All fruits and vegetables began to be packed under Guo Kai's eyes.

"Ah, this."

Guo Kai pointed to one of the apples with a slightly prominent corner.

"This is not good-looking. Change it. Change this!"

Guo Kai pointed to another plump apple, checked the other fruits in the box, and asked the staff to change several. The rest didn't have any problems, so they stood aside and watched.

After the selection here, Guo Kai was satisfied to pay the bill.

The two remaining staff members in black in the room looked at each other and their colleagues nearby.

"What does Mr. Guo come from?"

"It's just a small head of a third rate family. If he had money, he wouldn't come to us to buy it. He would have gone to Wen's to buy it long ago. He doesn't buy it to save face and give gifts. He's so picky, bah!"

Guo Kai is extremely tricky and has high requirements for these things. The fruit should be good-looking and consistent in shape. The fruit should be full. There should be no dirty things on the vegetables, and all the vegetables should be uniform in color. This will give the two staff a good choice.

"Shh, keep your voice down!"

Another staff member looked around, reached out and said, "if you want to die, continue."

The staff member who complained earlier rolled his eyes and stopped talking.


The opening report ceremony of the special enrollment college was held at 6 p.m. and LAN Xiyu began to draft in the morning.

In addition to the speech at the federal planetary Congress, LAN Xiangyu played his speech on other occasions on the spot after he practiced it in his mind in advance.

Even the "federal global tour" is a random speech. We can talk about it wherever we think and wherever we can.

After all, LAN Xiangyu knew all those speeches.

But this time it's different. Although the special enrollment college has only about 500 people, LAN Xiyu doesn't think he can play willfully on the spot.

Besides, there are so many people watching. LAN Xiyu naturally can't lose her face as the ancient earth Lord, although she doesn't have any face.

Next to the bed is the desk. LAN Xiangyu sits by the bed and lies on the desk to write a speech. Although everyone uses the terminal, LAN Siyu still habitually writes by hand.

Lan Li saw the scene as soon as he got up, climbed over from the bed and lay on LAN Xiyu's back.

LAN Xiangyu felt a heavy on his back, "round, are you... Fat again?"

Lan Li was stiff and got up from LAN Siyu's back. "I'm not fat! I don't believe you hold me!"

Lan Li opened his hand and motioned LAN Yueyu to hold him.

"You seem to be a little fat. You are a little heavier than when I held you a few days ago." Lan Yueyu weighed Lan Li in his arms.

It's heavy!

"I don't! It must be the size of the human figure is too large, and my socks and clothes are heavy!"

Lan Li took off his socks and changed from human to animal.

"Now you can hold me!"

LAN Xiangyu was helpless, but she hugged Yuanyuan again under Yuanyuan's complaining eyes.

Well, the animal shape is even heavier. She can't hold it up?!

"Well, it's lighter."

"I said, how can Yuanyuan be fat? Just now, my human shape is heavy because of my large size! Sister Xiaoyu, Yuanyuan wants to throw a circle."

Throwing the circle is a small game played by LAN Siyu and Lan Li when he was still a background designer in the new world game company. He is holding Lan Li in circles. Lan Li likes the feeling of flying in the air most.

"Throw a circle? Forget it. Yuanyuan is a big boy. Throwing a circle is a game played by children."

She couldn't hold it, and she threw a circle... It's almost the same to throw a shot put

"No, round, round, round, round."

LAN Xiyu didn't promise. The panda Tuanzi held LAN Xiyu's arm.

The whole body lies on LAN Xiyu's arm, like a liquid panda without bones?!

LAN Xiangyu took a hand, but the panda ball was still very tight and couldn't be thrown away.

LAN Xiangyu couldn't help thinking about the content of her speech in the evening.

"Just play once! After playing, Yuanyuan should stay next to reading or playing games."

She should still be able to play once.

LAN Yuhuan looked forward to the panda ball. As soon as he picked it up and was ready to swing the circle, there was a slight numbness in his arm.

LAN Xiangyu bit his teeth and tried hard. OK, he can hold it up, but he can't shake it.

Waiting for the happy turn, the expression on Lan Li's face changed from expectation to doubt, and then to finally understand what, it took only more than ten seconds.

"Sister Xiaoyu, is it round...?"

"No, it's because my sister hasn't had breakfast today, so she doesn't have strength. When my sister has finished breakfast, she will be fine!"

Lan Li looked at LAN like Yu Jianding and didn't look like lying. He didn't speak, but answered with a low voice. He turned and fell back on the bed and covered the quilt. A small black foot was exposed, and a small hand stretched out and pulled the quilt, trying to hide the whole panda in the quilt.

Gain weight -- something Lan Li can't bear in his life!

Lan Li left, and LAN Xiangyu continued to write his speech.

Lan Li has been listless all day since he knew that Lan Xiangyu couldn't pick him up and throw him around.

LAN Xiangyu is funny. I don't understand why Lan Li is so obsessed with getting fat. It's very cute. It's full of meat.

She asked several times, and Lan Li replied with a deep and extreme "you're not me, you won't understand."

LAN Xiangyu:???

Sure enough, she is old and can't integrate into the world of young people.

Because he looked a little weak after eating, LAN Xiyu specially cooked porridge in the evening.

Lan Li scooped up a spoonful of porridge and handed it to his mouth, "eat!"

Eating without opening his mouth, he tilted his head to one side, and Lan Li's spoon moved with him. He also put his face in front of eating, gave a sweet wink and sold it.

He still refused to eat and didn't even want to take a look.

Lan Li can't believe that someone can resist his lovely shock wave?!

After feeding several times, I still got a heartless refusal to eat.

Lan Li even felt that he saw a trace of impatience in his eating eyes?!

Don't pester me any more. It's impossible for us???

Lan Li doesn't know what a person is doing in his brain. His expression changes very rich.

LAN Xiangyu looked at whether to eat the porridge fed by Lan Li, picked up a new spoon, scooped some porridge and sent it to eat.

After eating and smelling, he opened his mouth, stretched out a small powder tongue, licked and licked again.

LAN Xiangyu fed some spoons to eat. When he saw that he was used to eating white porridge, he put a small bowl full of porridge in front of him.

"Eat by yourself!"

After taking a look at the porridge in the bowl, he took another look at LAN Xiyu and made a meow.

LAN Xiangyu tried to feel what she wanted to express, but found that she couldn't feel it at all.

The subtle and strange understanding between and Panpan obviously doesn't exist between her and eat.