After checking the patient's body, the doctor who came into the ward first nodded to the patient and then said to the people in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine who were present

"You students of traditional Chinese medicine are very skillful. We have been treating the disease for so long, but we haven't found a cure yet. As soon as you come, the patient's condition will be improved. How young and promising

Hearing the doctor's praise and affirmative tone for TCM, the face of the Department of Western medicine couldn't hang, so he had to watch awkwardly.

"Thank you. However, we are only students after all. Our technique is not very mature. We have to ask the doctor to observe it carefully again! "

Yang Wei did not show off when he was praised by the doctor, but replied to the doctor in a low-key way.

On one side, Xiaolin and the students from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine all praise Yang Wei's medical skills. Especially Xiaolin. She never thought that Yang Wei could also have medical skills, and the technique was so clever.

"You are quite modest, young man."

The doctor said to Yang Wei with a smile,

"Well, since the patient's condition has improved, I'll go first. I have to go to other wards to check."

With that, the doctor patted Yang Wei on the shoulder and left.

Seeing that the doctor had left, people in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine went forward to surround Yang Wei, and they all talked about it

"Yang Wei, your medical skill is too good, isn't it?"

"That's right, you are too good!"

"Yang Wei, can you teach me your medical skills? I want to learn acupuncture, too! "

"Yes, although we Chinese medicine people are also learning acupuncture, I think your acupuncture technique is better!"

"Yes, teach us any time!"

People in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine all praised Yang Wei's medical skills, but Yang Wei was smiling and did not speak.

Xiaolin walks up to Yang Wei, pulls Yang Wei's clothes and says:

"Well, it's hidden. Yang Wei, when did you learn it? How about teaching me?"

After Xiaolin finished speaking to Yang Wei, she looked at him with a curious smile on her face.

"It's just meaning, but not words."

Yang Wei finished with a serious look to Xiaolin.

Xiaolin is a little embarrassed. She thinks Yang Wei will tell her because they know each other and because of their friends' face. Who knows, Yang Wei said this to her.

Yang Wei's words will make Xiaolin feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. She has no choice but to ask more questions.

Yang Wei knew that the situation would be like this. He used traditional Chinese medicine to treat patients, and it was a rare medical skill of Xiaolin. It would make people curious.

And I also know that my medical skills are learned from the cave, which can't be easily known. If someone knew the secret of his medical skills, who would assiduously study medical books?

Instead of being asked about, it's better to give a decisive answer first, which will dispel the curiosity.

Even so, the students of Western medicine praised Yang Wei's excellent medical skills when they saw the people in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, and the people of Western medicine were unconvinced.

Several of them said:

"What are you proud of? It's just a little bit fierce. What's the big deal!"

When Yang Wei heard this, he walked in front of the Western doctors and said:

"Yes, it's nothing. By the way, when you make a bet, if you say who loses, you have to admit that your medical skills are poor. "

"That's right. You can't cheat on the gambling appointment you just made!"

Xiaolin agreed.

When people in the Department of Western medicine heard Yang Wei and Xiaolin's words, they laughed sarcastically.

"Hey, what are you laughing at? You don't want to cheat me!"

Xiaolin sees the person of Western medicine department this appearance, cross examination asks a way.

"How can we cheat? Now that we've all made a bet, we'll keep our promise. It's just, "he said

The people in the Department of Western Medicine said, and their sarcastic tone became more severe,

"We can admit that we have lost, but it is absolutely impossible for us in the Department of Western medicine to admit your department of traditional Chinese medicine."

The words of the Department of Western medicine shocked the people in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine.

Xiaolin was even more angry when she heard this, and said angrily:

"Hey, how can you do this? You western medicine people are too good at playing rogue, right?"

With Xiaolin's leadership, the students of traditional Chinese medicine department also began to scold the people of Western medicine department

"That's right. It's clear that you've lost, but you still don't admit that your medical skills are poor!"

"You bet with us first, how can you go back?"

