Chapter 15 Merchant Rundell

We kept walking towards the town. No, I have been wrapped in a hood and carried on the franc, so as not to be noticed. If you are witnessing the fluffy floating place, I can not make excuses.

“Oh my, is the town easy to put in? ”


“No, you do not need tolls or identification cards? ”

“Do not know”

Fururu and a frank shake his head, cute.

No, it was not so.

Indeed, Franc was a slave, and he would have never entered the town after completing his own procedure. But, there is no information at all.

“Even people may be able to get information”

However, in the past three days, I could not find any traces of people.

Why? Besides peddlers and travelers, there are no bandits, too. Even though it was a bandit, I could hear the information moderately.

“It’s not a highway”

The slave merchants seemed to have moved through the terrible area in order to shorten the time. It is like a misery because of its fate, being annihilated by being attacked by a demonic beast. You should have killed themselves alone without involving the slaves.

“Huh? Is there a road or something? ”

Oh yeah, there is no such person in the wilderness that devils and demons of devils are out of the highway.

“Where’s the highway?” ”

“I think that will come out of them as soon as I walk”

“I hope so,”

“All right, maybe”

It is 4 hours to keep going forward. While hunting monsters on the way, I slowly advanced.

And find the long awaited highway.

“You did it, way! ”

It is a road that is about the same as the beast road, just cutting the ground and pulling out the grass. However, the ground has been stepped on for many years and the trace of the rut is clearly left. It was undoubtedly a highway.

Depending on the sense of direction of the furans, we advance towards the direction where there is a town.

“Mum, there is a reaction of living beings”

“He looks like he is not. Perhaps it’s a goblin. ”


“It is for once. Materials may be sold. We can absorb manastones as well. ”

“roger that”

When I nodded with Kokuri, Fran fell off the highway and began to run. I already have mastery of leg strength rise skills, and run through the trees like the wind.

“There was”

I guess ambushing those passing through the highway. The goblins hid themselves behind the growing bushes beside the highway. The number is three. The franc extinguishes the sign and gets around from behind to the goblins. And it hurt from behind without sound.



One body that was knocked down from the back crumbles down with grill.


By shortening exercise of sword skill double slash, which was made possible by the rise of the skill level, the two remaining bodies were truncated. The goblins would have not noticed what happened to themselves.

Before the dead body of the first body fell to the ground and fell down, the battle ended.

“Master, please do it again”

“Oh, leave it to me”

After absorbing the manastone, you can use it as a material, cut off the corner of the goblin. The remaining corpses were thrown into dimension storage. It is bad if you leave it near the highway and bring in a large demon.

“Master, there also Goblin”

“Have you been there yet?”

“what will you do?”

“Anyway it’s in the direction of going, do it?”


The fur runs out again. However, there was an unexpected sight at the end.

“Damn it! Goblins!



A carriage was attacked by the goblins. There are six goblins and one riding a carriage.

“Watch the goblins just before?”

While fellows were raiding a horse carriage, adventurers and others came and wondered why they were watching the highway.


“Hang in there”

Again, erase signs, a surprise attack from behind. Cut three bodies with triple thrust triggered by shortening. Three consecutive shoots, although the power is weak sword skill, there is nothing wrong with a goblin opponent.

“It was saved!”



To the goblins who raise the voice of intimidation, suddenly appearing in the franc, the fur is slashing with Zashuzash.

The remaining one will turn his back to escape, but Fran was throwing me and stabbing a stop. Throwing skill, I am piercing through my belly. If I diverted, I was going to fix Kosori orbit, but it was not necessary.

“Oh, thanks, my daughter, I was saved.”


“But it is strong, is it one?”


“No, if you do not want to talk, you do not have to talk.”

It seems that merely franc is merely taciturn, but when you look at that attitude, you misunderstood that you do not want to talk. Actually, I do not want to hand over the information well, so I’m grateful. I instructed Fran to leave me to misunderstand.

“Well, if you want to, do you want to ride a carriage? Are you headed to Alessa?”

Alessa is like a town that was heading. But this man, you look quite strong as you look like an elegant.

While paying favor with a horse-drawn carriage, offset the borrowed seller, helped him out of the goblins, and even get an escort.

But we also want information, so we decided to take his proposal. But borrowing life is not that light, is it?

Instructing Francs to words.

“Can I escort to the town?”

“Oh, yes.”

Part Do not bitter smile.

“In exchange for the information I want to know, the escort charge is fine”

“Hahaha, it’s funny. I liked it!


“I am Lundell, are you?”


“Well, I’m begging for you, Mr. Fran,”

Before getting on a carriage, do not forget to take off the corner of the goblin. And I asked the man immediately. Well, Franc is listening.

“Can you sell the corner of a goblin?”

“It’s a goblin horn, it’s cheap, once it’s a magical catalyst, its quality is the worst.”

How, is that so? I let it peel off and lost it. But Rundell says even more.

“But since the removal of the evil people is recommended as soon as they are discovered, you should earn rewards if you bring them to the adventurer guild.”

