"Let's scrape off the scales first. The scales of Qingqing fish are relatively small and large, which is convenient for scraping."

Wen Liu and Wen Chi can't cook, but they can do it.

"After scraping off the scales, cut directly on the side of the fish and take out the viscera." Lan Xiyu cleaned the fish inside and outside with water. "Roast fish should be cleaned, and the viscera should not be, otherwise there will be a peculiar smell when it will be roasted."

"After washing, marinate the fish with salt. Now let's cut some branches to make a grill. Yuanyuan, help your brother and sister marinate the remaining three fish in a bowl!"

"Uh huh! Wrap it on me!" Lan Li pursed her small mouth, her round eyes and nodded hard.

After sitting all morning, now he can finally help!

[Kan Kan Jie: I suddenly understand why Lan Li has so many fans... Ah ah, it's really cute! I want to roll panda cubs!]

[Biao Nao you: if I were some other people, even if Lan Li sat there and didn't do anything, I'd like to! Lovely cubs look comfortable?!]

[I want to eat delicious food: who isn't it?]

[Shanshan's little wife: why, you don't pay attention to Panpan? Is my family Panpan not cute enough to attract you?]

[Wahaha; Panpan lazy cat stayed in the tent all morning to sleep!]

Several people cut some fresh branches and prepared to make two grills.

"The branch on the grill had better be fresh and tough, so that it won't be burned in the middle of the fire."

Seven branches can make a fish grill. Three people cut 15 and went back.

After tying the frames on both sides with a rope, he strung the fish into the branches.

"When you bake the fish on the fire, you can't leave it too close, otherwise it will be scorched, and you can't leave it too far, otherwise it won't be easy to cook. It's probably just this distance." Lan Xiyu kept rolling the branches in his hand, so that the Qingqing fish can be heated evenly without burning.

Slowly, Qingqing fish made a "Zizi" sound, and both sides of the fish gradually turned golden yellow.

"When we bake until both sides are golden, we sprinkle seasoning powder and bake for a minute or two."

Finally, the golden crisp, burnt outside and tender inside grilled fish were placed in front of the public.

Because it uses a top-level flight broadcast device with its own sharing function.

The spicy aroma of grilled fish has long overflowed in front of everyone in front of the screen, and aroused the greedy insects in the stomach. Looking at the bright color, people have a big appetite and can't help eating.

[Wahaha: this taste, this feeling, is a perfect restoration of Xiaoyu anchor live studio!]

Ben: it smells good! Mom, I cry!]

[changed myself: I knew LAN Xiangyu was a gourmet anchor before, but to be honest, I didn't care much about the food. So I've never seen her live broadcast. I originally came to survive on a desert island, but I didn't expect to be attracted by this roast fish (waving my hand)]

[long time ago: I suddenly admire LAN like Yu. Fans in the live broadcasting room can eat these every day. I want to pay attention!]

LAN Xiangyu gave the other three roast fish to the other three people, and ran to the tent to shout the kitten.

"Pan pan, Pan Pan got up for dinner!"

LAN Xiangyu found that Pan Pan was always a little depressed in the past few days since he last came back from the dream city of the main federal star.

She went to have a check-up. She was in good health. She thought that the last explosion had some impact on pan pan.

"Panpan, don't sleep any more. Come out to dinner first. There's delicious Qingqing fish!"

The kitten meowed a few times and was carried out of the tent by LAN Yueyu.

Since the last time he forcibly controlled the mecha to kill the Zerg in dreamland, Shen panchi's mental strength that was recovering began to stagnate again. He couldn't eat food that could restore his mental strength these days. He could only reduce his mental consumption as much as possible.

That is - sleep if you can.

Qingqing fish had few spines. LAN Xiyu peeled the delicious fish into two bowls.

Then he got up to make fish soup.

"Because of the limitation of seasoning, the production process of fish soup is very simple. You can cut the washed fish or not. Cook the fish in clean water and put some seasoning when it is cooked."

Because we can't use scallion lettuce, we can only use seasoning powder. The steps of fish soup become much simpler.

Twenty minutes later, a simple pot of Qingwei fish soup came out.

I took a drink in a bowl with a public spoon. It didn't taste much, but fortunately, the meat of Qingqing fish is fresh, tender, fat and juicy. Even if it is stewed with water, it also emits a faint fragrance.

LAN Xiangyu is not very satisfied, but she also knows that under this condition, this pot of fish soup is really good.

[Lanlan: we can also make this roast fish and fish soup! Sisters, do it!]

After eating the roast fish, they divided into stewed fish and fish soup.

LAN Xiangyu came to cook the dishes, so the next cleaning work was done by three other people.

The kitten's belly was full of food. LAN Yueyu rubbed the kitten's belly to help it eat. Suddenly, he felt sleepy, "Oh, it's time for a nap!"

Then he took the kitten into the tent, leaving the audience in the live studio stunned.

[IKK: did you really come to the desert island to survive? Are you sure you didn't come to the desert island to travel? (dog head)]

[Shanshan's little wife: even if this is a desert island to survive, even if there are trillions of viewers watching, it can't stop me from taking a nap (funny)]

[will make do: other guests are eager to perform well in front of the camera. Unexpectedly, LAN Xiangyu went to bed after eating. Ha ha, the painting style is strange.]

[you see, it looks like I want to sleep after drinking the nutrient solution.]

[closer: I came from the live broadcast room of Wang Pingqing next door. Wang Pingqing was embarrassed and miserable.]

If Wang Pingqing and Liu Qilin have one thing about survival skills, then they really don't understand anything about making food.

Neither of them had cooking skills. They just ate exotic meat and made it according to the practice of exotic meat they had eaten in their mind.

Wang Pingqing put the pot on the fire and began to pour water, ready to put two fish into the pot.

"Wait a minute, I think this fish should take off its scales?"

Wang Pingqing nodded, "let's scrape off the scales."

After scraping off the scales, put the fish into the pot and cook.

Wang Pingqing doesn't know when the meat can be cooked, so he can only cook it a little longer. When Wang Pingqing opened the lid of the pot, the fish had been cooked rotten in the pot, leaving only small pieces of meat.

Wang Pingqing looked at Liu awkwardly, "I'm sorry..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Broken meat is good to eat!"

Wang Pingqing remembered that the Qingqing fish she had eaten before had a spicy taste, so she poured the spicy seasoning powder into the soup. Although she couldn't do it, she followed the cook's practice, must be right?!

He fished up small pieces of fish, divided them into two bowls, and scooped up two bowls of fish soup, "OK."

[Qingqing Qing: Wow, the exotic meat made by Qingqing is so delicious and delicious!]

[Qingqing: Qingqing is really great! Not only are people gentle and generous, but they also perform well. Even making exotic meat is so delicious (sprinkle flowers)]