Looking around, she thought that she probably entered the school's universe simulation system.

The universe simulation system, as its name suggests, simulates a universe.

LAN Xiangyu looked at the vast universe in front of her. She found that her eyesight became excellent, so good that she was far away from the highest eyesight that human beings can achieve now, so good that she was like an astronomical telescope, so her vision became extremely broad.

13.8 billion years ago, hydrogen and helium atoms constituted almost all the matter in the known universe, while 13.8 billion years later, these two atoms constituted 98% of the matter in the known universe.

Of course, including human beings, the matter in human's real body is composed of countless atoms.

LAN Xiangyu looked at his feet. There was a planet not far from his feet. Oh, no! It may be hundreds of thousands of light-years away, but in the eyes of LAN Siyu, it is not far away, because she can clearly observe the planet.

This is a planet, a planet hit by tens of thousands of boulders floating in space. Several craters on the surface are very similar to the surface of the moon.

She looked around. There were planets moving in the distance. These planets were bound by the gravity of a huge massive star.

LAN Xiangyu thought and came to the upper edge of the huge star. The star glows like the sun.

LAN Xiangyu knows that when this massive star reaches the end of its life, it will begin to expand and grow at an extremely amazing speed. It is too large to be imagined. The temperature is high enough to melt the surrounding planets, and the continuous energy in the star will gush out into the universe and into the vacuum.

"Bang -"

The star, which has expanded to an extremely huge size, exploded! The star's constituent matter began to scatter around and float around the universe.

LAN Xiangyu thought that the light of the explosion could definitely blind her titanium alloy beauty without effort.

In fact, the light of the explosion will last for a long time, weeks, months or even years.

After a massive star explodes, it will form a neutron star. If it is massive enough, it will form a black hole.

Billions of years later, the sun will do the same. At that time, all the materials in the solar system will be affected and destroyed, and the ancient earth will no longer exist.

Of course, she also believed that if there were human beings at that time, people on the ancient earth would have been able to live on other planets.

LAN Xiangyu looks to the right. It is an asteroid belt composed of tiny planets. They rotate around the star like a ring.

LAN Xiangyu left the star and began to drift aimlessly in the vacuum.

One of the planets is very eye-catching. The water blue planet has an extremely beautiful blue purple star ring, which is very much like the neighbor of green hat star, purple hat star.

Drifting all the way, LAN Xiyu saw many celestial bodies - comets, natural satellites, meteors, dwarf planets, red dwarfs

Looking at the comet with three different trajectories: ellipse, parabola and hyperbola, and then looking at the planet with double satellites, LAN Yueyu was silent.

If she had seen how these celestial bodies move earlier, she thought that she would not have lost the six points by choosing one more wrong option on the basis of the correct answer.

This is really a tearful story.

A hero who doesn't mention his courage is like Yu who doesn't mention his physics multiple-choice questions.

LAN Xiangyu saw many stars, big and small, all the way.

For stars, the greater the mass, the shorter the lifetime, because the core atoms of massive stars converge much faster than those of small stars.

Stars are not suitable for living things, at least for 100000 years. The number of stars in a galaxy is as few as millions and as many as hundreds of billions.

Not every star has a planet suitable for biological habitation, "habitability" is an extremely harsh condition.

This is why there are ten galaxies in the interstellar Federation for 100000 years. The number of stars in the ten galaxies adds up to thousands of trillions, and the number of planets is naturally more. However, among so many planets, there are only thousands of habitable planets.

Of course, there are many stars in the top ten galaxies that have not been investigated and developed by the Federation. Naturally, those stars whose life is about to run out will not be within the scope of federal development.

Not only that, but the surrounding stars will not be in this range.

The top ten galaxies may have star explosions and the birth of new stars every day

The blue is like Yu floating. In front of him, another blue Nebula appears, surrounded by a red orange halo.

It looks like the sunset glow of burning clouds, but it is completely different from the sunset glow of burning clouds.

Nebula, composed of huge ionized gas and dust clouds.

There are three types of nebulae - perhaps remnants of massive stars, that is, supernovae; It may be composed of stars whose life is about to run out and cannot become supernovae; Or maybe it's where new stars are born.

You look at those colorful nebulae in the universe. You know, there may be new stars or the end of stars.

Nebula is a wonderful thing.

The galaxy, which contains most celestial bodies such as nebulae, planets and stars, also contains infinite wonders.

Galaxies contain all the celestial matter mentioned above, and more is dark matter.

LAN Xiangyu stands in the universe and clearly looks at the green Galaxy in front of him. There are four propeller like cantilevers rotating around the galaxy, and there are bright gas, stars, black holes and dust on the cantilevers.

The colored light of galaxies is due to dust.

Dust can float not only in the air, but also in the vacuum. Countless dust gather outside the galaxy and float, which will interfere with the galaxy color in the eyes of observers.

For example, LAN Xiangyu is admiring the rich and beautiful colors of the galaxies in front of him. In fact, the colors of galaxies may not be so rich.

Looking far away, those light clusters with various colors are also galaxies.

Less than 50 galaxies form galaxy clusters, and more than 50 galaxies form galaxy clusters, and galaxy clusters and galaxy clusters form superclusters.

In the 21st century, 35 superclusters have been discovered, and hundreds of superclusters have been discovered in the 100000 years of interstellar space.

In this way, you probably understand it clearly.

The number of stars in the universe can't be calculated at all. That's really an astronomical number.

There are countless cosmic creatures containing life in the universe, and the Federation has only developed outward from the tenth galaxy, that is, the former Milky way. In 100000 years, it is just ten neighboring galaxies.

Compared with the universe, the Federation is just a small place. More precisely, it's just the size of an atom on the pill.

LAN Xiangyu passed galaxy clusters, galaxy clusters and superclusters. Now she is drifting farther into the universe.