Five star stealing ships, two in front, two in the back, and one side by side with commercial star ships.

The speed is at least twice as fast as the original speed of the commercial star ship. It's like flying a spaceship.

In order not to be attacked by the two star stealing star ships behind, the commercial star ships can only follow their speed.

In less than ten minutes, several star ships came out of the wormhole that was about to end.

Once out of the wormhole, the star pirates forced the commercial star ships to stop, and then a group of star pirates entered the commercial star ships from the star pirates.

Under the command of the commander, all star thieves quickly entered every floor and corridor of the star ship in an orderly manner.

The leader of the star thief, faith, quickly entered the cockpit of the commercial star ship.

Other star pirates controlled the pilot, and the technicians in the star pirates directly dismantled the locator of the commercial star ship.

Once the locator is removed, the federal transportation agency can't search the position of the star ship.

The commercial starship is now being driven by the pilot of the star thief, deviating from its original orbit and heading to the more remote and desolate depths of the universe.

"Call all the passengers out and stand in the hall!" faith took off his helmet and looked at the Starship attendants standing in a pile.

The Starship attendant lowered his head and did not move.

"It seems that the people on this star ship are very backbone, don't they?!" faith's loud voice was very sharp.

The service staff only felt that they were shocked by the sound.

The purser raised his head and looked at faith, "OK, we'll call everyone out now. Please show mercy, too.

With so many passengers on this star ship, there must be a lot of property resources. I just hope you don't hurt everyone's lives. "

There are several times more passengers on the star ship than the star thief, but it's useless.

The star robber is strong and has energy weapons in hand. Among the passengers, men, women, children, old, weak, sick and disabled have them. Even if they have weapons, they dare not use them.

Using energy weapons inside the starship, thousands of people were killed in one shot.

I really dare not use it.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. You follow! Let them not contact the outside world."

In fact, even if you contact, it's useless. Everyone will only know that the star ship has been hijacked and will not know the exact location of the star ship. It is no different from not knowing.

At the same time, LAN Xiyu's room.

"The star thief is coming!" 666 reminded.

"I know! Now most of the star thieves control the star ship and must dismantle the locator. The Transportation Bureau and patrol police can't find the exact location of the star ship, so these star thieves have plenty of time to search everyone's property."

"What do you do?"

"What should I do? Ask for help! Can I still pick up the energy gun and fire at those star thieves?!

Do I say to so many armed star thieves, don't mess around, I'm the Lord of the planet, and I'm a cow behind the scenes. If you dare to mess around, the people behind me will be the first to let you go? "

She is not a brain cripple, nor is she a virgin white lotus. She wants to be in the limelight.

LAN Xiangyu quickly opened the terminal and sent it to Shen panchi without thinking about it.

LAN Siyu didn't open the video because he was afraid that the voice would be heard by people outside.

Bang Bang Li: my star ship was hijacked by star thieves. The other party has at least five large star ships. There are also acoustic attacks. The location is near the b6-14 wormhole. I don't know where to go now. Come quickly, please.

LAN Xiangyu heard footsteps outside the door the moment he finished sending the news. He quickly turned off the terminal, put on a scarf and hat and covered his face as much as possible.

She didn't know whether these star thieves knew her. If they knew her and knew that she was the Lord of the ancient earth, they might have to blackmail her for more. At that time, it would not be a simple problem of robbing money.

Maybe kidnap her, threaten the ancient earth or shenpanchi.

As for why she asked Shen panchi for help, she was angry with Shen panchi, but she wasn't so angry that she didn't die. In this kind of emergency that concerns the lives of people on board, anger and so on are thrown away.

It's better to call Shen panchi for help than to call other organs. The latter is much more efficient. Other organs have to ask East and West. How can we give him time to ask East and West in a critical moment.

The next moment, the door was opened, and the service staff came in with a bitter smile. Outside the door stood a strong man.

"Hello, please go to the hall."

LAN Xiangyu didn't speak, nodded obediently, walked with his head down and small steps, and trembled when passing by the big man.

"I'm not going out! I'm not going out! You're breaking the law! You'll be punished by the law!"

"Ah! I don't want it. I don't want to go. Go away."


All kinds of screams and rejections sounded in the corridor. LAN Xiyu's body trembled more and was obviously frightened.

Several big men nearby looked at it and burst into mocking laughter.

"Look at these so-called elites. We haven't broken our courage. At the beginning, these people were not like this. They bullied others and thought they were big things.

I bah! "

"That is, these so-called rich people are still not obedient and obedient to us. Hiss ~"

LAN Xiangyu probably understood when he heard these words.

These people probably hit a wall everywhere in society or lived a miserable and unhappy life, so they became star thieves.

Now looking at these elites or rich people, the sense of hatred for wealth and the abnormal sense of superiority come up.

However, he understood that Lan Siyu was still very afraid and didn't stand out among a group of passengers.

Two flowers, one for each.

After receiving the distress signal from the starship, the Federal Bureau of transportation and the federal patrol immediately located the starship, but the final position of the Starship appeared outside the b6-14 wormhole. After repositioning, it could not be found.

"They must have dismantled the star ship locator. Being able to get on the star ship is equivalent to breaking the star ship's defense, that is to say, they don't get into the meteor theft group." the federal patrol analyzed.

"Anyway, send someone to search first."

Shen panchi had just finished reporting to the federal government. Before he walked out of the parliament building, he felt the vibration of the terminal. Go into an empty lounge and open the terminal.

It's LAN Yueyu's news!

Shen panchi was a little happy, so she sent him a message. As a result, when I opened it, my complexion suddenly became heavy.

He opened the door and strode outside.

Now some of the troops of the third Legion who are involved in defending the tenth galaxy are still stationed at the border of the first galaxy, which is just in use.


The hall of the Starship was crowded with people, people crowded one after another, and there was some noise.

Faith sat on the sofa, picked up the loudspeaker handed over by the people next to him and shouted, "good afternoon, everyone. I'm your good friend. You can call me the thief."