You know that? Zhou Wenhao can't believe it. If his investigation is right, Yang Wei is only a junior college student, and he is not a medical major! How would he know?

"Classmate, is there anything else to ask?" Yang Wei smiles.

"No!" Zhou Wenhao replied angrily. Then he sat down and accidentally fell to the ground. The students laughed.

Zhou Wenhao was a little humiliated. He immediately got up and sat down. Yang Wei's identity made Zhou Wenhao more curious

Fortunately, I'm quick enough! I'm not belittled by these smelly boys! Yang Wei thought.

Yang Wei's master was a contemporary medical sage 20 years ago. He was very skillful in medicine. Because he had a deep friendship with Yang Li, Yang Wei's father, he taught him medicine when he was young. As a result, Yang Wei's skill was amazing. He easily turned Zhou Wenhao in the face and shocked the audience.

At this time, a bad look in the corner, this person is Zheng Feifei.

Yang Weishu didn't know that Zheng Feifei was also in the class. At this time, Zheng Feifei also got up and yelled, "what a teacher, he is a sex wolf!"

"Wow ~" at that moment, everyone listened to Zheng Feifei's words and felt that Yang Wei had done something untold to Zheng Feifei

The sudden appearance of Zheng Feifei caught Yang Wei unprepared. Seeing that the female staff had become their own students, Yang Wei had no choice but to smile bitterly.

"Zheng Feifei, I have explained it many times. Please don't try to make up rumors any more." Yang Wei really has a headache. He doesn't know what Zheng Feifei thinks. How can a good college student learn to talk nonsense?!

"You don't want to cheat, as long as I'm here, you don't want to harm others!" Zheng Feifei made a dedication attitude for everyone, so that the girls don't know which team to stand in.

"Food can be eaten, but words can't be spoken." Yang Wei is not happy. He treats you like an employee or a student. But don't be cheeky!

"What's the matter? I stabbed you in the pain? I've shaken off your details, and you're starting to get angry? " Zheng Feifei said with pride.

Yang Wei doesn't want to argue with Zheng Feifei more. He looks at Zheng Feifei coldly and watches Zheng Feifei's performance quietly.

Zheng Feifei thought Yang Wei was afraid when she saw that Yang Wei didn't speak. She said, "it's just the boss of a drugstore who came to our university to teach us how to teach."

"Oh? Zheng Feifei, are you excellent? Please explain Albright syndrome Yang Wei said.

"I, I will not." Zheng Feifei lost her confidence.

"Ha ha ha ha, ah Oh, pretend to be a failure!" A boy laughed at Zheng Feifei.

"Is this Zheng Feifei's intention to attract our teacher Yang's attention?" A girl covered her mouth and said with a smile.

Zheng Feifei looks at Yang Wei angrily and sits down. Yang Wei doesn't want to make unnecessary conflicts with his staff and students.

"Zheng Feifei is frank and frank, which is not bad. In the future, you can study hard and come to me if you have any questions."

At this time, after class bell on time, Yang Wei breathes a sigh of relief. Zheng Feifei is obviously dissatisfied with himself. Yang Wei is very puzzled about what he has done.

As soon as class is over, the students rush out together

When Yang Wei went to the office, he happened to meet Hua Lin in her gentle and generous dress.

"Hi, Mr. Yang Wei, do you have time for dinner?"

Yang Wei thought about it for a while. Hua Lin saw Yang Wei hesitating and quickly said, "thank you for helping me out today, and welcome to my new colleagues!"

"All right." Yang Wei and Hua Lin go to the restaurant talking and laughing, but Wang kuanzheng, not far away, looks at Yang Wei fiercely

"Zhou Wenhao, who is that man?" Wang Kuan stopped Zhou Wenhao who had just finished class and said.

"The new teacher is Yang Wei. What's the matter?" When Zhou Wenhao saw Wang Kuan's displeasure, did Yang Wei offend Wang Kuan?

No, next to Yang Wei is Hua Lin!

It's over, it's over! Wang Kuan will have to trouble Yang Wei!

"Yang Wei, right?"?! It's OK. I'll ask. Let's invite you to dinner! " Wang Kuan plans to get some more information about Yang Wei.

"No, I have something else to do. Let's go first!" Zhou Wenhao left in a hurry.

Back home, Zhou Wenhao rushed to find his grandfather who was reading in his study.

"Grandfather, I'll tell you something!"

"What's the matter, Wenhao?" Zhou said, looking at Zhou Wenhao kindly.

"Today, a very powerful medical teacher came to our school!"

"Oh? When will he come to your house? " Mr. Zhou is very curious. There are few people who can make Zhou Wenhao say that he is powerful.

"No problem!" Zhou Wenhao knew that his grandfather was alone at home and had no one to talk with, so he also wanted to introduce Yang Wei to his grandfather.

"Grandfather, today I asked him about Albright syndrome, and he knew it!" Mr. Zhou paused, "take me to see him!" This case is a subject that Mr. Zhou and his friends have studied for ten years. Except for them, no one can know more details, or even almost no one knows.

"So grandfather, I'll let him see you tomorrow?" It's getting late. Zhou Wenhao doesn't want his grandfather to go out so late.

"No, I must go now!" Seeing Zhou's resolute manner, Zhou Wenhao had no choice but to clean up and accompany his grandfather to find Yang Wei.


In the hospital, the old man of Ling family suddenly fell into a coma again. Ling Xue and Ling Zhi are very anxious.

"Uncle, what shall we do now?" Ling Xue's delicate face is wrinkled.

"Don't panic! Go to the doctor first, and then we'll go to Yang Wei and ask him clearly! " Lexus thought calmly.

"Grandfather, grandfather, look at me, I'm Xiaoxue!" Ling Xue is crying at the head of the bed.

"Come on, I cry and howl day by day. What's my name! It's so noisy Zhao Yun white Ling snow two eyes, and then said, "really annoying, ear not a pure time, mourning ah!"

When Lingxue stops crying, lingzhi asks Lingxue to find Yang Wei.

"Yang Wei, Yang Wei!" They came back to the shop and clapped at the door.

No one's opening the door, isn't it? Lexus also began to be a little flustered. It's not easy to see the old man better. How come it's only two days? How can it relapse again?

At this time, Wang Kuan is also in contact with his influential brothers and friends, planning to give Yang Wei a challenge.

Hum, Yang Wei?! I want you to break your hands and legs!

Dare to hook up with my girl!

I want you to know what kind of existence Wang Kuan is!

Yang Wei and Hua Lin are on their way to the restaurant at this time. Ling Xue and Ling Zhi are anxiously looking for Yang Wei's whereabouts. Wang Kuan is also pursuing Yang Wei and is going to clean him up. Virtually, a disturbance is aimed at Yang Wei