Chapter 63 - Trust me!




Clara looked at him and pushed his hand away with angry eyes.

He looked at her and a distinguished smile appeared on his face and he began looking at her pink neck, he went close to her face.

" Madam, you are not a loser... I can make you feel happy" he whispered in her ears and put his face close to her neck.

She stood up from there like a flash and shouted, "Mind your business".

His body was shaking due to high drink consumption and fear.

Everyone was looking at that man and none of them said anything because he was the owner of the bar, they started behaving like air.

He pushed Clara towards himself; his force was very strong that tore her shirt, there was a strong smell of alcohol coming from her body.

He put her nose on her neck and started smelling her like a beast and then started ŀɨċkɨnġ her neck. 

"You are sweet," he whispered in her ear, and his dirty hands were touching her body.

Clara's eyes were filled with tears, she grabbed the nearest bottle of wine and hit him from that. The blood starts coming from his back.

"You bitch " he shouted in a voice and stretched his hand to slap her.

Before he could slap him, someone grabbed his hand and pushed him backward, he fell down on the floor and cried "Ahh" in pain.

Her eyes become wider after looking at the long white hair of the man.

"Kelvin" she spoke in a low voice and tears started flowing down from her eyes.

That man stood up and looked at Kelvin. He tries to attack him but Kelvin kicks on the jaw that makes him knockout.

Clara looked at him, she wanted to approach her but her hands refused to touch him…. She looked at the mess around her and went away with a bottle of wine without saying anything.

When kelvin rotated to look behind he found none.

He looked at the door from where she exited while walking slowly, he followed quietly; he looked at her torn shirt and he put her blazer on her shoulder gently.

Clara looked at him and her eyes filled with tears.

It was the first time he saw her crying, he always saw her happy and she always shares her happiness with others…. But today when she needed someone she didn't inform anyone.

He didn't ask her anything for her, neither she said anything and they started walking.

He looked at her behavior and took the bottle from her hands and threw it away.

"What's wrong with you?" she shouted and started losing her control. When she starts falling he holds her hand and she pushes herself away from him and falls down on the floor.

Her face covers her hair. He looked at her leg from which blood was coming out 

"You are hurt," he said hurriedly and sat down on the floor. 

She looked at him and shouted, "Is there anything to do with you"

"..... "He looked at her.

She stood up and started going away from there; suddenly he took her in his arms and she started punching him.

" Don't touch me, " she said.

He looked at the tears which were flowing from her eyes and realized how that man was touching her.

"Why should I"

"Because…. I will. Never hurt you"

"," she said and started looking in his eyes which were filled with worriedness.

"You need to come with me," he said and she didn't respond.

He takes her in his car and starts finding the first aid box from the car but there was nothing except a gun. He looked at her with guilty eyes.

"Take me to my house," she said she said while looking at him.


He sat in the car and started driving.

"Do you know where I live?" she asked in a black voice.

"You investigate me" she responded in a sleepy voice.

"How could I, you tell me just now. Look at you, you don't even remember when you said me your address"

"..." She becomes quiet and starts thinking when she says so.

He looked at her like a frightened cat and became quiet as someone caught in while lying.

They went into the large house and when he looked at her to say, "We reached" he found her sleeping.

He looked at her brown hairs which were covering her face. He gently pushes them away and starts looking at her face.

Her face was shining and she was looking like a cute child.

He looked at her closed eyes and lightly touched her long eyelashes.

"You look beautiful when you are sleeping" he whispered and took her into her house gently. 

When he stepped inside he found a sofa there and there was no furniture in the house. It was looking like an empty house for sale.

"Did she sell all of her father's things?" he said to himself in a deep voice and started looking at Clara, who was lying quietly in his hands.

He took her into a room and gently laid her on the bed, and started looking for the first aid box in the room and when he was able to find it he thought she sold it too.

He poked her cheek gently and asked," where is first aid box" 

And she turned around, he took a deep breath and started poking again from the other direction.

When she didn't respond he started punching her cheeks and asked again.

"...Ummm…" she said in the frustrating voice.

"Where is first aid," he asked calmly.

"In kitchen drawer" she responds in the sleepy voice and become quiet 

But he didn't get any response.

He rushed towards the kitchen and searched it in the whole kitchen and found it on the refrigerator.

"This kitchen drawer" he mumbled while thinking whom he was helping, he patted on his own head and said, "you are really a good human" 

He ran towards her while taking it in his hands and started treating her wound, there was a small glass in her hand, he took it as gently as he could.

"Ahhh!" She cried in pain.

He looked at her and went towards her face and he gently pats on her head."  it will pain but stay strong "

He said and she started laughing … " I know it will be painful starting then you will feel good," she said and her face became red.

His face was looking like a small kid who listens to something inappropriate.

He slaps on her head and said," What the hell are you thinking ….you horny person" 

"Hehe.." She laughed in response.

He looked at her smile and his face became red like a tomato.

"I need a counselor," he said to himself and started treating her wound. Lastly, he used all the bandages on her leg and it looked like there's a small pillow on her leg.

In this whole procedure she got 10 kicks on his head and three times he fell down on the floor.

"All done," he said with a wide smile and went towards her.

He looked at the tears which were coming out of her closed eyes.

He sat near her and wiped them softly from his finger.

"It's ok," he said softly and started going away.

When he stepped away she held her hand tightly.

He looked at her and his body started feeling chills.

She was looking at him with gentle eyes, her whole body was sweating and her face was wholly red.

He looked at her and gulped his own saliva. 

"Kelvin," she said in a shaky voice.

"Yes…" he responded in a weak voice and went towards her.

"I am not feeling good," she said and his heart started racing.

She sat down and started looking at him. He looked at her without blinking for a second and said" you need a rest" 

He looked at her red face and he turned into a tomato. He was sensing fire which was burning in his body, he started staring at her red lips, and before he could say anything and a rainbow came out from her mouth and that directly fell on him…. Ironically, not a single drop dropped on her and bed.

He looked and her and realized what she meant from 'not feeling good'

Clara looked at him and lay down on the bed.  He looked at her and within a second she started sleeping which made him cry until the house filled with his tears.




#to be continued!