They now consider two aspects. One is that Zerg in other galaxies will raid like galaxy 10; The second is the new weapons of the Zerg in the tenth galaxy.

If you rashly encircle and suppress the Zerg, it may be that while the Zerg are eliminated, those soldiers of the coalition army will also die.

The war was true in the eyes of the federal government.

"Isn't the ancient earth a food for spiritual healing?" another congressman asked.

"Marshal Lu reported that the United forces had received all the stored ingredients and concentrated water donated by the ancient earth." Wen Bai glanced at the congressman.

These people really only care about their own interests

The other members looked at each other and said nothing.

"Why don't you just send a truce signal to the Zerg? What do they say?

Although I don't know why the Zerg launched two large-scale wars in three years, there must be a reason. "

In the past, the war between Zerg and the Federation was due to the conflict of interests. Either you occupied my resources or you invaded my territory.

But never before has the Zerg waged two large-scale wars in three years.

Moreover, the tenth Legion suffered heavy damage last time, along with some damage to the third legion, and the casualties of the natural Zerg are incalculable.

Just over a year later, both sides of the Zerg and the tenth Legion had not recovered, so they went to war again.

It's a little too fast.

"Maybe it's the reason for this Zerg queen. This Zerg queen seems to have a lot to do with the former Zerg queen..."

People from the federal government are discussing here, and so are the coalition forces.

"There should be a lot of new weapons for the Zerg."

Although they have the ingredients of the ancient earth to repair their mental power, the ingredients are limited, and both sides are consuming now. See if it's more food or more Zerg new weapons.

In these days, both sides have some small frictions and small temptations.

To tell you the truth, they are also very oppressed. Just waiting for the decision of the Federal Parliament.

Whether it is extermination or something. Nor can they make a decision.

February 8, 100003

More than ten days after the major planets on the edge of the tenth Galaxy hid their citizens' information, the citizens of the major planets finally learned that the Zerg began to invade the tenth galaxy as early as 20 days ago.

The united army composed of the tenth corps, the third corps and Shen Xi's army has been resisting tenaciously.

This is known to all federal citizens.

The citizens of the whole Federation knew that the Zerg had new weapons that could damage their mental power, which led to the siege of the coalition army for a time.

I also saw on the official accounts of the tenth Legion and the ancient earth that the ancient earth donated all the food materials to the United Legion.

As soon as the news came out, citizens of all galaxies in the Federation asked the federal government to send troops and weapons to support the tenth galaxy, and people also spontaneously raised various materials and donated them to the tenth galaxy.

Each major galaxy has set off an upsurge of "one side is in trouble, eight points of support", because with the lead of the ancient earth, other planets are also donating material resources to the tenth galaxy.

Whether intentional or forced, at least the materials have arrived.

The mood of "exterminating the Zerg" and "getting the Zerg out of the Federation" in the whole Federation has never been higher.

Seeing this, the federal government immediately changed its previous idea of armistice and began to issue orders to eliminate the Zerg.

However, no troops were sent to support.

Therefore, the United forces changed their attitude of small friction in the past and began to launch a strong attack on the Zerg.

Not all the donated materials were sent to the coalition army.

Who swallowed, how much, who knows?

And all the citizens of the union are looking forward to the victory of the coalition


"We don't know how many weapons the Zerg have in stock, but we don't have much food!" Lu Zhi looked at Shen panchi negatively.

"Report, a large number of Zerg star ships have disappeared!"

When the two armies were in a hot fight, a large number of Zerg star ships disappeared into the universe, leaving only a small number of star ships projecting a large number of spiritual weapons to the joint forces.

"It should be hidden in space. The talent of this Zerg queen is known to have space and perception."

Shen panchi glanced at the detection diagram on the screen and couldn't detect it. It shows that bharara's space capability is much higher than the federal technology in space.

Balala's frequent and extensive use of these abilities will cause great damage to all aspects of her body.

The laws of the universe give Zerg queens more natural abilities than everyone else, but relatively, Zerg queens live far less than cosmic races, including other Zerg.

And there are almost no Zerg queens who can die normally. The Zerg queen either died on the battlefield or died due to the damage of her own function due to the excessive use of her talents and abilities.

The Zerg queen was created to wait for death after draining all her value.

"Now that the Zerg ship has disappeared and federal instruments can't detect spatial fluctuations, we can't know where the Zerg ship is.

If you want to attack, it's not easy to attack. "

Each Zerg queen has different talents and combat strategies.

On the contrary, the coping methods of the army on the federal side are also different, so the people in the Federal Parliament say that Shen panchi has experience is completely bullshit.

Shen panchi is also the first time to face Balala with two powerful abilities of space and perception.

These capabilities, together with the Zerg's new weapons, are too strong to suppress the capabilities of the coalition. It can be said that the coalition can only play two-thirds of its usual strength.

These things have never appeared before.

"Let all warships defend at the second line of defense according to the scale of ten warships and one team, with an interval of one light year, and the other small teams of warships patrol outside the second line of defense.

When the value of the detector is turned to the maximum, as soon as there is space fluctuation, it will directly launch space weapons to attack! "

Since they are hiding, let them not hide themselves


February 13, 100003

The main force of the United forces and the large-scale Zerg star ship made a fierce attack on a huge barren star outside the second line of defense, and the casualties on both sides were extremely heavy.

Two thirds of the coalition soldiers suffered mental damage, and one third suffered secondary damage. There were few food materials and concentrated water donated by the ancient earth.

The situation is urgent and the coalition forces are in urgent need of support. While the Federal Parliament was determined to send troops to support, Zerg attacks occurred again in several other galaxies.

There is no difference from the previous routine of the tenth galaxy.

Some members of the Federal Parliament are once again worried about the plan to divert the tiger from the mountain. At this time, the Zerg came the news that they were willing to negotiate with the federal government.

After weighing their respective interests, the major parties in the federal parliament accepted the request for negotiation.

Negotiation = temporary armistice = time to prepare

When the parliament arranged a negotiating team to negotiate, it was confused by the list of negotiators requested by the Zerg.