environment here, Murong Yu quickly woke up, and came over with an extremely irritable expression on his face.

"It's so strange, what kind of place is this? Why is there so much mess?"

A trace of anger flashed in Murong Yu's eyes, he never dreamed that he would appear in such a disgusting place.

More importantly, Murong Yu was forcibly tied up.

Murong Yu had never been treated like this in his life, and his heart collapsed instantly, and he even felt that he had been seriously humiliated.