Chapter 135 - Is Emery Now Seen As A Good Person? (R-16)

R-16 (Scenes with an indirect description of something disgusting. Be careful when reading the chapter)

He even wanted to poke fun at Captain Mulder for having passed out after seeing two crime scenes, luckily his face wasn't one to express many emotions.

"Yeah, I'll wait and see what they say, like what time they might have died that sort of thing... This might take some time... Which reminds me, has Naill made it to his room yet?" Emery said deflecting the subject.

"He should have already arrived, with that malicious spirit of light guarding him, there shouldn't have been any problems," Azarphy said with some indifference in his voice.

"I thought you would keep that human on your side," Arabeth said a little jealously.

"Why should I?" Emery asked with some surprise to the demon.

Did he look like a careless person who brought other people together like welcoming cats and dogs?

"Doesn't he have a portal key to Paradise?" Arabeth questioned as if he wanted to bring calamity on himself. He even regretted asking that a little, maybe Emery would change his mind and get Naill back.

"Yes, I know. His heart is a key, poor man. But what am I going to do with it? Rip his heart out and what? I'm not interested in opening any portals... I don't want to kill the boy either, but I don't want to take responsibility for someone else... Azarphy, are you interested?" Emery asked suddenly thinking that the fallen angel somehow wants to return to his homeland.

However, when he suggested to Azarphy that Naill could go back to his place and they would keep Anael on the lookout to see if Father Lattanzio's possible assassin would act again.

They could get the real culprit if they did, or it wasn't related to a murderer, but to demons and angels which supposedly wouldn't put Naill's life in danger, as they're opening the portal to paradise without needing the keys.

To Naill's relief, Bishop Darcy had no interest in him and left him alone, which was good. The bad thing was the surveillance of the moody Anael, who always seemed to want to fight him.

Luckily, Naill was a very patient person and Anael was second only to the man's bob smile putting him in an even darker mood.

"I couldn't go through the portal anyway... The irony is that I can go to hell without a problem, but come home... That's impossible."

Azarphy said with some bitterness in his voice, but he strangely didn't feel as unhappy as he used to feel when thinking about it. He looked at Emery and felt a little better, he now had something interesting to do that would distract him from the bitterness of being away from home for so long.

"Oh, I'm sorry?" Emery said blurting out the sentence out loud, which made a lot of people look at him with a look of sympathy.

Ah, Bishop Darcy didn't look as arrogant as everyone else said.

See, he's even sorry for the two priests who died!

What a good person!

Suddenly the members of Abbey Matteo thought that Bishop Darcy was a good person.

Emery: (...)

"No need to be sorry, it's not like it's your fault, right?" Azarphy said, finding it amusing how much the humans heightened good feelings for Emery, but the bishop remained cold-faced and looking indifferently.

He could feel Emery's panic being watched, but his mental agony didn't show on his face.

Poor human.

However, this amused him profoundly.

On the other hand, in the abbot's office, Abbot Eurico was having soup, yesterday it was quite cold because of the rain and he caught a slight cold.

A good beef soup would make him feel a little better at least that he hoped, he was even surprised by the two well-cooked and tender meatballs, the flavor was slightly bitter slightly sour, but he liked the hot and sour sauce, so he tolerated the strange taste of bitterness.

Abbot Eurico ate the soup with satisfaction, then received a message from the group from the capital, they would be two days late to arrive at the Abbey Matteo because of some accidents on the road.

What made the abbot a little worried and annoyed to make matters worse, he got the message of chaos about the death of the two priests. He was too old to go there to see it, but he sent Father Marino to hear the news and make the priests disperse and calm down.

Father Marino along with other priests who ran the abbey approached the site, seeing Father Mario and Father Aldo just in time enter one of the victim's rooms.

These two priests were responsible for studying the bodies and discovering the cause of death, or whatever was humanly possible, different from the medieval age of the Earth in which the autopsy had to be done hidden, in this world with the struggle of humans and demons, there was a need to study the cause of death.

Natural causes or would it be supernatural cases?

The study of human bodies was profound in the Church of the God of Light, especially when it came to examining the clerics who were killed by demons. It was necessary to know how they were killed and what weapons the demons used. There were several types of demons classified by the Church of the God of Light, all findings from body searches and capture of living demons.

This only shows the importance of these two priests within Matteo Abbey, Father Marino was tense and dared not disturb their investigations.

Father Marino with his colleagues waited by the door, the other priests moved away from them to gossip among themselves, with some fear that their superiors would overhear.

Emery once again flinched at the image of the crowd which made Father Marino go over to him for a chat, he had a good impression of Bishop Darcy who was polite and far less arrogant than the gossip claimed.

Emery: (...)

Hey! I just want to be alone!

Azarphy: Tsk, too cute.

Arabeth: The greatest sin... tsk...

Emery: (...)

Father Rutger learned of the macabre news as soon as he finished eating, he and Father Bernardi, Dante Bernardi, went upstairs together to watch the commotion.

From the ground floor to the second floor are rooms for priests, the eldest were placed on the ground floor, priests and some holy knights (those who had some status) of some importance would be on the second floor and the third floor belonged to bishops and visitors of the high-ranking clergy.

The other knights who don't have their residence, which is a little rare stay in the training rooms. Which is no longer comfortable, so many should have homes nearby.

Unfortunately, with things going on in the abbey, many were forced to sleep in the abbey's uncomfortable rooms.

The first floor was where Rutger and Bernardi were staying, in Rutger's case it was only supposed to be temporary and he was supposed to leave in a few days, but a few things happened and he stayed in that disgraceful place on the first floor.

The two victims were supposed to change rooms this week to the ground floor because they were both very old, Father Gonzales was already in one of the rooms on the ground floor.

Strangely enough, they were killed before that could happen, Rutger looked across the crowd and saw Father Gian who is the doctor who leads little apprentices among the novices who help him as nurses.

He visited Father Gian just before going to the cafeteria to eat, he felt that his body was fine thanks to the "medicine" Levi gave him, but he still wanted to be sure.

Father Gian just said that he should have been careful with the drink, as his blood was too fragrant.

There was an herb (Gildo's1 Herb) that was used to extract the aromas from the blood and with this doctors could classify the body's well-being, being too fragrant meant a high level of alcoholic beverage in general wine or very sweet liquor if had an odor that reminded him of something bittersweet they were some strong alcohol.

It was odd for Rutger that he hadn't had a drink, so that meant it was the effect of the "medicine" Levi gave him.

"Captain Mulder looks like he saw a nightmare in there," Dante said watching the big man sitting and leaning against the wall.

Without the helmet the captain was still intimidating with that horrible scar on his face, with the paler skin than normal that highlighted the redness that bordered on the unearthly of his face.

"You two help Captain Mulder to his room on the second floor. I'll go with you, this scar needs some ointment and finds someone to deliver a chicken soup with lots of chopped vegetables... He needs to eat something before the medicine to fight this Blue Fire.."

Father Gian gave several orders, normally the knights would only snort at a weak priest, but this was the doctor. Therefore, everyone at some point would have to ask for his help, so everyone behaved politely and respectfully with this middle-aged man.

"Father Gian, the captain he…" a knight tried to ask before he stopped himself when he received a sharp look from the supposedly weakened captain.

"He didn't pass out because of the bedroom scenes... How much blood have you not seen in your missions? He appears to have been poisoned with an herb called Blue Fire... which is quite rare in this region"

"Poisoned?" Rutger asked suddenly making himself show his presence. He and Dante were watching the entire scene in silence, he didn't want Levi to notice him, but he was happy and curious about this hideous man's unhappiness.