After the three groups of guests returned to the hotel, the program team began to conduct a personal interview with each guest. After all, it was a live broadcast. It was impossible to show you the scenery during the rest of more than an hour.

"Xiao Yun always came to the ancient earth and experienced the game in the morning. Do you think you have anything to gain?"

Yun Yun sat on the sofa, "I once went to the barren star when I was doing public welfare, a barren star with a population of tens of millions and scarce resources. Once I thought it was the most backward and poor place in the Federation. I didn't know there was such a place until I came to the ancient earth.

The ancient earth is desolate, remote, and the environmental conditions are worse than all the wild stars I know, but the people here are happier than all the people of the wild stars. These happiness comes from everyone's sense of belonging and sureness, a kind of happiness that doesn't have to work for a living.

I'm very happy to see such a planet. At the same time, I hope you will pay attention to the desolate stars and the desolate people. The common progress of the whole Federation is the goal of all interstellar people. "

Hurt me: ah, Xiao Yun is always great!

In us: Yun Yun is really one of the stars who do the most public welfare!

When the camera turns, everything in the picture.

"What does our little steel cannon Linlin want to say about this morning's game? I heard that you accidentally stepped on several leaves. The program team is really losing money!"

"Oh, I was so happy to come to the ancient earth at the beginning. Seriously, I admire Lord LAN for turning the ancient earth into a class B planet. I was very excited to see Lord LAN. It was like seeing an idol, so I couldn't help asking that question at once!" said Chi Lin, spitting out her tongue at the camera.

"I was too impatient during the competition this morning, mainly because I felt that my group had no advantage and wanted to finish the task quickly, so I accidentally stepped on several leaves in a hurry. Seriously, I panicked... People really didn't mean it, so don't scold me!"

Chi Lin kept talking as soon as she opened her mouth, accompanied by exaggerated body movements from time to time.

"Oh, so it is. You should pay attention next time!"

Taurus mountain: ha ha, Chi Lin is really cute! In fact, I accidentally stepped on a few leaves. Everyone really didn't. don't chase. Who hasn't made a mistake?

Hundreds of years: Yes, I apologized. Some fans really did.

Nanshannan: people with clear eyes can see that it's time to apologize. Is it white washing? Why didn't you apologize?!

Sleep: Hey, everyone, stop arguing. What if the program team deliberately arranged to create a topic? No one is to blame. Let's break up the meeting!

Jijiao: Director Chen's variety show has never had a script!


"Get up, get up, get up, sun your ass, why don't you get up?" a machine synthesized aunt voice sounded in the bedroom. LAN Siyu immediately jumped out of bed, changed his clothes and combed his hair like a chicken nest.

"I hope you look at my hair. Once you comb it to the end, it's just soft and supple."

"It's too late to procrastinate."

At 3 p.m., several guests arrived at the conference room of the planetary government on time.

"Lord LAN came so early?" Wen Chi knew that Lan Yueyu was going to take a nap and deliberately made fun of him.

"It's not too early, just a few minutes." Lan Xiyu smiled brightly and clenched his teeth.

Sooner or later, she will pluck out the peacock's feathers!

"Well, next I'll explain some history of the ancient earth to you. You should pay attention to it, because there will be a competition for knowledge and awards later!"

LAN Xiangyu pressed a button, the French window of the conference room was covered, the light of the conference room was dim, and the huge virtual screen in front of him was shining.

The picture shows the ancient earth 100000 years ago.

"The ancient earth existed for more than 4 billion years. Before the existence of the Federation, the ancient earth was called the earth. Once the earth was ruled by dinosaurs. More than 60 million years after the extinction of dinosaurs, humans began to appear. So far, the history of human civilization has been more than 3 million years..."

"The earth once had four ancient civilizations, ancient China, ancient Babylon, ancient India and ancient Egypt. Later, apart from the continuation of ancient Chinese civilization, the other three ancient civilizations have long declined. However, ancient Chinese civilization also ceased to exist when human beings left the earth and migrated to the stars 100000 years ago."

Speaking of this, LAN Xiyu's voice became lower and deeper. He paused and continued:

"Human beings have lived and multiplied on the earth for more than three million years. Why do they abandon this home and leave? Because the earth's resources are exhausted. Human beings must go to other places with resources in order to survive and develop. Why do the earth's resources dry up? Because human beings.

In the earth's existence of more than 4 billion years, there have been disasters again and again, but the earth's ecosystem can adjust itself and recover again and again. However, the human race has only existed for more than 3 million years, which has given a fatal blow to the earth's ecosystem.

This is the earth 100000 years ago. "

LAN Xiangyu pulled out a picture of tall buildings towering into the sky, full of cold science and technology. In the picture, there is no green, but yellow sand everywhere.

At that time, human beings lived in yellow sand.

"Mankind is an extremely intelligent race. It has developed science and technology for thousands of years. However, while pursuing science and technology, the earth has long been overwhelmed. Because all human resources are obtained from the earth without restraint, and there is no chance for the earth to breathe.

So in 3920 ad, after the depletion of the earth's resources could not meet the development of mankind, mankind abandoned the planet that gave birth to human civilization and moved to a broader interstellar space. "

The meeting room was quiet, and everyone's breathing sound was slightly inaudible. At this time, there were few bullets on the bullet screen in the live broadcasting room. Everyone was absorbed, and no one sent a bullet screen at this time.

no one.

After saying this, LAN Xiyu stopped herself. She seemed a little too extreme

After thinking about it, he said: "the earth doesn't need human beings. It's human beings who need the earth. It's human beings who need the rainforest. It's human beings who make rivers dirty, icebergs melt, rainforests disappear and species become extinct. Without human beings, the earth still works. It's also because of the earth's resources that human beings can move to the interstellar to continue to survive and develop.

For the last time, it is mankind who needs the earth, not the earth who needs mankind. "

"The ancient earth now has a population of more than 30000. Do you know how these people came from?

Among them are tens of thousands of people who were left behind because of extreme poverty and worthlessness when human beings migrated to the stars 100000 years ago. They survived with the little resources left on the earth. There are also people who just migrated to the stars but were difficult to survive and finally chose to return to the earth. After 100000 years of birth and death, the ancient earth had more than 30000 people. "