Chapter 52 - Greedy old man




"Call them", Auden shouted after looking at old man with the anxious eyes.

"We can't call woman staff like this" Old man answered in the heavy voice while looking at the time.

"….." Auden looked the old man with uncomfortable face.

"I can't call them, you can give your wife bath by yourself and if you don't want you can just leave here, nothing much will happen …. She will just get some fever", old man announced and went into his room while yawning and as soon as he went there an evil smile appeared on his creative face and he start looking at the scene from the small hole of the door.

Auden was standing there uncomfortably and was looking at Mia who was lying there silently and her beautiful clothes were dirty from her rainbow.

He looked at her and move his hand towards her and then back off.

"I can't touch her, without her permission. It is injustice towards her." He whispered in the heavy voice and step back.

And when old man saw him going a sadness appeared on his amused face.

He went out from his room and went towards the Kelvin who was hiding in the curtains like a long haired Kung Fu rabbit.

"I think, he will not come…. Should I call the maids" he whispered while looking at Mia, who was just lying there like a drunken pig.

"No, old am…. Have patience" HE said in the confident voice.

"Do you think he will come" old man asked in the insecure voice.

Kelvin looked at him with the ambitious face and answered, "Yes, in exact an hour he will come"

"Are you sure"

Old asked with his same depressed voice as he was feeling sad for his past actions.

"Yes! We are not related to blood, but I know him more than myself" Kelvin answered and a small smile appeared on the face of old man

Kelvin answered make him enthusiastic and he said, 'I wish you are also my blood … But you are more than a son to me. My life will be difficult without you…..' but these words didn't come out from his mouth as always.


Auden was sleeping in his room with a dim light. He was lying there with the open eyes and his eyes were looking at the white celling of the room where a fan was hanging.

And his mind was recollecting the memories of Mia, which are not letting him sleep.

He recollect the time, how she appeared like a fighting fairy when the man of another gang was about to kill him, how she blow air on his wounds. He was still feeling that warm air on his hands.

His mind was drawing the sketch of Mia, her soft long black hairs, her light pink lips and glacier like eyes. He was seeing Mia on the celling.

He took a deep breath and change his sleeping posture and start looking at the wall.

And asked to himself, "Whether should I go or not."

A white dressed fairy appeared in front of him and in there was a vase in hand of that fairy, "Yes. You should go. She needs you when you need her. She even saved your life"

As soon as that male white fairy said those beautiful words with a heavenly smile, a kick come on his face and he fall on the ground and a red dressed male demon appeared. He took the vase from his hands with a evil smile.

He went towards Auden and said, "Auden, she don't need you, nothing will happen with her if you don't go. Look at the advantage you are getting in her absence… you get the whole bed and no one will kick on your eternal face . You can sleep like a pig today."

Auden looked at him and then his empty bed, "YAY" he said happily.

White dressed fairy throw the demon from there while pulling his hairs and shouted angrily, "what if she get ill and if you can't care her then why the hell you pick her from police station … she will be at her friend house and will be very happy."

And within the second both of the imaginary creatures start fighting like kangaroos and Auden stand up from his bed and said, "Shut up"

His face was shining and his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

And they both start staring at him with their big illegitimate eyes.

"I will go", Auden announced and he went away like a lost hero.

The red dressed fairy start crying, white dressed fairy looked at him and start patting his head and his cheeks become red and a smile appeared on his face.

Old man was looking at stairs continuously and in the impatience voice he said, "We are waiting for him from an hour, will he come". Then he looking at Kelvin who as sitting on the floor and looking at the pictures in the instagram.

"Look at the stairs ", Kelvin answered with a smile without looking at the stairs.

"He is coming" he informed happily and then start looking there.

Auden went there and looked at Mia while crying without tears. He closed his nose and put the blanket on her and cover her perfectly with that.

He was looking like a small father of the small child who was changing diaper of her child.

"He just wants to cover her" old man said and his voice was very sad.

"Your son is caring for a girl, isn't it enough at the first step, old man", Kelvin answered in a calm voice as his whole concern was on Clara pictures which she post a minute ago.

"…" Old man ignored his words and start looking there like a curious child.

"Greedy old man" Kelvin whispered.

Auden took a deep breath while looking at her and her face remembered him her sweet smile which appeared on her innocent face before throwing the rainbow.

He took her in his wide hands and took her slowly in his room.

"He is taking her" old man said and started his gorilla dance.

Kelvin looked at him and said in sarcastic voice, "Why are you showing your item dance to me"


Auden took her gently in his bathroom and then put her gently in the bath tub and took a deep breath.

And then he tie a blindfold on his grey eyes.

And looked at the dark in front of his eyes and said to himself in heavy voice, "I can do that"

While looking at the dark his breath become heavy and heart start racing, his start searching for the Mia's hand and then hold it tightly.

He searched for the tap and then open the water and that water start flowing slowly on the body of Mia which was showing all her curves.

After taking a deep breath he start removing her wet clothes with the shaky hands.

And then with same shaky hands, he took the pipe in his hands and open the tap. Water start coming from it slowly which was start flowing in the curved of the Mia and his one hand was holding the one hand on Mia and other was holding the pipe.

After some time he took the towel in the dark and wipe Mia improperly from it, he stand her in support of his body. Mia's lifeless nȧkėd body touch his nȧkėd ċhėst and his heart start racing. He put her aside within the second and put a long bath rob on her and then tie the rope and took a deep breath as his mission got complete beautifully.

After he was done he took off the blind rope from his eyes once again he come in the brightness. And his eyes start shinning.

The whole bathroom was in mess, everything was lying on the floor as he hit them in darkness.

He looked at the Mia who was lying in his one hand unconsciously.

"Have you eaten some sleeping drugs" he asked but expectedly de didn't get a response.

She was looking like a fairy in wet hairs and after bath her skin was looking fresh and … nice, his grey eyes fixed on her and they dare not to go away. He brushed her hairs which were lying on her face and his heart start dancing.

He took her into his warm hands and took her into room like his precious treasure.

He put her on the bed softly and cover her with the fresh blanket and sleep on the other side of the bed.

From the outside of the room, Kelvin and Old man was listening the voice which was coming from the room, but sadly no voice was coming from there.

And they went into their rooms with a sad face.



#to be continued.


Humans how are you doing?

I have a animated photo of Mia and i can share it in next chapter if you want .....let me know