"You're such a scum! I didn't expect you to be such a scum!" Lan Xiyu was shocked!

Is she such an irresponsible person? She's not Hai's daughter.

"What do you want? If you want to live, you must take the third task. Now it's just ahead of schedule."

LAN Xiangyu was silent again. 666 was really right. "Let Shen panchi propose to her" was a necessary event for her to live. What she chose now was not whether to take the task or not, but whether to ask in advance.

"Besides, I'll give you an answer tomorrow after I think about it all night."

LAN Yueyu turned over and closed his eyes to sleep. But the trembling eyelashes and pursed corners of her mouth are enough to represent that her heart is not calm.

The hammock made of vines is not soft, but also flickers. In addition, LAN seems to have no sleep all night.

The result of a sleepless night was that Lan Siyu opened his eyes in the early morning of the next day.

"Is 666 there? Come out quickly while I don't regret it now. Come on! Now!"

"Yes, yes, you promised to advance the third task?!"

"Hmm..." he snorted, and LAN Yueyu continued to close his eyes.

In other words, this task must be completed by her. She has no choice but to start a few months in advance.

As long as this task exists, she and pan pan are completely impossible.

Anyway, pan pan is mostly grateful for the friendship with her friends.

Fortunately, nothing has started yet.

"Next, is it to ask Shen panchi to propose to me before January 1, 100006?"


"I don't think I can."

To make Shen panchi propose to her, it must be Shen panchi's sincere kind. Shen panchi's sincere words mean that he wants to... Fall in love with her.

Within three years, let Shen panchi fall in love with her and propose.

And she also wants to throw away all her strange favor for pan pan from her mind within three years, completely eliminate this feeling, and then contact Shen panchi to have feelings for him and let him have feelings for her.

It's too hard!

She couldn't do it. She proposed to others and abandoned them immediately after completing the task.

That's fucking scum. She despises this scum woman who is extremely irresponsible for her feelings.

Therefore, she should also invest in sincere, pure and complete investment without any impurities.

Shen panchi is an extremely excellent person, which LAN Xiangyu can't deny and agrees with. Although he was a little rude to her at school, it's true that he doesn't have to be polite to her.

After all, people's identity is there.

She doesn't deny that if she had long contact with Shen panchi, she might like Shen panchi. After all, Shen panchi's family background, morality, appearance and other aspects are very excellent.

It can be said to be the top matching version of the diamond king.

Normal people yearn for excellence.

She is a normal person.

However, Shen panchi won't like her. She has no ability to make Shen panchi like her.

After LAN met Shen panchi, she lost her confidence. The better a man is, the harder it is to grasp.

"Don't worry about it first. It's too annoying. Now in October, give me two months to put back my favor and love for Panpan. We'd better be friends and relatives."

When the third task comes out, she and Panpan are basically impossible. Since she wants to complete the third task, her favor for Panpan will naturally be cut off.

"No, I've been struggling with whether I like Pan Pan's feelings before. It's not easy to feel that I have a little clue. When I start to formalize my feelings, you strangle it in the cradle?"

LAN Xiangyu feels that the system is really too much. However, if 666 had said earlier, her love for Pan Pan would not come out at all, nor would she have to clean up her love for pan pan before investing in another relationship.

Fortunately, she knew she wouldn't live long and that Pan Pan had no feelings for her, so she didn't sink too deep.

"Oh, you don't care about this now. It's true to contact Shen panchi and discuss the plan." 666 saw LAN Xiyu's entanglement, and it was entangled itself.


Forget it, it can't say.

Let's see what happens.

"Well, I see. Tell me how to do it." Lan Xiyu also quickly adjusted. Now she wants to enrich herself. Don't think about it day by day and eat something that doesn't last long.

"I may use my energy to sense Shen panchi. No matter where Shen panchi is, I can feel it. Then you can have a spiritual dialogue with him. But the dialogue can only last for three days. After three days, it will disappear automatically."

"OK, OK, let's go."

"Ready, 3, 2, 1, here we go!"


It was only five o'clock in the morning. Shen panchi was still resting in the rest cabin when he heard a female voice in his mind.

A little familiar.

"Hello? Good morning, marshal Shen?"

His almost unforgettable memory reminded Shen panchi of the owner of the voice - LAN Siyu

Just, how could he hear LAN Yueyu's voice?


How could I dream of her

"Hello, marshal Shen, I'm LAN Xiyu. I and 128 first-class students are located in a Zerg base or inside the city. The city is black. There are at least 50000 Zerg immediately, and there are also level-1 and level-2 Zerg and Zerg queen. The Zerg Queen's talent, ability, space and perception are related.

The Zerg queen this time is a twin, but the Zerg queen has no memory, so she is... Kind. Now I have a good relationship with her and can chat and communicate. Tomorrow afternoon, we will play games and bonfire parties outside the Zerg city.

This planet is far from the star and the light is dim. I hope Marshal Shen can come here in the afternoon and rescue us. This should be our only chance. "

If they don't succeed this time, they will either be locked up forever or die.

"Are you... Talking to me with mental strength?"

"Almost. This is my special skill. I hope the marshal can make a plan early. When the plan is ready, you can contact me. We cooperate inside and outside. It's perfect!"

Yun Li, Shelley and bharara all have this talent. There's nothing wrong with making one up for herself.


"You just need to think about me in your mind and you can communicate with me, but it's only three days."

"Well, are you... Are you okay? Is anyone hurt?"

"No, but you may be a little hungry. When we play games outside and have a bonfire party, there must be Zerg all around." Lan Xiyu reminded again that she couldn't go back for fear that Shen panchi would reveal a point.