"I've never seen such a bad Western medicine!"

People from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine began to talk, while people from the Department of Western medicine did not show any weakness

"It's the inability of your traditional Chinese medicine that makes this person save your face. What's more, when we started to treat patients, our western medicine was more effective. So, you Chinese medicine is the worst medicine

The scene became fierce. The students in the Department of Western medicine did not admit defeat or admit that they were bad, while the students in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine constantly ridiculed western medicine

"It was you from the western medicine department who lost the bet. Now you don't admit yourself, rascal!"

"I've made a bet and I can't afford to lose. What kind of ability is that?"

"Since I can't afford to lose, I had the courage to bet before."

"You people in the Department of Western medicine are a group of scoundrels!"

In the face of the abuse from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, the students from the Department of Western Medicine showed disdain and said to the people from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine:

"Come on, you don't know what era it is now. It's the 21st century, an era of material prosperity. How can it be the power of your traditional Chinese medicine?"?! Moreover, almost all the diseases in the world are cured by western medicine, and Chinese medicine is useless at all! "

This remark from the Department of Western medicine irritated Xiaolin and the people from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine.

Looking at the people in the Department of Western medicine, Yang Wei said coldly:

"The inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has been cut off. It is said that two thousand years ago, mabeisan began to be used in surgery, and various medical knowledge and wonderful acupuncture methods emerge in endlessly, while western medicine still used bloodletting therapy in the 17th century, so there is no comparability at all."

People in the Department of Western medicine were so disgusted by Yang Wei that they couldn't speak.

"It's just that western medicine is easier to popularize and there are too few people proficient in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, it's not that your western medicine department's technique is not good enough, but that you are too stupid. "

With Yang Wei's cold words, Xiaolin and people from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine applauded Yang Wei's words one after another.

What Yang Wei said is true. Although Chinese medicine can not surpass that of foreign countries, it is not as good as that of other countries. But what our ancestors left behind is always right.

Just when the people in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine wanted to make the people in the Department of Western medicine admit defeat, the vice president arrived at the moment to explain for his son Fu Qiang, saying clearly on the spot that traditional Chinese medicine was declining and Western medicine was respected.

Xiaolin was very angry when she heard that the vice president, as the head of the hospital, actually said that traditional Chinese medicine was declining and Western medicine was respected

"Vice president, please don't have such prejudice against TCM all the time, OK? A doctor is a doctor. He is only here to treat a patient and save others. As long as the patient is cured well, where can he be divided into traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine? "

When the vice president heard that the students of his college dared to contradict him, he was so angry that he blew his beard and glared at Xiaolin and said aloud:

"Which department are you from? How dare you contradict me? Do your teachers know

Xiaolin felt angry when she heard what the vice president said. She only said a few words about the injustice of traditional Chinese medicine. She didn't expect that the vice president was so small-minded. After hearing these words, she put on a hat of disrespect and said angrily to the vice president:

"I'm a student of traditional Chinese medicine, vice president! I didn't contradict you just now. I just said a few words casually. I hope you don't mind if you have a lot of adults. "

Xiaolin thinks that she is only a student now, and she is still studying in the college. She often meets him, and sometimes some major events need his signature. Besides, she has no power in her hand, so she can't provoke him for the moment, so she can only bear it.

The vice president looked at Xiaolin with disdain in his eyes and said to her:

"It turned out to be a student of the College of traditional Chinese medicine! No wonder I have no quality. I've opened my eyes. Fortunately, I don't teach students from traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. If all students of traditional Chinese medicine are like this, I'm afraid I'll be angry on the platform. "

Xiaolin looked at the vice president's efforts to eliminate the students from the traditional Chinese medicine hospital. She was so angry that she retorted to the vice president

"Vice president, I only call you vice president when I respect you. Before, I always thought you were an amiable teacher. I didn't expect that you should treat students differently. It's really chilling for us students!

