Let's go to classroom 2303 of No. 2 education.

"Eh? Are you the most famous and youngest Lord? I heard you're super powerful. Why did you come to recruit?"

A girl jumped up to LAN Siyu, because her voice didn't weaken at all, it was clearly introduced into the ears of the people around her.

People around looked at LAN like Yu.

LAN Siyu: what is it??? How to give her a feeling of high-grade white lotus??? What are you doing in your twenties?! Act cute?!

"No, you recognize the wrong person."

LAN Yueyu turned and went upstairs.

Who knows, the little white rabbit girl followed up and stopped LAN Xiyu, "it's you! I know, Lord of the ancient earth, I saw you on the live broadcast of the federal planetary congress! I heard you can cook food?! is this your specialty? Wow, I must have no hope, this super powerful!"

LAN Xiyu: huh???

Deliberately reveal her identity and make her a public enemy?

Wrong, wrong, not white lotus, but bamboo leaf green - bamboo leaf green, alpine green tea.

LAN Xiangyu looked at the eyes of the people around him, then turned to Zhuyeqing, oh no, turned to the girl who lowered her head in front of her, "Oh, that's what you're talking about. Yes, I'm the Lord of the ancient earth. What can I do for you? Everyone can cook food, and I'm a food anchor. I've published all the methods of cooking food on the live broadcasting platform. It's not a specialty anymore!"

Then he shook his head and sighed, "you know I'm from the ancient earth, so you must know how remote and backward the ancient earth used to be. To tell the truth, we haven't come to the children studying on the main federal star. This is a wish in everyone's heart.

As a lord, I am highly expected by everyone. Because the education of the ancient earth is backward, I can't pass the examination for cultural students, so I have to take a special enrollment to try my luck. In fact, I don't have much hope. Everyone who can come here must have a skill and confidence.

I guess you must be very good, sister, or you won't come here. You feel confident. You must be very sure. I envy you. Unlike me, I can't do anything. Alas ~ "

LAN Xiangyu came forward and took the girl's hand and gently shook it left and right.

A girl who was beaten by LAN Siyu's series of Sao operations and couldn't take precautions:???

Seeing that the attention of the people around him had shifted from LAN Siyu to her, there was a faint sense of vigilance.

The girl smiled and broke away from LAN Siyu's hand, "ha ha, I'm from a remote and backward planet, and I'm also here to see the world..."

"Oh, that's right. We really feel sorry for each other. Ah!" Lan Xiyu was surprised and attracted more people's attention.

"Wow, is your skirt a limited edition of chujira this autumn? That's great! I remember it hasn't been officially SOLD yet? That's great!

I have a second rate family friend who doesn't have access to it. You're really great! I also like this dress, but everyone knows the conditions of the ancient earth, alas ~ "

Who can compare with green tea

The attention of the people around them glanced back and forth between the two people's clothes. It was clear at a glance who was rich and who was poor.

If you can buy the limited edition of chujila Chuji in advance, how can you say that you don't have any family background? Besides, you really listened to the word "second rate family" just now.

If you don't think carefully, you will subconsciously think that the background of the girl in front of you must be higher than that of the second rate family.

The ancient earth seems to everyone that it is only a planet with the name of class B, and the actual construction can't even compare with class C. the population of the ancient earth is only 30000, which can't compare with the population controlled by a third rate family.

In such a comparison, we all know who is more threatening.

LAN Xiangyu felt that his vision was less. He stepped back and looked at the bamboo leaf green. "Bye, sister! I'm glad to talk to you!"

Then he turned and walked upstairs.

Leave a figure of two green fighting and the winner.

After this episode, people pay more attention to LAN Siyu and the girl, but they should be more vigilant towards the girl.

2303 is a huge room, generally fan-shaped, which can accommodate about 1000 people. There are several small rooms in the classroom.

When LAN Xiangyu came in, there were more than 100 people in his seat. He found a seat in the corner and sat down.

The number of people is only more than 300, but there are more than 1000 seats. Therefore, those who sit scattered are opponents after all. Everyone's vigilance has never been put down.

At more than 8:50, three middle-aged people and two old people came in one after another, followed by a young man.

This is Le Rong who was called by his tutor to act as a free labor force.

At nine o'clock sharp, the door closed automatically, and several students who did not arrive in the classroom on time for some reason were rejected.

Sure enough. Punctuality is a basic requirement everywhere.

Le Rong stood up and looked at the hundreds of people in front of him, showing a bright smile, "Hello, everyone, welcome to the interview and re examination of special students in the autumn of 100002 in the calendar of the first Federal University. I'm a third grader of the first Federal University, Le Rong. I'm also the host of today's interview."

Two eyes bent into crescent, just like a warm sunshine, a good boy and a good senior.

I don't know why, when I saw the boy in LAN Xiyu, I thought he should be a little coquettish. Ah, judge people by their appearance again. It's a sin.

LAN Xiangyu confessed in his heart and spoke on the stage.

"The interview will be conducted according to the order of entry when you predict to pass. During the interview, the interviewers will enter the next five rooms. The interviewers are Professor Liu of the school of management and teacher Zhang of the mecha school..."

There is not too much nonsense. After Le Rong's introduction, he will start the interview directly.

Enter the room from one to ten at the same time. Several professors sitting in their seats can clearly see the actions of ten people in the interview room. But everyone in the classroom couldn't see it.

LAN Xiangyu looked at No. 1. He was a boy with feminine appearance and slim figure. No. 2 was the girl before.

The ten people in front entered the room under the gaze of hundreds of people.

Suddenly, the classroom was quiet. Because there were no other people, we could only judge the performance of the people inside by the facial expressions of several professors.

LAN Xiangyu glanced at the others and saw that they were all focused on the professors on the stage. That look was like a sophisticated scanning analyzer, ready to analyze the facial expressions of several professors carefully.

LAN Xiyu thought it was scary