Chapter 45 - You Kissed him




Aurora looked at the scene and she started feeling like a mother of a naughty sweet kid, the kid who was making some small trouble every second.


In a fancy restaurant, Kelvin was sitting with an old man who was nervously explaining to him all the financial stuff of his company.

The old man was telling the things as he wanted a partnership with Lee.

On the other hand, Kelvin already had the orders of Auden not to accept a partnership with that company.

Poor him, he was behaving like that he didn't know about his company condition and he was finding the reason for ending this meeting.

On the other hand in the same restaurant, Clara was sitting in front of the random man for the horrible blind date.

Her green eyes were fixed on the man who was sitting there with oily hairs, and these were tightly set, he was clearly looking like an innocent mommy's boy.

Clara was looking at him as a pervert CEO and she was making balloons from chewing gum. 

There was unwanted silence in that place.

"So, you are Abhay," she asked in the dictatorial voice.

"YES," he shouted in answer. He was looking like an army person and his response made Clara surprised. Her mouth got slightly open and she started looking at him.

Clara looked at him and said eat something while gesturing at food.

He nervously looked at food and started eating fastly.

"Eat slowly , we will choke out," Clara said softly while looking at his unhuman actions.

He listened to these unexpected concerned words from Clara's mouth and seriously choked the food.

"Cough cough" he started coughing like an asthma patient.

His sound was heavy and a crystal tear started flowing from his dark eyes , he put his hand on his throat.

Clara looked at him with tensed eyes,

'is he going to die' she mumbled while looking at his condition and quickly offered him water.

He took it quickly and started drinking like this water will save his life and in that life saving procedure he drops that water on his shirt and his muscles body starts showing. Clara's eyes were moving ŀustfully on his body with the flow of water.

She was looking at him like she would eat him and he was feeling like a weak female who was being molested by Clara.

He looked shyly at Clara who was sitting there like a boss.

He gather too much courage and said, "Excuse me"

Clara looked at him and realized that she was looking at him like a pervert and she whispered "I am innocent…. This is all because of that little demon 'Aurora'… she is not like her mother who never been in relationship except one who broke her heart"

She sadly looked at the pasta and then left all the sorrow.

"Nothing important than food"


From the far Kelvin was looking at the whole drama and whispered, 'this bully is again bullying innocent'

And a smile forcefully appeared on his face.

"Mr. Kelvin, are you happy with my proposal?" the man asked excitedly and looked at Kelvin with hope.

And Kelvin realized he didn't hear a single  word from that man and he hesitantly said.

"Mr., We have not decided to invest in your company yet….. but we will definitely try to invest in your company…. Give us some time"

"Thank you sir you saved my company from the disaster, I have worked in my company throughout my life and now can't see it dying like that"

His eyes filled with sadness and happiness at the same time.

Kelvin looked at him and after shaking his hand, he bowed in front of the old man in respect of the elder. "You are older than me, so please don't say thank you," He said without thinking and that old man's eyes became joyful from those words.


He answered and went away from there with happiness in his eyes.

"My life is too hard" Kelvin whispered while at looked at the Clara who was eating alone and happily as that man haven't return yet and sadly there was no sign of his return 

"I will send hippos in her house to bully her" he mumbled while recollecting how she tied him in his own territory and even left the note.


"Equal my foot" he mumbled angrily.

He was definitely not going near Clara as per his stubbornness but still he went there to  say 'hi' to his biggest enemy for the sake of his humanity and HIS MORALS.

Clara was busy eating her food like a pig and then she looked at the person who sat in front of her.

She looked up, her  mouth was full of the pasta which she was eating and her eyes were rolling on the person in front of her.

She looked at the long silver hairs of the Kelvin and his deep oceanic eyes which can make any one to drown in it, he was in formal suit and was looking like a noble creature.

"I know you", The first thing she asked to clarify whether he is his twin or not.

After asking an illegitimate question, she started drinking water to digest his eternal beauty.

"No one knows me, I am the demon's king" he replied in his soft voice while showing his beauty. 

"Pfft" she laughed and the water in her mouth perfectly landed on his face.

"You are a demon…. You---you"

She starts laughing hilariously and starts rolling due to her laughter.

"Can't you be normal?" He asked in a distinguished voice.

"Yes…. Demon"

She  answered while controlling her giggle and for that she was eating both of her lips and looking at Kelvin.

"Is there anything you want to talk about or you just saw a beautiful girl alone and you come in front of her?"

A great truth said from the hilarious face of Clara.

"Hey, look at you, you are looking like a dirty pig … how can you say yourself a beauty" Kelvin answered with a child face as his truth came out from her mouth.

Clara listened to his words and smiled evilly.

"And I am not interesting in mothers ," he answered and started looking away.

Clara looked at his baby face and an evil smile appeared on her face.

"Look at my green eyes, don't you want to fall in them" she said in a seducing voice and started moving close to Kelvin's face.

She was moving very close to him.

Kelvin asked in shaky voice, "what.... the Hell…hell are you doing"

She smiled and went very close to him and then whispered "look in my green eyes, aren't they made for you …. Aren't they able to take your heart?" 

Kelvin listened to her and anxiously looked in her eyes. They are filled with many undefined emotions and they are too innocent and shiny.

They are looking like rays of sun and calm at the deep sea at the same time.

He swallowed his own saliva and then looked at Clara who was constantly looking at him with a smile.

She slowly moved her hands on the body of Kelvin , her hands were moving on his muscular thɨġhs and then took a …...hanky from his pocket and started wiping his face where she just threw the water.

She was rubbing his face gently and carefully, Kelvin looked at her and he became like a stone which was feeling the air helplessly.

Clara was very close to his face as they both could feel the breath of each other.

And his stone face got changed when he was a mummy's boy came in front of him who was there with Clara.

"Clara? "He said in the shock after looking at them

Cara listens to his voice and the hanky falls from her hands.

She looked at him with guilty eyes,

"Oh my dear, this man used me… I am innocent" she said with tears in her eyes.

'I am innocent 'these words were like hot air for Kelvin, air that gave his soul a shock. 

'I will haunt her with knives in hand 'he said to himself and started crying without tears.

Clara went towards that Abhay and hugged him tightly.

"There is nothing between us, do you think that I bought a man when you are not around and ask him to eat with me and was removing the lipstick signs from his face"

Kelvin's jaw drop on the floor after hearing the story in which she desperately wanted to believe that person.

And that fool started crying without tears, his body was shaking and he shouted. "You---You kissed him"

"Kiss? Don't be mad baby kissing is just a symbol of greeting… it's just my lipstick which desperately prints on his face… I am innocent ", she gave her justification.