Guo Kai's furious voice resounded through the study.

The person in charge opposite the phone was confused when he heard the question, but he replied quickly.

"Mr. Guo, you can't talk nonsense. Our ingredients are actually transported from the ancient earth. The effect of these ingredients has also been certified by the Federal Institute of scientific research. Someone on STARNet has proved that the mental level has been improved after eating these ingredients.

You are questioning not only us, but also the Federal Institute of scientific research. "

Hearing the words behind, Guo Kai calmed down a little and snorted coldly, "hum, then tell me why I ate fruits and vegetables for a month and my mental strength didn't rise but fell, huh?"

"Mr. Guo, this mental level can't be improved in a month or two. If it's so easy to improve, others won't buy it for a few months. You should stick to eating it and it will take effect later.

Besides, you're not the only one who bought from us, and many gentlemen and ladies bought from us. They all think our goods are good. Isn't there anything unusual when you eat? The improvement of mental strength should be done slowly and can't be achieved in a hurry. "

"Hum, if I haven't finished these months, your company will wait!"

Before the people over there replied, Guo Kai cut off the communication and got through the communication of another person.

"Test the ingredients in the fresh-keeping warehouse to see if there is any abr-1 factor published by the federal scientific research institute."


LAN Xiangyu looked at the immigration policies of hundreds of planets, combined the actual situation of the ancient earth, prepared a draft and sent it to lankes.

Just as she was subconsciously preparing to send pan pan a message to ask him for advice, she paused.

Click Cancel.

"No, I can't be someone else's princess. I want to be my own queen! I can't rely on him for everything. I want to be independent!"

LAN yuerao talks to himself in the empty room.

She, Niu Hulu Siyu, is the one who wants to inherit the great unification.

After sending the draft to lankes, LAN Xiangyu sent the test report and corresponding data pictures of the basaltic ore discovered by Nanbu and his team on the ancient earth to the head of the federal land administration at the Lord's terminal.

At the time of a meal, the person in charge of the Land Bureau has given a reply.

Because of the complete information, the Land Bureau said that they would send a professional vein survey team to the ancient earth within three days to detect the specific value and content of the ancient earth's basaltic ore. Then report and wait for the above people to make corresponding distribution and exchange.

And these are not what LAN Xiyu, a B-level Lord, can intervene.

You can only follow the process.

LAN Xiangyu went to check other planets and found basaltic ore. It took a total of 10 days to a month from survey to federal purchase and giving resources.

Is that too slow?! In a month, another city was built

"Can't these governments hurry up?! they are very slow." she already wants to see a lot of money coming in.

"It's not light detection, but people have to mine. OK, be content. Which mine in your previous world didn't take more than ten years or even longer from detection to mining? Discontent! People's value lies in contentment. Only those who are content and happy can have a good understanding of life!" 666 came out and talked about a lot of newly realized life philosophies.

"Although it took me several years or more to mine the vein in my previous life, the science and technology of the two times are different. It's 100000 years old, and the mine is roughly estimated to be only 1000 tons. It won't take long to mine with the technology of the federal government. I sincerely hope that the efficiency of the federal government can be higher."

The sooner the better. After all, the construction and development of the ancient earth needs money and resources, and her time is really running out. If the system could give her decades or hundreds of years, she would not be afraid at all. Maybe she is still traveling and enjoying life.

After the federal government detects, it may have to wait for a few days. When the official stamp is confirmed, the official website will issue an explanation. The Federation will not give the ancient earth corresponding remuneration and resources until the mining is completed and according to the final amount.

But immigrants can't afford to wait.

"Sure enough, the plan can't keep up with the change. I'm upset."

LAN Xiangyu originally wanted to wait for the official statement before she made it public, but obviously, she didn't know how long to wait, so she had to make it first.

After synthesizing the suggestions made by lankes, LAN Xiangyu listed another one.

Send it to your Lord's terminal.

[ancient Earth first edition immigration conditions:

1: The investment in the ancient earth is more than five million federal dollars.

2: The age of application is under 400.

3: Adult education is above middle school

4: No criminal record, good credit, need to buy various insurances of the ancient earth and pay taxes on time.


Conditions for permanent residence:

1: He lived on the ancient earth for five years and stayed on the ancient earth for three months every year.

2: There are normal jobs or sufficient assets on the ancient earth to support the living expenses on the ancient earth. They do not receive subsistence allowances and do not rely on social assistance.

3: Born legally in ancient earth, both parents meet the immigration conditions, and have a legal residence permit, you can apply for permanent residence.


Welfare treatment for native residents of ancient earth:

1: You can enjoy the corresponding quantity and quality of food materials free of charge every month.

2: Minor children attend school free of charge.


After LAN Xiangyu sent the statement with the Lord's terminal, he logged in to his personal terminal and forwarded it on Xingbo and major platforms.

There are more than 100000 people who pay attention to the terminal of the ancient earth Lords. She naturally wants to forward it with her personal account.

LAN Xiangyu has always been an abnormal blogger who has been blogging more for half a month. As soon as she makes a blog, fans flock in immediately.

Blue: first, how lonely invincible is!

Wahaha: I guess everyone here doesn't even know what the LORD sent. Let's comment first... So let me see what it is!

Alas: sleeping trough, immigration conditions?! I'm Kangkang!

Wen Chi, Wen Liu, Lan Li, Wenzhou Shan and others also forwarded LAN Xiyu's Xingbo for the first time.

[Wen Chi: look at the picture] [Wen Liu: the ancient earth is worth it!] [Wenzhou mountain: don't say anything. I've been in the ancient earth for more than a month. Mountains and waters are good and good people are good!] [Lan Li: lovely Lord, lovely brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts!]

Among them, some people under Lan Li's Xingbo joked that the son of the Lord of one planet advertised another planet.

After your traffic, especially the forwarding of Lan Li and Wen Chi, # ancient earth immigration conditions # have been dropping to the hot search list.