After infuriating Shirley, Pan Liang pretended to be asleep, leaving her to sulk by herself. He secretly smiled as he watched his Grievance Points increase.

After some time, he fell asleep in the carriage.

When he woke up again, he smelled roasted meat. He got up and snatched a piece of it. Then, he nibbled on the meat while the little witch pouted angrily.

"Mm. Your roasting skills have improved recently. Not bad."

Shirley continued to roast meat in exasperation. Pan Liang did not return to the carriage after he finished eating the meat..

Besides sleeping, he could gain Experience Points by lying down. He sat next to Shirley and looked at the information in the system.

"With my Grievance Points, I can already join the lucky draw. I'd better do it first.

"If Shirley contributes another 1,000 Grievance Points to me, I'll exchange it for a pot. It's time to improve my meals.

"System, get the lucky draw started."

[Ding! The lucky draw has begun. Congratulations on obtaining a skill book called Avatar.]

"Wow! Avatar is wonderful. When I encounter a monster that Shirley can't deal with next time, I'll directly release my avatar. This is great."

[Do you want to start learning avatar?]

"Sure. Why not?"

Pan Liang quickly mastered the avatar. Even so, he still needed to practice it himself.

"I should find a place to practice the avatar. Otherwise, it'll be embarrassing if I'm not proficient enough when using it."

When he stood up and was about to leave, Shirley looked at him curiously.

It was typical of Pan Liang to lie down in the carriage after eating. Why did he go for a walk?

"Pan Liang, what are you going to do?"

He answered cleverly, "I'm going to take a dump. Do you want to come with me?"

After hearing his words, Shirley instantly felt that the roasted meat in her hand was no longer fragrant. "Hurry up and get lost. I'm eating."

Pan Liang left with a laugh. This little witch was awesome. He could earn Grievance Points from her just by saying a few words.

After running to a place far away from her, Pan Liang sat on the ground and began to carry out the cultivation technique of his avatar.

During the process, he clearly felt that a part of his soul had been separated.

When the cultivation technique was completed, he felt that he had become a little smaller. While controlling his avatar, he opened his eyes and then moved his body.

"Hmm, there's no problem. It feels alright.

"But why does this angle make me seem slightly short?"

From his current angle, he felt that he was only as tall as the knees of his original body when he sat cross-legged.

Pan Liang opened his eyes and nearly cursed in the next moment.

"Damn it. No wonder it's so short. I f*cking didn't expect it to turn into a puppy."

There was a little poodle in front of Pan Liang. It was staring at him with its round eyes.

Pan Liang was not used to feeling two bodies and two perspectives at this point.

His original body stood up and adapted to his current perspective. Then, he began to move. At the same time, he controlled the little poodle to move with him.

He was currently focusing on his original body. The poodle behind him was walking even more stably than his original body.

Just like that, the man and the puppy slowly moved to the side of the fire. Pan Liang, who was sitting on the ground, began to focus on controlling the poodle.

The poodle ran and jumped around the fire, trying to adapt to its body.

Although the poodle's body was tiny and it did not seem to have much combat power, he could still use the Sword Control Technique using its body.

Considering that the little poodle seemed harmless without any magic fluctuations, it was the best way for him to hide.

Shirley's eyes lit up when she saw the little poodle. "What a cute puppy. Did you just find this?"

Pan Liang nodded. "When I went to take a dump, this puppy was waiting to eat my hot poop. After it finished eating, I brought it back."

Shirley grabbed the little poodle and was about to kiss it. Then, she pushed it away and spat a few times.

She looked at Pan Liang with resentment. "You actually let such a cute puppy eat that kind of thing. What a terrible guy you are."

Pan Liang laughed. "I was just kidding. I came across the poodle on my way back. I didn't give it anything to eat."

Shirley was terrified. Although Pan Liang said so, she carried the little poodle to the river and began to wash it.

In particular, she washed its mouth over and over again. She continued washing it even when Pan Liang had started to feel the pain in his original body.

Pan Liang had no choice but to exchange a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush.

"Use this to brush the poodle's teeth. If you continue to wash the poodle like this, you're going to kill it."

He could tell that Shirley was really fond of the puppy. When Shirley held the puppy, he also felt it.

After she finished washing it, Pan Liang felt a chill coming from the other half of his soul. He quickly took a piece of cloth from the carriage to dry his avatar.

He then felt a hot wind drying the little poodle.

Pan Liang noticed that Shirley's palm turned red. With a wind blowing past her palm, the hot wind was formed.

"Oh, she knows how to use magic. This idea is pretty good. It's as good as a dryer."

As time passed, Pan Liang had slowly adapted himself to his two bodies.

At least, he was able to walk properly now, unlike when he just summoned his avatar. Anyway, it was good to let Shirley look after his avatar while he kept his original body lying down.

The thing was that it was not easy for a poodle to carry a weapon. If he met a powerful opponent, he might not be able to win by just controlling the nearby plants.

Pan Liang turned his gaze to Shirley. Although the poodle could not carry a weapon, Shirley could. He wanted to trick her into carrying a flying sword.

He began to look for a flying sword in the exchange store of the system. After looking at it, he was speechless.

The lowest price of the flying sword was worth 50,000 Grievance Points, which caused him distress.

"Forget it. I'll let Shirley carry the Immortal Sword. Even if the sword spirit ignores me, the sword control is much more powerful than the plants."

He took out the Immortal Sword from the carriage. "Shirley, carry this sword from now on."

Shirley refused to carry the sword. "No way. You carry your own sword. Also, I don't know how to use it."

Of course, Pan Liang had a way of making Shirley fulfill his request. He smiled and said, "Shirley, if you carry my sword, I'll treat you to delicious food."