"I'll give you the antidote right now, so how you distribute it is none of my business."

Chen Ping gave out the antidote directly, and he knew very well in his heart that how to distribute it was the village head's business. He would definitely not give it to Aligu, so he didn't want to participate in their messy conflicts. Woolen cloth.

The village chief got the antidote very quickly, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. He didn't expect Chen Ping to give the antidote to himself directly. Doesn't this mean that he can do whatever he wants next?

Aligu's expression was very ugly, he didn't expect such a tragic thing to happen to him, Chen Ping's actions were completely deceiving him on purpose.

After being given the medicine, Chen Ping and the others left the village directly, and he also became very interested in this group of weird characters.

"By the way, we have a nickname called Undead."

Because the village chief was so grateful to Chen Ping, he couldn't help but tell Chen Ping their true identities.

After hearing the name Undead, Chen Ping nodded silently. Although he didn't know exactly what kind of structure the other party was, but after knowing some of their identities, Chen Ping was able to figure out what was going on.

Chen Ping left the place quickly, and at this time the village also became noisy.

Naturally, Aligu would not allow the village chief to swallow these good things all by himself, and he stared straight at the village chief with an extremely displeased look in his eyes.

"These things can't be swallowed by you alone, don't you think you should take them out and share them?"

There was a tinge of anger in Aligu's eyes, and he could naturally see the meaning of the village chief. The other party made it clear that he didn't intend to take out these good things, so don't make it too obvious at all that he wants to take all these good things.

"Hehe, what are you talking about here? How could I not share it with my good villagers, they are all very supportive of me, I will naturally take out these good things, for those who do not support me , It is impossible for them to obtain these things.”

After saying this, the village chief immediately took out all the things and shared them. He knew very well that this person just wanted to take things away from his hands. After he returned to normal, he would use the same attitude towards yourself.

The other villagers were given the antidote very quickly, and they were extremely moved. Everyone recovered quickly after taking the antidote. Normally, their eyes were full of gratitude, and they were very grateful for what Chen Ping had done So all of a sudden there is no longer any hatred.

Aligu waited until the end but failed to get half of the antidote.

In fact, when Chen Ping gave the antidote, he also thought about it. He intentionally prepared one less portion of the antidote. Anyway, there is always one person who will not get the antidote.

Chen Ping's little thought was naturally discovered by the village head, and a smug flash of light flashed in his eyes, but he didn't expect that Chen Ping didn't like the other party either.

"Oh, why did you miss one portion of this antidote? Maybe Chen Ping forgot to prepare it."

The village chief said deliberately, with a hint of complacency in his eyes.

After hearing these words, Aligu jumped forward in a somewhat unbelievable way. He always felt that something was wrong.

"How is it possible? It is absolutely impossible for him to do this."

Aligu couldn't accept that all of this was true until now. In his opinion, it was absolutely impossible for Chen Ping to do such a thing.