Even in the explanation I saw on appraisal, I mentioned that disinfestation recommendation. When I think about it, it’s quite a bit of arbitrary explanation.

Anyway, it was clearly an explanation from the side hostile to Goblin. In the first place, who wrote that explanation? God? If so, it is God of the side who destroyed the evil spirit. It was a biased content, and it was clearly stated evil.

From the Goblin side, they might think that they have justice and evil people.

Well, even if it is not complaining. Because it was after killing the goblins a stagger. To that explanation, they are really good people, only fearful face, nice guys. If it was written, you would feel guilty indeed. It was because I was written as evil, I felt disapprovalally. Rather it was about hunting.

That may be the purpose of the man who drew a description. It may be that I’m planning to burn me and hunt the evil people of the opposing camp.

The guy who wrote the explanation is still God? By the way, when I was reincarnated in this world, the voice of a male heard. That was God. So, well quite a person? I see. At least, I could not hear the wind trying to deceive me. No, is that a strategy? No no, but …………. Stopper stop. If there is no information and you doubt doubtfully, there is no dirt. Well, at the moment there is no harm, let’s not think deeply.

“But never had I ever been attacked by a group of goblins in such a highway”

“Is that so?”

“Oh, the adventurer regularly visits this road.”

An adventurer. There seems to be a guild, and this is fantasy. I am looking forward to going to the guild from now.

“Goblins 1 and 2, you can drive them back.”

By the way, the status of Randell is like this.

Name: Rundell Age: 39

Race: human

Occupation: Merchant

Condition: normal

Status Level: 20

HP: 62 MP: 85 Power: 30 Strength: 31 Agility: 34 Intelligence: 45 Magical power: 40 Devices: 41


Transportation: Lv 3, Co-operative: Lv 2, negotiation: Lv 2, arithmetic: Lv 5, business: Lv 6, sports technique: Lv 3, speech: Lv 2




A spear of a base iron, a breastplate of cowhide leather, a mantle of a spider thread

Well, it will not lose to the goblins one to one, but it seems to be severe when surrounded. Rather, although it is level 4, it exceeds Randell, the cheat of the status of the frank is terrible.

“It seems that the movements of monsters are active for about a month or so here”

A month ago? It was about when I was capturing area 5.


“I do not know, but it may have been something in the plain of the wolf.”

“Plains of the wolf wolf?”

“Do not you know? A place to go to the east from here, A class demon”

“Are you famous?”

“Of course, it is inferior to the 10 major demons, but it is class A,”

It seems that a magical place refers to an area dominated by monsters, including dungeons and others. Each rank has been ranked as G ~ S at risk, Class A ranked second from the top.

A is higher than A, there is only a S classy dangerous place called the 10 major demons, so it can be said that A grade is a sufficiently dangerous place.

I was hunting in such a place, I. By the way, the boss was strong.

However, there is one thing that is worrisome. Let me ask Fran.

“Why are you saying the plains of the wolf wolf?”

There were few wolf-type monsters in that plain. Rather, the area boss was a cat family. I could not understand why it was called the Maro Wilder Plain.

“There used to be a legend that an S class monster called Fenrir in that plain has died, still it seems that the magical power of Fenrir remains in the center of the plain, so it goes to the center There is an interesting characteristic that demon animals become weaker as much as they are ”

What I thought was the barrier, was the magical power of Mr. Fenrir and you? Moreover, it is already becoming passed away. Without that barrier, it would have been a more harsh life and I would like to say thank you to Mr. Fenrir. But I was stuck in such a place, is there anything to do with it? Do not worry.

“There seems to be something like an altar in the center of the plain, but I do not know what kind of origin it is. Various people have examined, but it seems to be unknown.”

“Huh? I am? Is there no information that the sword was stuck? ”

“Is the sword stuck in the altar?”

“Sword? Now, have not heard of it”

“Well. I thought that I might understand my origin but would not it be so easy? ”

Randle did not have any further information. It’s a shame.

“The plain of the wolf wolf is surrounded by a special forest that absorbs magical powers, called depleted forests”

I was struggled with that. It is a place I never want to enter again.

“Thanks to that, the devils of the wilderness plains do not come out but there is no effect at all … There is a territorial battle once in a few years, A battle between monsters will happen. ”

Well, maybe it seems like generation change of area boss?

“At that time, the depletion forest and the demons living in the vicinity are frightened and it becomes very aggressive.The monsters that have escaped appearing in the highway, frightened by the signs of strong demons Even this time, it seems that territorial battles have happened. ”

This is totally my fault. Anyway, I made a hunt for the area boss. The aftermath of that battle has been extended to this neighborhood. Too popular.

Randell wondered whether he will return the highway, but he seems to have proceeded with impossible because it will not be in time for the delivery request due date.

Ha ha ha. I’m sorry Mr. Randell. Apologizing, the escort fee that I had planned in some way will not be left undone. No, I’m sorry.