"Oh, I should. I haven't eaten it for months. Maybe I launched a new version."

LAN Xiangyu distributed some sugar to the other two people. Now there are half a box of sugar left. After counting, there are ninety-nine.

This number... Is really

After turning off the light, LAN Xiangyu lay in bed thinking about why Shen panchi would send her this candy. He simply thought it was delicious, so he gave it to her, or was he blind as 666 said

LAN Xiangyu thought about it and thought it should be the former. Although the main customers of this candy are couples, it does not mean that it is only sold to couples, who can buy it. People may just think it's good-looking and delicious, so they bought it.

Shen panchi should be the same. After buying sugar, he put some on her and gave her some when she said the medicine was bitter. Then give her a reward today.

Keep it simple. Keep it simple. Don't have any wishful thinking. She thought too much before. Cards don't represent anything.

Shen panchi didn't know that there would be a card in the sugar box, which made LAN Siyu think about it for more than an hour.

The next morning, LAN Xiangyu got up from bed with some pain left after training injury.

She has, and so do others.

Led by the person in charge, they went to the physical fitness test site.

Physical fitness test has seven test items. Ten points for each item, full score 70 points. Score by the corresponding machine.

The first project, which is the easiest and simplest, is to test the growth of various data of the body.

The data of ordinary people will not change much after just two days, but they have undergone professional training. Although the time is short, they will change more or less.

However, this change is also temporary. Now you have improved various data due to high-intensity training. If you don't continue to exercise hard in the future, various data will fall slowly.

The scoring is judged by the increase between the current data and the last data.

LAN Xiangyu looked at the familiar test cabin and began to pray for all the data of his body. Please, let's get angry at this moment!

When LAN Xiangyu nervously entered the test cabin, he nervously got the report and began to look at it. After reading it, she found that she had no concept of these data. She forgot all the data on the test report the day before yesterday.

Maybe her garbage memory didn't make her remember.

LAN Xiangyu glanced directly at the score below and looked, "Oh, my mother!" he was surprised to see the score.

Five points.

Out of ten, she has only five! She hasn't passed according to the past 60 points of the 100 point system???

Oh, I'm tired~

"Xiao Yu, how many points do you have?" Mary detected it, walked to LAN Xiyu and asked curiously.

"Alas ~" Lan Xiyu shook his head, "no, only five points."

LAN Xiangyu said that as soon as he looked up, he saw Mary looking at her with a strange look, "what's the matter? How do you look at me like this?"

"You really don't know or fake don't know! The five points of this test are already very high, okay? Generally three or four points, one or two points, and five points are very rare!"

"Huh?" is her five points rare?

"It's probably related to your previous physical data. You were so much lower than us. You received the same training as us these two days. Although the data didn't catch up with us, the increase must be much higher than us." Mary analyzed.

After all, the body data are low, there is a lot of room for rise, and the increase is naturally higher.

"That feeling is good, ha ha ha."

The next six items are physical strength, endurance, endurance, balance, flexibility and sharpness.

LAN Xiyu's scores in physical strength, endurance and endurance are relatively low, but his scores in balance, flexibility and sensitivity are relatively high.

Especially sharpness and flexibility. Out of ten, she got eight and nine.

Full score of 70 points, and the total score of LAN Xiyu is 48 points.

Pass or above, good or below.

"Alas, after all, she didn't achieve good." good is 50 points, and she's only two points short! If her endurance and endurance were a little better, she could achieve good. In this way, she should be more stable in the final exam.

It's a pity.

LAN Xiangyu took his grade sheet, which ranked 33 among the 39 people in the first team, and looked left and right. He didn't see Shen panchi. She originally wanted to show Shen panchi a look and let Shen panchi have a look. No one.

But on second thought, Shen panchi is an instructor. He should know the results of his team. If he cares.

At this time, Shen panchi looked at LAN Xiyu's score sheet on the terminal, closed his eyes, took out a candy from the newly opened candy box next to it, opened it and put it in his mouth.

Suddenly, his eyebrows frowned.

He took out the same candy from his pocket and put it into his mouth to soothe his eyebrows.

Well, this one is sweeter.


After the test without any delay, everyone immediately took the star boat back to the dormitory. As soon as LAN Xiyu arrived at the school, he immediately took the levitator back to the dormitory.

Without hesitation, he lay on the soft big bed.

"Oh, tired." although everyone in the back entered the treatment cabin and all the injuries were cured, LAN Xiyu had a kind of fatigue from his heart.

Too tired.

She has never been so tired.

She must succeed in transferring from college to major. She doesn't want to take part in this unique training of the special college.

LAN Yueyu thought and slowly fell asleep. This sleep is an afternoon.

When he went to study at night, LAN Xiangyu sat on his seat and continued to lie on his stomach. Not only her, the whole class of 99 people, nearly 80 people are lying on the table.

It's like people are hollowed out.

"Hey, Xiaoyu, how are your grades? Have you achieved good results?" Keith asked eagerly when he saw LAN Yueyu sitting down.

Each team has different training venues. He is from the second team. He hasn't seen LAN Xiyu for more than two days.

"No. I only have 48 points."

"It's all right. 48 points are already very high, and I have only 52 points as a boy." Keith comforted LAN Xiyu. "By the way, which team are you? Team 3 or team 4?"

"Team one..."

"What?" GIS couldn't believe his ears. "Didn't you say your physical fitness was very poor?"

If LAN Xiangyu is assigned to the first team, the process of getting her 48 points may be harder than his 52 points.