Vice president, I don't know why you have such a big opinion on traditional Chinese medicine, but I know that traditional Chinese medicine is a traditional medicine created by the Chinese working people. It has a history of thousands of years, which is earlier than the so-called western medicine in your mouth! "

Lin Yan looked at the reddened vice president and continued:

"Vice president! Now the Chinese Medicine Association is not what you call "decline". Chinese medicine is still very strong in the world. Besides, vice president, are you a member of the Chinese Medicine Association? I dare to talk about it like this. "

When the vice president heard Xiaolin's question, he was stunned. He was really not a member of the Chinese Medicine Association. It has long been a habit to belittle Chinese medicine. How can he pay so much attention to it.

The vice president felt that Xiaolin was losing her face. Her face was very blue. She said angrily to Xiaolin:

"Why did I talk nonsense? Am I wrong? Look at how many people in the college are learning the useless things of traditional Chinese medicine. Now where do you need to see a doctor? It's all western medicine! "

The vice president looked at the people around him and continued to say to Xiaolin with a haughty look

"Although I'm not a member of the Chinese Medicine Association, as the vice president of the medical college, I think I'm still qualified to comment on it. To tell you the truth, I just despise traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine should have been eliminated long ago. What should I do in this era?"

At this time, President Zheng of the medical college heard that someone was making trouble in the school. He was very worried that something might happen to the students who were either rich or expensive. Those students, relying on their family's wealth and power, were not afraid of anything at ordinary times. They looked like the king of heaven.

President Zheng thought like this, and his bad feeling became stronger and stronger. He pushed open the door of the office and rushed to it. As soon as he got to the door, he heard the words of vice president. He pushed open the door and said to vice president

"Vice president, why don't I know when you have the right to comment on the school's arrangements and how you instill such wrong ideas into students? Is that what you should do as a teacher?"

Vice president saw that President Zheng came suddenly and was stunned. Shouldn't this old man stay in the president's office at this time? All of a sudden to meddle in this business.

The vice president turned his head and looked at the students who were whispering around him. He thought that it was these students who called the president. The vice president's eyes suddenly became cold when he looked at these students.

The student looked at the vice president's eyes, and was immediately startled, a trace of coolness came up in his heart.

The vice president pretended to be kind and said to President Zheng:

"President Zheng, all this is a misunderstanding, isn't it?"

The vice president pointed to Xiaolin and continued:

"I'm educating this student. This student's behavior is too bad. She is disrespectful and provocative. I have to teach her a lesson and let her realize her mistakes."

President Zheng closely watched the performance of the vice president and thought about what the vice president had just said. On his birthday, he always knew that the vice president was a little smart, but he didn't have a great impact on the college. He turned a blind eye. He didn't expect that he would speak wildly this time. It seemed that he was too indulgent.

He said to the vice president

"Have you forgotten so soon what you just said? Our college has always advocated the mutual learning and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. I didn't expect that a rat excrement like you would make the atmosphere of our college so dirty.

Besides, I am a member of the Chinese Medicine Association. Now the Chinese Medicine Association plays an important role in the treatment of major diseases in the world. Who says that Chinese medicine is no longer good? It is clear that I have a narrow vision and blame others for their ignorance. "

After President Zheng finished, he followed the vice president's eyes to see Xiaolin in the crowd. He thought the little girl was familiar. After careful thinking, he was surprised. Isn't this Guan Yisheng's baby granddaughter?

President Zheng was angry and looked at Xiaolin with happy eyes

"You are Xiaolin! I didn't expect you to study in this school. You are a gifted child. If you study hard, you will succeed in the future. How's your grandfather doing? Please say hello to your grandfather for me! I haven't seen this old man for a long time. "

Xiaolin, hearing what President Zheng said, smiles at President Zheng and says:

"I see. Grandfather Zheng, I'll take a message for him."

Looking at this scene, the vice president next to him felt embarrassed and left with the students of Western medicine department, leaving behind an angry figure.